
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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Chapter 15: The Curly Haired Girl

In Hollywood, on Melrose Avenue, Arthur drove to a parking lot near the Paramount Pictures studio and then walked in.

The heavy and ancient golden archway showcased the deep heritage of one of Hollywood's oldest film companies!

Since Days of Thunder was a Paramount production, the preparation was done in one of the studio's sound stages.

Disney and Warner Bros. had moved to Burbank, Columbia TriStar moved to Culver City this year, leaving Paramount as the only major studio still geographically in Hollywood.

The golden archway, known as the Bronson Gate, was a significant landmark of Paramount, but Arthur had no time to pay attention to these details.

Days of Thunder was another collaboration between director Tony Scott and Tom Cruise, following Top Gun, a $60 million action blockbuster!

"Hi, could you tell me where the audition for Days of Thunder is?" A tall, curly-haired redhead walked up to Arthur and asked.

"Days of Thunder?" Arthur looked up at the person in front of him. She had snow-white skin, a curvaceous figure, and deep blue eyes that could captivate anyone's soul.

With her distinctive curly hair, Arthur immediately recognized her as the young Nicole Kidman.

"Over there," Arthur pointed to the sound stage at the back of the studio. "Are you here for the audition?"

Just arrived from Australia, Nicole Kidman, who was 22 years old, replied, "Yes, I am here for the audition."

Nicole Kidman looked at Arthur and asked, "Are you also here for the audition?"

"Uh, yes, let's go," Arthur shrugged and extended his hand. "Arthur Smith. I'm just here to audition for a minor role."

"Nicole Kidman. I'm a newcomer from Australia," Nicole Kidman shook hands with Arthur. "Have you acted in films before?"

"I just finished shooting Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands as a supporting actor. The movie will be released next year," Arthur replied honestly.

"The director of Batman," Nicole Kidman chatted with Arthur as they walked. "I used to act in films and TV shows in Australia. The competition in Hollywood is really tough!"

Nicole Kidman was there to audition for the female lead in Days of Thunder, but after seeing Tom Cruise's height, she didn't think she would get the role.

Nicole Kidman was 5'11", and Tom Cruise was much shorter at 5'7". Clearly, they were not a suitable match to play a couple.

"Days of Thunder is a big film, so the competition is indeed fierce," Arthur said, glancing at Nicole Kidman. "Don't worry, with your looks, you have a good chance of being selected."

"Do you know what role I am auditioning for?"

"Need I guess? You're so beautiful, it must be the female lead, the one who falls in love with Tom Cruise in the movie," Arthur laughed. "As long as Tom Cruise agrees, the role is yours."

Nicole Kidman sighed, "Tom Cruise, which actress doesn't want to work with him now?"

A few minutes later, they arrived at the sound stage where the Days of Thunder crew was based. Nicole Kidman was surprised by the number of people, "So many people?"

Outside the office, there were already many young and beautiful girls waiting.

"Welcome to Hollywood, the dreamland of countless actors," Arthur smiled. "That's the audition room over there. It hasn't even started yet, and so many people are already here."

"Tom Cruise's charm is undeniable!"

Most of the young and beautiful actresses were clearly there for Tom Cruise, as being cast would be a great opportunity to become famous.

After a while, casting director David Rubin asked everyone to wait.

"Why aren't you nervous?" Nicole Kidman noticed that Arthur seemed indifferent and asked curiously.

"Why should I be nervous? The important supporting roles in Days of Thunder should have been decided already. I'm just here for an audition as a formality because the producer is giving face to my agency."

"In Tom Cruise's movies, apart from the female lead, the other roles are relatively insignificant," Arthur shrugged. "I'm here because the pay is good. Otherwise, I'd rather stay home and write scripts."

"Writing scripts?" Nicole Kidman was initially drawn to Arthur because he was young and handsome. Now she found him even more interesting.

"You're also a screenwriter?"

Arthur rolled his eyes, "Acting is not my main focus. My major is production and screenwriting. Acting courses were just electives."

Having talked with Arthur since the gate, Nicole Kidman felt like she knew him a bit, "Have you adapted any of your works?"

"Well, almost. I handed my first script to my agent last week. I finished it while shooting Edward Scissorhands."

Nicole Kidman smiled, "You're still young, yet you're already writing scripts. That's impressive!"

Arthur waved his hand, "It's tough!"

Arthur dreamed of developing films, but without a benefactor, who knew how long it would take? With budgets often reaching millions of dollars, it was challenging.

"Arthur Smith, it's your turn," a staff member called.

"Oh, coming," Arthur nodded to Nicole Kidman. "I'm going in now!"

In the room on the right, Arthur entered and saw casting director David Rubin frowning, feeling a bad premonition.

"We need someone with racing experience, Arthur, and it seems..."

Arthur's audition ended in less than three minutes.

David Rubin's assistant asked after Arthur left the room, "This Arthur Smith just played a supporting role in Edward Scissorhands."

"We can consider him for the fourth male lead, a racer," the assistant suggested.

David Rubin shook his head, "No, Arthur doesn't fit."

David Rubin felt that Arthur's presence was too eye-catching. In a Tom Cruise movie, there shouldn't be any other focal points besides Cruise!

"You finished so quickly?" Nicole Kidman saw Arthur come out.

"No worries, it's not my first time. Maybe the role was already decided," Arthur didn't mind. He noticed that there were still many actresses waiting.

On the other side, the director, producer, and Tom Cruise were auditioning the female lead, facing less competition than Arthur.

"Nice meeting you. Good luck. I'll leave now," Arthur said, planning to visit other studios for potential work.

"Thank you for your help today," Nicole Kidman smiled. "Can I have your phone number? If I get the role, I'll treat you to a meal!"

Arthur took the pen and paper from Nicole Kidman and wrote down his home phone number, "Find a French restaurant; I love French cuisine."

"All my good luck today is yours. You're definitely getting the lead role. Trust me!"

Nicole Kidman put the paper and pen back into her bag and smiled, "I hope so..."

