
Artian Story Of An Overweighted Boy

Artain is an overweighted boy who is always bullied for his weight. He has to change his school for some reasons. His new classmates rags him to give a flower to Arya. Arya is the most famous and egotistic girl.She and her most famous boyfriend insults him .Every students even their seniors scared of them.Arya snd his boyfriend insults him and everyday they disturb him. Arya has a problem with her parents. Arya fall in love with Artian. But Artian refused to be a relationship with her.Artian realised something He changed his school.After 1 year he came back and surprise everybody.Arya is feeling insecure.Artian’s mom and Arya’s mom are enemies. They try to find out something.

Fariha_islam · Urban
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15 Chs

Artian Reveal The Truth

Artian's parents are so nervous .Artian's mom is crying continuously. Anther try to calm her. The doctor come and say "Don't worry he is okay now". Artian's parents are so relax After hearing that. Anther ask "Doctor what is the reason of his unconsciousness? It never happen before. The doctor it happen because of his stress. Because of his stress his headache got so worse that he couldn't tolerate the pain and he fainted. If I'm not wrong he's just 10 right. What could be the reason of a 10 years old boy to stress that his condition has become like this. I think you should talk to him. Maybe he needs counselling. Anyway he's sleeping now. I'll be discharged sometimes letter. You go meet him". Anther say "Thank you doctor" and they run to Artian's room. Artian's mom is crying kisses his forehead and say "Im sorry dear I promise I will never behave like that. I will never scold you. Please forgive you mom. Please forgive my mistake. Suddenly Artian wake up and confused. He ignore his mom and say "Dad what happened. Why am I doing here" Artian's mom look at Anther with a worry face that her son ignore him. Anther say "Son you fainted thats why we are bringing you here. Don't worry my strong boy is safe now. Artian got discharged and they go back to home. Artian is still ignoring his mom. Artian's mom is so worried for that. Artian's dad say "Alira don't overthink. Its obvious he is angry whit you. Give him some time. After a while he'll cool down" Alira say "You can't understand my feelings. Im a mother. First my regression can't let me do anything. And he's not talking to me. Do you even realise how I feel right now". Anther say "Don't cry love. We know you made a mistake. But the matter is you realise. So what we are are parents toh. Parents also make mistakes. Sometimes we don't accept our faults. Because we think if we accept our mistakes in front of our children then we'll become smaller in their eyes thats why we hide our mistakes by saying don't' talk about what you don't know. But you are not doing it. You accept your mistake. Thats the big thing. Now don't worry relax okay. Your son will cool down and come to you. After two days Artian will go to school. They are having breakfast. Artian say " mon dad can you please come to my school after the class end. Artian's parents are confused. Anther ask okay but why? Something needs to be fixed dad. Okay we will come. When Atian gets on the bus Gen and his friends are pulling his leg by saying "What did your mother beat with you. Next time think before planing against me okay Dumbo. Artian is silent. After the classes end Artian's parents come to the school. Then Artian takes his parents inti The Principal's room. Miss Adira and Mrs Beria are also in the room. The Principal ask "Artian what happened why did you get us together? Artian say " Miss Adira that day you saw I pushed Gen do you know the reason? You thought I pushed him for revenge right. Let me clear you about that. Yes I pushed him. You are right about that. But the reason is different. Sometimes what we see is not truth. So I'll reveal the truth and he took the recorder out of his bag and play the recorder. Everyone in the room is shockd. They were so wrong. Everybody fell so sorry for Artian. The principal say "Gen is just 10. At this age he has learnt bully, planning,plotting. I can't just imagine. Mrs Beria say "Dayn cried that day so bad thats looked to real. Even I trusted him so easily. Miss Adira say "We made a huge mustake. We judge before recognise the truth. That is our big mistake. We blame Artian for his weight. We shouldn't have done it" Artian's mom is thinking "I'm his mother. I should know my son better. I should search the truth before punish him.I was so wrong. What did I have done. Artian's father say "I knew my son can never do this. You reveal the truth son I'm so proud of you.