
British colonization bots edition

Author note: to make it less cringe since I will introduce something. I decided to use third person from now on, along with first person,

Also because It makes it easier for me

"Burn Heretics !" William shouted in an artificial voice as he burned down the trees that had become a nausea. the sound of burning, crackling wood filled the air, as tree after tree fell down from the Flamethrower merciless Wrath. It was a satisfying process, watching the trees that have been

slowing down the haulers. At first, they weren't an issue, but now that the nearby supply of ores have been depleted, he had to send the drill units deeper into the forest.

'Fucking trees man, couldn't they just die and fuck off to trees jesus. Well, that wouldn't happen as long as this full of rainbows and sunshine sun doesn't go super nova,. afterall, it's their only source of Ener-'

William's train of thought derailed from it's tracks abruptly the moment a realization struck him. According to the first law of thermodynamics and Einstein's theory, matter and energy are interchangeable.

At that moment, William felt like an idiot, Rightfully so. The builder units have Energy converters, their original purpose is to turn Energy extracted from the Extractor into matter, Which he Forgot because of the fact that there aren't any suitable places to build an extractor on. And importantly, With the current ores situation, this realization is a life saver.

With this in mind, William decided to build solar panels, the cheapest and the least resources demanding Energy source. Thus, his builder units immediately took off to work.

'Not gonna lie, this revolution is making me slightly giddy. Like could you imagine what I could do with a nuclear reactor' He thought, slightly giddy with happiness.

While William was Thinking about the potential this revolution will bring him. The builder units had already started working on the Solar panels. They covered a significant amount of land, They had to be huge to sustain the growing Production lines sufficiently with Power. Thus, the first solar panel have been built, and followed the rest in a short amount of time. The Basic builder units had been always known for their ridiculous Efficiency and speed, a single unit can build a factory in matter of minutes. However, gather a sizeable amount of them, and you'll be able to build a factories in Bulks within a short time frame. Welcome to 'Rusted warfare' my dear friend

William took a look at the impressive amount of solar panels, they were a beautiful sight, their reflective surfaces reflected the light of the sun. Creating a beautiful view. Deciding to go back to more important and matters, he connected the Solar panels to the Factories. The first factory immediately stopped using alloys and metals, and began to use the energy generated by the solar panels to create units.

'Would you just look at that, I have just become self sustaining, Fuck you trees. Now I can concertante about expanding my territory and production lines and not worry about the Ores supply'

thought William in amusement and ambition.

'buy of course, as much as it will speed up my projects, this isn't enough, I'm racing with time. Sooner or later, I will be detected by the imperium or a xeno faction. honestly, i bet on the eldar, they like to cram their noses in other's matters.' William said inside of his head. thinking, planning, then a realization struck his processing units. He doesn't have any real defence

He has to construct a powerful army, otherwise he will be completely overwhelmed and defeated the moment any faction discovers him, he doesn't want to become a slaanesh play thing, he doesn't want to become someone's trophy.

he will make the Galaxy peaceful and united, even if he will have to do it while it's kicking and screaming.

Thus, the processing units of William fired off commands through the thin circuits to the massive amount of factories to start constructing units, they ranged from massive, to small support units.

Thanks to the huge amount of solar panels, the Power grid was able to keep up with the ever growing and demanding factories, afterall.

Hence, the air was filled with the sound of humming machinery and activity, with the sounds of loud mechanical marching, they all formed together to form an industrial environment.

It was quite nostalgic for William, the stress of the past days has alluded him from comprehending he is not on earth anymore, he isn't in his ome, he isn't in kansas anymore. However, he didn't allow himself to drown in his own sadness, he has a lot of work to do, future projects to see the end of their completion, Armies to construct, space ships to build, and most importantly, to reap the fruits of the peace he will try to force upon this galaxy

Hereby, the 4th batch of flamethrower mechs has been constructed successfully. And much more combatant units, factories will be always supplied with Power, with the order to continue mass producing combatant units,

Thus, with having nothing to do currently, William is now left alone with his own thoughts. That is until a mechanical alert struck his soul, an older scout model of his that has been roaming the land since the accursed day he has been reincarnated in this world, got terminated by a hostile animal.

After viewing the data the scout has gathered over his long journey, it was a hefty amount of data that informed him a small amount of the planet's surface. However, what mattered the most to him was what kind of animal struck it down, it looks like if a dog and a gigantic lion cross breed, no wonder it managed to destroy his scout, however, he isn't in the mood to tolerate such nonsense.

So he just sent Air support and ordered the bombers to bomb the living shit out of the animal's general location. Hence It died quickly.

'Taste 100 Ton of freedom mother fucker, that ought to teach your corpse that has been reduced to atoms, to not meet with my shiniest again. Fucking bitch' after his angry and frustrated tirade, William calmed down a little, and returned to his daily musing

'Being an AI is fun and all that, but man, I really miss my penis, and let's not get started about the fact the that I can't feel anything, I know my surroundings through information my sensors provide me, and it's not feelings and sensations, they're just information, like how a person tells you what they hear and see. I really miss my old body. I will try to give my mechanical body the things a human body has in the future, including a sausage and two eggs' and he got interrupted again 'did a flamethrower mech just trip and fall on it's face ?' Thought William amused.

For context, a flamethrower mech is approximately 3x times bigger than a tree

'Next, an experimental tank will somehow flip over because of a rock' thought William amused, and accidentally jinxing himself

[End of chapter 2]

It's time for me to make a new shitty chapter with inconsistent narrative and grammer, and cliche cringe ways to make William realise he's in 40k... wait, was his name actually William ? I dunno

Well, you get the idea. After I tried my hand at writing I suddenly found a new respect for various writers, because when you write the fanfic. a decent writer will try to make it not cringe as much as possible considering their skill.

and oh boy, the first chapter I released was not good. the first chapter you just read was the final product of me realising the shit show of a chapter i made was not good and then editing it

Flake_6309creators' thoughts