
Arys Arise In Another World Where His Father Was A Legendary Hero

For years, my father has been telling everyone that he was transported into a magical world and became a legendary hero! But I hated his stories. Life was miserable because he acted weird whenever he told the stories of how he saved the world of Evereal from the evil empire. I want out, I want it all gone, and I want it all to end. This is the story of how I get to believe the stories! -- If you are a fan of fantasy, slice-of-life, isekai, and maybe a tinge of slow-burn stories, then maybe this is for you! Semi 1st Person POV. -- UPDATE 3/23/2024 I apologize for the sudden hiatus. I take full responsibility for the lack of communication on my part. I thought writing and updating my story every single day was an easy feat since I thought this hobby wouldn't interfere with my work. I was wrong. It took a toll on me and I stopped scheduling my stocked chapters after realizing I was just writing uninspired chapters with blatantly copied plot points from other famous works. It was borderline plagiarism and I had to stop. I have no other excuse, I got lazy after that. I thought there was no point in continuing the series anymore. I felt like I wasted nights of writing, I haven't even edited past chapters yet. Therefore, I had a solution in mind. I promised myself that I'd write this series to the end and I still intend to do that. But I won't be updating per day or week anymore. I plan to update when I want to instead, I want to do it for myself. I plan to refine the chapters I made that I haven't published and maybe edit the published ones as well. So updates will be very rare, no promises of when this time. I might even reboot the whole story. For now, let me write for myself, I was so preoccupied with writing a story to tell a platform that I failed to consider telling a story that makes me happy. I hope you understand. Cheers.

billydbd · Fantasy
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25 Chs

A Nice Dinner

It was another tiring day of random exercises and useless page-flipping of the dummy thick grimoire. Today's session with Adi was rather short. Must be because of the impulsive sudden alcohol breaks of my so-called master. My curiosity has grown ever since yesterday, Adi has been avoiding my questions about who Andy is.

It is nighttime at the Everkind estate. This reminds me, I need to get used to calling this town Everkind and being referred to as someone from the Everkind family. In three days, all of it will be official.

A servant bowed as I walked past her, "Good evening, lord Arys,"

"Evening," I sigh, the grimoire felt heavier than usual, "Have you seen Master Adi…?"

I swear, I heard a growl before the servant replied, "Yes, he is at lord Barth's library,"

"You mean, Dad's old study?" I perk up, "What is he doing there, I thought that's off limits!"

"Err… the old pervert let himself in as usual," the servant said, "Apologies, I will ask the guards to escort him out!" she clears her throat.

I chuckled awkwardly, "N-no need, I'll talk to him myself,"

"As you wish," she said, "Lady Hearth wishes to inform you that dinner will be served shortly,"

"Ah, so Big Sis is preparing dinner again," I said quite abashed, "Is Lottie helping her?"

"Yes. They are making hamburger steak."

I squirmed, "Another hamburger steak, huh…" Then I smiled sheepishly, "Well, thank you."

"My pleasure, lord Arys," she bowed as I turned around and we both went our separate ways.

As I go on my way to the library while carrying the grimoire, Garth steps into the hallway, he comes from an adjoining corridor where his chambers are. He noticed me moving closer.

Garth approaches, "Do you need help, Arys?"

"Yes, please!" I immediately hand him the heavy book, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Come, Hearth made us dinner," Garth effortlessly carries the grimoire with one hand, he then puts his vacant arm around me.

"Barth is in Dad's old study," we resumed walking.

He looked at me, "You mean his library?" he said, "Let's fetch him for dinner and maybe put this book of yours there,"

"I doubt he'll allow that, he doesn't like it when I touch his stuff," I smirk while looking up at my big brother.

"We have to try or else you will hurt yourself carrying this all day," he ruffles my hair, "Read at the library, it is made for reading,"

"Well… It's not exactly a simple reading kinda of book,"

Garth nods, "Then what is it?"

'It's a grimoire. Master Adi gave it to me, he said I need to familiarize myself with spells before casting a spell," I answered with childish enthusiasm.

Garth chuckled lightly, "Master Adi taught me a few spells that I still use; all Goddess-centric, of course,"

I smiled, "Maybe you can teach me those spells?"

"I do not possess ordinary spells, Arys," he lifted the grimoire in front of us while walking, "Unlike ordinary magic, I can only call upon the Goddess' powers,"

I pursed my lips, "Is it because of the Fury Fever?"

"Yes, it is not a rare condition. Some infamous individuals had made use of the fever, some joined the monastery to cleanse it forever, and some survived it without ever awakening its power," Garth puts down the book, placing his hand back to his side, "But, there are those who make use of it for the better,"

"Like you!" I point at him, "Tell me more!"

Garth smirks, his stern appearance still dominating, "I am not special," he lowered his head down, "But those who are blessed with the power usually join the Knights of Fury, or so I heard,"

Amazed, I asked more questions, "Are you going to join?"

Garth shakes his head lightly, "My duty is here,"

At the age of fourteen, he sounds more mature than me. I wonder what was I like at his age. I didn't say anything else, but I muttered, "So cool!"

When we finally arrived at Barth's library, we stood by the doorway, we didn't want to intrude on Barth's personal space.

"Hey Barf, dinner is ready!" I shouted, "Hearth made us hamburger steak!"

A loud thud reverberated then a groan. Garth and I look at each other. What followed was the rustling sound of piled-up books falling. A bookshelf crashed down on the floor in front of us and what arise is Barth.

"Again…?" he said nonchalantly, fixing his clothes, "Who cursed us for a week of hamburger steak?"

"Have you seen Master Adi?" I try to change the subject.

"He's not here, he left just a minute ago," Barth said as throws some books on the side, "Now, don't change the topic and answer me, why have we been eating nothing but hamburger steak these past few days?!"

"Well, at least we still have eggs and ham for breakfast, am I right?" I laughed awkwardly. They both just stared at me expressionless, "I'm sorry, I must've said something to Hearth, she thinks I'd heal quickly with my favorite meal…" I said.

Barth rolled his eyes, "What book is that?"

"It's Arys' spell book," Garth replied.

"Big brother, a spell book is a book focused only on one spell, it's for those who want to master a specific spell," Barth forms a smug grin, "A grimoire is a collection of basic spells, it is equipped by…" he scans me mockingly, "Basic level mages,"

I leaped onto him, roaring, "Barf-tard!"

"Foolish wordplay!" Barth wrestles me on the floor, "Ha! Your training got your strength weak?!"

From the floor, I could see Barth smiling, he leaned on the doorway hinges and watched us. But, it is true, exhaustion made me weak, I have poured all my youthful energy into trying to understand magic.

"Whoever wins will have my dessert," Garth's voice empowers us.

"You're lucky I'm tired today, Farth!"


We spent a good minute scuffling on top of the papers piled on the floor. Looking around, this room is very poorly lit, and the collection of books is scattered on the floor.

"What have you been doing here, clean up a little!" I tease, finally on top of him, slapping Barth's face.

"Unlike you, I'm doing some real reading!" Barth covers himself poorly.

I could sense my victory, Garth's prize was mine. But, as I look up to see if he's still watching, he is nowhere to be found. Instead, a demoness raging with the motherly instincts of a wild boar stood in Garth's place.

A cold shudder crawled through me, "Hearth!" I winced.

Barth froze, "Hearth!?" his voice quivered.

We quickly withdrew from each other, standing upright, like nothing was happening, "Hello, Big Sis!"

"Just playing around," Barth chuckled nervously.

In our effort to appease Hearth, her aura emanates a negative energy. I widened my eyes as I saw it for the first time. I couldn't gauge it because I don't understand how to read it yet, but the unstable visualization is present.

"Whoa, Big Sis, I could see your negative energy!" I exclaimed in excitement. Barth quickly turns to me in disbelief.

Hearth pinched both of our left ears and dragged us to the dining room where the dining table was prepared and set. We cried on the way there.

At the end of the long table, was Garth, who was already served and began eating his hamburger steak.

"Thank you for this dinner, Hearth," Garth continues to chew on his food.

Hearth threw us on our chairs. I could sense the throbbing soreness of my ear, Barth's ear was swollen and red.

Hearth sat on her seat at the other side of the table, assisted by the servants, "Thank you, brother,"

I grabbed my utensils and started to work on the hamburger steak, "My favorite!"

Barth takes a bite, "Tasty as always," he sniffles.

"Thank you, my little brothers," she giggles innocently, "So, how's everyone's day?"

While munching, I looked up at Garth, "Oh, where did you put the grimoire?"

Garth gestures behind me, "Behind you,"

I glanced at my back and saw the book, "Big Sis, have you read this grimoire?"

"Yes, it is the very same book that Master Adi made me read all those years ago,"

I cut my hamburger into different pieces, "Why do I have to read them?"

She shrugs as she is being poured some juice, "I think it's for you to familiarize with the spells, to get to know which one you're comfortable with as your go-to spell,"

"I see," I continue to chew, "Have you seen Master Adi?"

"No." Hearth's cold reply made me shiver.

"Arys, are you going to study swordsmanship after your magic training?" Barth asks with food still in his mouth.

"Maybe. I think I'm invested in learning more now, though!" I poured myself some juice.

"Maybe I could teach you magic instead of Master Adi, I can teach you basic spells," Hearth happily suggested.

"And maybe I could teach you all the basics of the sword," Garth smiled as he munched on his steak.

"Yes! I would like to learn a skill!" Barth nods, "Teach us before you leave for the Academy, brother!"

Hearth raised her finger, "Garth, please don't forget to write us letters and please try to visit after every semester!"

"I won't," Garth drinks from his cup.

"Hey this is nice," I said. The three of them quickly turn their attention to me.

Hearth chuckles heartily, "Indeed, what a nice dinner!" she smiles as we continue our dinner.