
The Prince

Artoria and Hayami stopped and watched as Arthur was sparring against Akira. Arthur had to tone down his strength so it would be a battle of skill rather than strength. Arthur and Akira started getting into a rhythm as soon enough all Artoria could see were sparks and flashes were the blades made contact.

Akira decided to stop as it was time to switch however he told Hayami that Arthur already had his magic under control. Hayami nodded but still needed confirmation.

Arthur then performed mana burst and Strike Air: Hammer of the Wind King, Hayami was satisfied as she simply sparred with him.


Arthur and Artoria were now 14 as they had been called by their father. Uther called them as they had been avoiding publicity for a while now. The prince was holding a party and extended an invitation for the two of them to attend the party. Arthur and Artoria perked up when food was mentioned. Uther seeing this warned them to mind their manners.

Arthur and Artoria boarded the carriage as they made their way to the castle. Surprisingly the prince was there to greet them himself. Arthur simply let Artoria out first before stepping out and greeting the prince.

The prince looked at Arthur Pendragon and thought that he gave of a kingly vibe, as Arthur walked into the castle he saw his back straight with confidence and charisma. The prince smiled and followed them in.

Most of the guests were looking at Arthur and Artoria as they consumed plate after plate after plate. Some theorised that their stomachs were bottomless pits. The prince found this amusing as they were quite the pair of siblings. Their ahoge twitched ever so slightly when they ate. The twitching soon became swinging, the joy on their faces was evident until HE came.

A slave trader by the name of Donovan. He approached the two siblings as they were eating and asked "Would you like to have a look at my products?" Arthur simply asked "Are they delicious?" Artoria nodded as well. The prince was amused until he realised from their facial expressions. They truly did not know who Donovan was.

The prince secretly followed the two as he wanted to know what type of people they were. Arthur was excited for the different types of food he would see. What awaited him and Artoria were horrifying.

The prince watched as the swinging of Arthur's ahoge stopped and became rigid. Arthur without even hesitating knocked the Donovan into the wall and probably causing a few bones to fracture.

Arthur simply dropped a few gold bars from the gate and left after freeing the slaves. The prince smiled as he thought "They seem like nice people." The prince was sick of all the people trying to lick his shoes just because he was the prince. No he wanted someone that would simply call him Roland, his name.

Artoria was in a sour mood after witnessing the scene. She knew that slavery was legal in this country but still it did not register in her moral codes.

Arthur simply walked in silence as he thought about what happened. A shadow appeared near the end of the hall, Arthur tensed up as he summoned his invisible blade to his hand.

Arthur immediately dismissed the blade when he saw the prince. The prince smiled as he waved "Everyone's worried about you as you disappeared!" Arthur gave an explanation about how they decided to buy the slaves freedom.

The prince smiled as he led them back to the main hall. Everyone looked at them as they saw a bit of blood on Arthur's fist. Arthur smiled and assured them "Don't worry I accidentally got some tomato juice on my fist when I took a bite." His dazzling smile and B ranked charisma managed to convince everyone as they continued to party.

That was until a degenerate looking noble decided to propose to Artoria. His face looked akin to a pig as was the rest of his body. His hands were pudgy and covered in grease, his eyes gave a lustful look at Artoria. The other nobles and the royal family were looking at the situation taking place. The prince had a disgusted look on his face as he sincerely hoped that Arthur would teach him a lesson.

Arthur frowned and asked "Artoria, do you accept his proposal?" Artoria shook her head while the noble looked shocked. The other nobles were all whispering as the noble started shouting. The noble was only a viscount whereas Uther was a Duke. The noble had prepared something as a backup plan.

In this country it is operated by laws but if you want something that another person has and he is not willing to sell it. You may initiate a duel but the rules of a duel vary and depending on the victor, some may lead to death.

The noble offered his terms "If I win, I want Artoria Pendragon's hand in marriage." Arthur kept his rage under control as he left it as a ocean that would sink him to the depths. "If I win, Pig Face over there gets sent to live in the forest for two months." This was not so bad as he would dish out most of the punishment during the fight.

The nobles moved to the royal battle ground. The prince was looking at Arthur hoping that he would beat his arse. It was quite rude for him to say this but that man had tried to go for his sister as well.

Arthur looked at the disgusting noble whose name was revealed before the duel as Henry. Arthur narrowed his eyes before unleashing a torrent of mana. Turquoise energy started crackling like electricity, the ground started cracking under the force of his mana. The noble backed off a bit before raising his own mana in response. The other nobles who were watching were slightly chuckling as it was clear who would win. Arthur's mana was dwarfing Henry's mana like a pebble to a mountain.

Henry watched as a vague image of a dragon appeared as a silhouette of Arthur's mana. Arthur without giving him time to think immediately use Mana Burst to appear before Henry as his blade came crashing down.

To the nobles Arthur simply became a flash of turquoise light before reappearing in front of Henry.

Henry relied purely on instinct as he raised his sword up and blocked? the attack.

The nobles looked as the dust cleared, Arthur's green eyes pierced the dust as he walked out. The scene left behind gave the impression that a giant mouse trap had just slammed onto Henry.

His face was bloodied as his nose caved in. His belly got pounded skinny as his arms were broken after taking the attack.

Arthur simply huffed his nose and gave a thumbs up towards Artoria who smiled and gave her own thumbs up.