
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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Chapter 336

"Mr. Valenti, I also have a private investment company called California Pacific Investment Company. I know some investors on Wall Street," Arthur said.

"MGM's current performance is terrible. If they have the ability to buy low and sell high, I have nothing to say," Arthur continued, "But don't forget, Galaxy is currently the most profitable movie company globally. Now, Galaxy is screening investors, not looking for investors.

Galaxy is mine. Any capital coming in needs to sign the necessary agreements!"

Arthur didn't have a good impression of the hedge funds Jack Valenti mentioned; he found them to be a bunch of cunning individuals.

"But Arthur, they..." Jack Valenti began, but Arthur cut him off directly. "Deutsche Bank, Citibank, Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Sakura Bank, Mitsubishi Bank, Merrill Lynch, and Salomon Brothers, also, Fidelity Investments, TPG Capital, Vanguard, and Bain Capital, KKR; All these banks and investment companies have cooperative relationships with Galaxy," Arthur looked at Jack Valenti as if he was looking at an idiot.

"Do you think Galaxy lacks money? I just don't want to overpay to acquire a broken MGM. Currently, Galaxy's valuation is much higher than MGM's. I'm worried that MGM might become a burden for Galaxy. After all, we both know what's left of MGM. My only concern is the price MGM will offer. I won't be as desperate as Summer Redstone."

Other major movie companies have hundreds of potential projects each year, not to mention stored scripts and stories. Even small movie companies have dozens of backup scripts; But MGM? They haven't focused on movies for years.

Jack Valenti was stunned. So, all the news outside was just gossip?

MGM's current business is poor, with hardly any revenue outside their videotape library. Many people view MGM as indeed terrible!

Apart from Arthur, almost no one knew about the impending explosion of the DVD market, which would double the value of their film library.

The videotape market is relatively small, unable to compete with the box office market, but DVDs are different; they represent a doubling of box office revenue!

"Arthur, don't you want to save MGM's illustrious brand from disappearing? If Kirk Kerkorian buys MGM for the third time, it's likely that MGM will fade away into history just like RKO," Jack Valenti wanted to save MGM no matter what.

Arthur squinted, "I am a pure businessman. If MGM's price exceeds my expectations, I will give it up. Because, I am confident that Galaxy will become a leading Hollywood studio. How long can the MPAA resist the pressure to refuse Galaxy membership?"


After Jack Valenti left, Arthur called his assistant, Anna Walker, instructing the PR department to downplay the MGM acquisition.

Arthur did want to acquire MGM but was unwilling to pay an overly high price. Luckily, only Kirk Kerkorian had shown interest in MGM, which relieved Arthur from worrying about competitors!

Later, Arthur met Sophie Marceau by the pool at the Four Seasons Hotel. She had just attended the French Cesar Awards.

"I thought you would stay in France for a bit longer before coming here?" Arthur hugged Sophie Marceau.

Sophie Marceau lazily shook her head. "I received a script and wanted to ask you about it. It's a joint investment by Paramount and 20th Century Fox. It's an epic historical film directed and starred by Mel Gibson, called Braveheart, based on the story of Scottish hero William Wallace!"

"Oh, Braveheart?" Arthur hadn't forgotten about this film. "You playing the French princess is quite fitting."

Sophie Marceau sipped her coffee. "Aren't you and Mel Gibson at odds? Should I take part in his film?"

Arthur laughed. "What does my relationship with him have to do with you? Besides, given my current status, would Mel Gibson dare say a bad word about me in front of the media?"

"Just take it. Mel Gibson has the ability; Braveheart is essentially a film for men, so your role won't be large. You'll just be eye candy. Be prepared!"

Arthur remembered that in a previous life, Sophie Marceau was very angry during the filming of Braveheart because of Mel Gibson's dominant role.

All other characters seemed unimportant, which irritated Sophie Marceau, who disliked being just a pretty face. After the shoot, she returned to Europe and didn't take any Hollywood roles for several years until The World Is Not Enough.

"An eye-candy?" Sophie Marceau frowned upon hearing this. She already didn't like Hollywood's over-commercialized films.

Now, hearing that it's just an eye candy role, she was clearly reluctant.

Moreover, Sophie Marceau had previously starred in the successful film A Few Good Men and had participated in other Hollywood movies. This wasn't like her first foray into Hollywood, unlike in another timeline when she saw Braveheart as her Hollywood debut!

"Alright," Arthur patted Sophie Marceau's hand to comfort her, "You can do it. Braveheart is a big production with a $70 million investment, and Mel Gibson is a top Hollywood star. This film will have a significant impact and will help expand your international fame. Just consider it participating in a commercial film!"

Sophie Marceau looked at Arthur. "Do you really think this movie will be good?"

Arthur nodded. "It's good enough. Mainly, Mel Gibson's talent is undeniable. For that alone, he's worth investing in."

Of course, his issues with drinking, violence, and white supremacy are another matter.

That said, Braveheart is indeed an excellent movie. If Forrest Gump weren't releasing this year, Arthur would have wanted Forrest Gump to compete with Braveheart at the Oscars next year!

"I see," Sophie Marceau trusted Arthur's judgment. "Originally, Princess Isabella in Braveheart was offered to Jodie Foster. But in the end, they went with me, a Frenchwoman!"

Jodie Foster had just worked with Mel Gibson on Maverick last year. But now, she was focused on filming Home for the Holidays with her production company.

Also, Braveheart's budget wasn't large. Jodie Foster's fee, as a two-time Oscar-winning actress, was not something Sophie Marceau's could match!

