
Stats and Setting About

Leaning against the wall for support, I gather my thoughts and make a plan.

I can't fight in my current condition, so this room will have to be put on pause. The other issue is that I can't just wonder around, hoping I don't run into any other monsters. I can try to retrace my steps, but that way doesn't lead anywhere, and I still don't know if the monsters I defeated before will appear again.

I interrupt my thoughts for a second, and force myself to straighten my knee, making a loud cracking sound. It hurts, but the bone is in the right location, at least. Taking a breath, I decide to check my Status again.


Level: 1

Class: Artifact Collector

Curse: Automatic Bond

Stats: STR 5 DEX 5 CON 4 MP 5 LK -1 INT 7 ??:??




Normal Leather Gloves

Quality Metal Rod


Huh? My stats went up? I won't complain about that, but why? It wasn't like I did a lot of physical work or anything. I've only fought two monsters, and done nothing but walking around so far!

Maybe it's because I defeated those two monsters? Do my stats increase when I kill something? That would definitely help a lot, and would be great for recovering from the damage I got. Well, I'll take it, for sure.

I also have a new section, with the Artifacts I collected. A sudden idea pops into my head, and I nearly hit myself for not thinking about it before.


STR: The amount of force you can exert. Limited by CON

DEX: How fast you can move, and your control over your body. Limited by CON

CON: how resistant your body is, and how fast it can recover. Limited by STR and DEX

MP: How much mana your body can store and produce. Mana usage is based on OTHER stats

LK: Likelihood of encountering unfavorable situations, and the quality of loot. (Class [Artifact Collector] cancels quality loot reduction from LK)

INT: How fast and efficiently you can process information, and the amount of control you have over your mind



Very good information. Finally looking up! The only issue is how vague the explanations are, and the fact that it doesn't say HOW the stats limit each other. It does make sense though. I know that you can put so much force into a punch that it hurts you from the strain, and that you can run so fast that your body tears., so the fact that the first three limit each other makes sense.

The limit on mana is also confusing. OTHER stats. Does that mean that using too much mana at once can hurt you? I don't think I can use mana yet, from what I can tell, but I can't be sure about that.

While none of my skills have anything to do with mana, it could that mana isn't a resource, but something that you can use, like muscles. Luck now makes more sense as well, with how low it is, and my less than ideal situation.

No way to go back, an injured leg, no idea of what's ahead, and a chamber room in between me and the only way forwards. INT is interesting though. How fast and efficiently I can process information. I can see that being useful for many things. Making plans, the middle of a fight, solving a puzzle, and other things too.

I don't get the whole "control over your mind" thing, but I guess I'll figure it out as the stat goes up. With the last one being all question marks, I still have no idea what it's about, so that's another issue for future me.

Now armed with new information, and my spirits higher than ever, I put my mind to healing my knee. I'll definitely need food, as I already fell hunger from the fights, and water is a necessity. I shouldn't have to worry about being attacked in my sleep, since the monsters only appear when I get close to certain areas.

Setting about gathering the moss, using [Gauge] to make sure it isn't poisonous, and eating the gross "food", I get myself into decent condition faster than I thought I would. Since the moss has a small amount of water in it already, the only thing I need now is a good rest.

Laying down nervously a small distance away from the monster chamber room, I slowly drift off to sleep, letting my body heal before I even try anything difficult.

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dlc_cldcreators' thoughts