
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Ch11: The rule of stealing.

Time passed with days becoming a blur, as winter dropped over the city of Lumeria. The cold winds swept through the streets, and a thin layer of frost settled on the rooftops. Archeas, now accustomed to the relentless rhythm of mining, found the chill seeping into his bones as he worked. Yet, the harsh weather did little to deter his determination.

Though the days were long and exhausting, Archeas spent most of his free time perfecting his ability, Distinguished Ground. He practiced late into the night, pushing the limits of his mana, honing his skill until he could detect almost anything touching the ground. However, he still didn't know the maximum range of his power. "I'll figure it out one day," he thought, shivering slightly as he sat in his small room, concentrating on the energy flowing through him.

Thanks to his new abilities, Archeas now had a steady earning of 30 brass coins per day. His knack for finding valuable minerals had not only increased his income but also garnered him a reputation among his fellow miners. They marveled at his seemingly uncanny ability to locate the richest veins of ore.

One evening, after another grueling day in the mines, Archeas returned to his room, a small but satisfied smile playing on his lips. He counted his coins—30 brass coins earned today, bringing his total savings to a respectable sum.

As he lay on his bed, his body aching but his mind alight with possibilities, he reflected on how far he had come. "From a pickpocket in Crolas to a skilled miner in Lumeria," he mused, feeling a deep sense of pride. "And it's all thanks to this power. I wonder what else I can achieve with it."

Winter's grip tightened on the city, but Archeas felt a warmth within him, a fire fueled by his determination and newfound skills. Each day he grew stronger, more confident in his abilities. And though he had not yet discovered the full extent of his power, he knew that his journey was just beginning.

"I won't stop here," he vowed quietly to himself, gazing out the frost-covered window at the twinkling lights of Lumeria. "I'll keep pushing forward. There's so much more to learn, so much more to do."

With that promise echoing in his heart, Archeas closed his eyes and let the weariness of the day pull him into a deep, dream-filled sleep.

The winter got harsher as the days went on, the chilling air biting deeper than the scant snowfall. The streets of Lumeria became nearly unbearable, the cold seeping into every crack and crevice. Archeas felt the frigid wind cut through his clothes as he trudged to the mines each morning.

"I can't keep doing this," he thought, shivering violently as he worked. But he knew that stopping was not an option. "If I skip work, the foreman will chew me out for sure."

Determined to find a solution, Archeas began experimenting with his mana again. One evening, sitting in his cold room, he focused on generating heat. "Maybe I can warm myself from the inside," he mused, concentrating on his mana. After several failed attempts and a few burns, he finally managed to create a controlled burst of heat.

"I'll call it Flash Fire," he decided, feeling the warmth spread through his body. The first few tries were rough; he nearly set himself on fire once. But with dedicated practice, he mastered the ability, learning to generate just enough heat to keep the cold at bay without burning himself.

The next morning, Archeas activated Flash Fire as he stepped into the icy streets. A comforting warmth spread through his limbs, fighting off the biting cold. "This is much better," he thought with relief, making his way to the mines with renewed confidence.

As the days passed, the other miners noticed a change in him. While they huddled and shivered, Archeas seemed unaffected by the freezing temperatures. They marveled at his resilience, unaware of the magical secret he kept hidden.

"How do you do it, kid?" one of the older miners asked, shaking his head in disbelief. "You don't seem to feel the cold at all."

Archeas just smiled and shrugged, "Just got used to it, I guess."

In the evenings, as he sat in his small room, Archeas reflected on his progress. "Flash Fire is a lifesaver," he thought, feeling the warmth of his mana pulsing gently within him. "I just need to be careful and keep practicing."

The harsh winter continued, but Archeas felt more prepared than ever. Each day in the mines, he worked with a sense of purpose, his body warmed by the controlled bursts of magic. And each evening, he honed his abilities, pushing the limits of what he could do.

"This is just the beginning," he mused one night, gazing out at the snow-covered city. "There's so much more I can achieve with this power."

With a contented sigh, he lay back on his bed, letting the warmth of Flash Fire lull him to sleep, the promise of new discoveries and adventures dancing in his dreams.

One evening, as Archeas emerged from the mine with three heavy sacks of ore slung over his back, he noticed a commotion near the entrance. The foreman stood, whip in hand, lashing at three miners who knelt on the ground, their faces twisted in pain.

Curious, Archeas approached a group of workers standing nearby. "What's going on?" he asked quietly.

"They tried to steal a quart ore," one of the miners replied, shaking his head. "The foreman caught them red-handed."

Archeas watched the scene for a moment, the cracking whip sending shivers down his spine. He turned away, knowing from experience that the rule of stealing was not to get caught. "Better them than me," he thought grimly, pushing the image from his mind.

As he walked back to his lodging, the mention of the quart ore lingered in his thoughts. "Quart ore," he murmured to himself. "Must be valuable if they're willing to risk that kind of punishment."

Archeas decided to keep an eye out for such ore before he left the city next year. "If I can find some without getting caught, it might be my ticket out of here," he mused, a plan beginning to form in his mind.

That night, as he lay in bed, Archeas thought about his future. "I've learned so much already," he reflected. "But there's still more out there for me. I can't stay in Lumeria forever."

His determination solidified, Archeas vowed to find the quart ore and make his escape. "I'll do it smartly," he told himself. "No mistakes."

With that resolve, he drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with visions of gleaming ore and distant horizons.