
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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Chapter 384

Jack Welch and Bob Wright had no intention of selling NBC, but they wished for NBC to closely collaborate with Hollywood's movie groups.

Under the premise of holding control of NBC, they wanted support from Hollywood in the content domain.

Obviously, Hollywood's movie groups weren't going to make things easy for others. If they couldn't control the TV station's operations, they wouldn't unite.

After General Electric's negotiations with Disney failed, they turned their attention to the Galaxy group, which had just acquired MGM.

In the car back to Manhattan's Upper East Side, Arthur leaned back in his seat, contemplating, "So, Disney is already in touch with Capital Cities/ABC?

Capital Cities/ABC's major shareholder is Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett's company!"

Jennifer Aniston, holding onto Arthur's arm, spoke up, "What are you thinking about? You seemed to be pretty happy chatting with Jack Welch from General Electric earlier?"

"Happy?" Arthur chuckled, his hand caressing the blonde's thigh. Jennifer Aniston's figure had become more and more attractive.

"He's the Chairman and CEO of a company valued at a whopping $90 billion! General Electric wants to merge NBC with my Galaxy MGM, but I didn't agree," Arthur didn't hide anything since it wasn't a big deal to him.

"Is that so? No wonder he wanted to meet you," Jennifer Aniston realized.

Arthur lowered his head and kissed the blonde, whispering softly in her ear, "The way you appeared in a wedding dress in the first episode of Friends was stunning!"

In the first episode, Jennifer Aniston's character Rachel appeared in a wedding dress, embodying both sexiness and beauty.

"Really? If you want to see it, I can wear it for you anytime," Jennifer Aniston said, rubbing her face against Arthur's.

Back in Manhattan's Upper East Side, the two rushed into the bedroom, leaving their expensive evening gowns discarded on the carpet!

Arthur was kissing Jennifer Aniston's chest, "Sweetheart, by the time the first season of Friends finishes airing, you'll become America's sweetheart. By then, the six main characters of Friends will all be famous!"

"Really? That impressive?" Jennifer Aniston said, moving against Arthur.

"Of course, especially you. By then, you'll be recognized by many and become a superstar," Arthur knew how popular Friends would become. After two or three seasons, Jennifer Aniston's influence would be that of a top American actress.

Jennifer Aniston smiled, holding the man tightly, "So, by then, having America's sweetheart under you, feels pretty accomplished, right?"

Arthur lifted his head, looking at the sexy and beautiful Jennifer Aniston beneath him, "Hey, we've known each other for so long, watching you become America's sweetheart, isn't it more interesting?"

"Mm," Jennifer Aniston wrapped her arms around Arthur's neck and expressed herself with a kiss.

Since Friends, starring Jennifer Aniston, was being filmed and aired simultaneously, she quickly returned to the Galaxy Studio in Glendale, Los Angeles.

Staying in New York, Arthur then went straight to Boston. Across the Charles River from Boston was Cambridge, America's academic stronghold.

Harvard University and MIT were both located in Cambridge.

Arthur specifically came to visit Lee Boo-Jin, who was studying for her MBA at MIT.

"Didn't expect you to come so quickly to see me," Lee Boo-Jin said, holding Arthur's arm, as they strolled along Charles River Drive.

"Yeah, just came over from New York, it's not far," Arthur responded leisurely, "How is life in Boston? Have you gotten used to it?"

Lee Boo-Jin smiled, "It's alright. I'm only here for an MBA, not undergraduate studies!"

Arthur understood that studying for an MBA was just spending money to get a diploma. He wondered how many classes Lee Boo-Jin would actually attend?

October weather in Boston was a bit chilly, with winter arriving early, which felt different for Arthur, who was used to life in Los Angeles.

"I've already called my family. I can take over Shilla Hotel when I return, and then discuss cooperation with your Ritz-Carlton," Lee Boo-Jin said, frowning, "Entering Samsung Electronics is also no problem. Now Samsung is focusing a lot of resources on car manufacturing. Hyundai, Daewoo, Kia, and Ssangyong (KG Mobility), the local brands in Korea, are all opposing Samsung's entry into the car industry.

Samsung has many internal oppositions too, but my grandfather's dream has always been car manufacturing, and my father also hopes Samsung can surpass Hyundai!"

"It's alright. You've just graduated and haven't entered the management yet. Don't think too much," Arthur patted her shoulder. Samsung's various industries were quite mixed.

"I'm currently interning at the Ritz-Carlton in Boston. Perhaps starting a Ritz-Carlton hotel in Korea isn't a bad idea!"

Arthur smiled, "Sure, we can have Samsung's Shilla Hotel collaborate with Ritz-Carlton in Korea. Ritz-Carlton Group is now taking a high-end route, choosing only large cities or famous tourist destinations."

Then, Arthur pulled her over and kissed her directly. After the initial surprise, Lee Boo-Jin responded by wrapping her arms around his neck.

After the kiss, Lee Boo-Jin, hugging Arthur, said coquettishly, "Alright, let's go have dinner. There's a seafood restaurant near where I live that's quite nice. Let's try it!"

"Let's go. Boston's lobster and shellfish are quite famous," Arthur smiled, putting his arm around Lee Boo-Jin's waist as they headed to the parking lot.

Lee Boo-Jin lived in an affluent community in Dover, west of Boston, in a standalone two-story villa.

Wanting to train herself in independent living skills, she chose to live alone without any bodyguards arranged by her family.

After enjoying seafood, they drove back to Lee Boo-Jin's villa.

"Let me make you a cup of coffee?" Lee Boo-Jin asked, taking off her coat and heading to the kitchen.

Arthur looked around the house casually and, after sitting on the sofa, pulled Lee Boo-Jin onto his lap, "No need to bother. Aren't there any maids or housekeepers? Do rich kids like you usually do laundry and cook?"

Lee Boo-Jin smiled, "I gave them time off!"

Arthur kissed her earlobe softly, "Did you give them time off because I was coming over?"

"Mmh, what do you think?" Lee Boo-Jin whispered, her breath fragrant.

