
Arthur Godfrey: A GOT Fanfic (DROPPED)

I DON'T OWN GAME OF THRONES COVER NOT MINE *DROPPED* * I have decided to write another book with the same concept i thought of for this fic * Arthur Godfrey formerly Snow. Some say He is Evil, some say he is a Good Man. But nevertheless he was a Bastard, a Bastard who will do anything As long as it is in his Morals. He became a Lord at the age of 16, he became one when he defeated an Army of 100 Wildlings. He was the youngest Lord Ever. In the time of his Lordship he was a Great Lord, inventing ways for more efficient farming, made his people rich with food, and last but not least he was great Military Man. He made the Night's Watch better with limited Gold, Trained the Soldiers better, and many more. He was a Great Man. But all Great Men have Enemies. Arthur Godfrey, Exiled and Forgotten, Shall Return to the Spotlight With the Might of his Own Empire Behind Him. The Time for the World to have It's Ruler Starts Now. Roma Victor. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hello i am LuffyTaro and this is my second Story Ever. My last story is short and i mean REALLY short so i don't think this is gonna be that long either. At most 25 chaps May or may not add relationships I am hoping to make this story as successful as the last so wish me good luck. I hope you enjoy the story!

LuffyTaro15 · TV
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33 Chs

Servant of Death

As the Threat of the Three Free Cities loomed over Braavos, Arthur and the Rest of Legio II were completely oblivious of what is Happening in Essos. As of right now, they are Planning on their Campaign in the Reach.

"So i take it, Calisto, The Men is Ready for War?"

"With a Speech like That, I would say more than Ready. They are Eager for War."

"I thought as much. How is our Supply? Can it Sustain us for the Whole War?"

"Yes, We have more than enough Food, Medicine, Armors, and Weapons."

"Good. Raganvad, Have you Finished Arranging the Prisoners that has no Families in Westeros or Whatsoever That has Very Good Skills and is Intelligent?"

"Ah, Yes. They are 60 out of our 150 Prisoners."

"Well, isn't that a bit much? 60 Soldiers without any Families left?"

"Not Really, Arthur, No. It is very common for Men without any Families Left to join the Army. They may have different reasons but it is common all the same."

"Hmmm, Okay. I will meet them Later. Now, onto different matters. How is the Repairs for our Ships going?"

"We did as you Ordered and Repaired the Original Roman Ships First, we completed Eight of Them and another Two of the Ships you Brought from Dragonstone. Only five Remains, All of which ships from Dragonstone."

"Good, You can stop the Repairs. Dismantle the Ships and use it as Wood for the Extra Armor of the Ships that Raganvad will be Using for Ramming the Enemies. A Little Upgrade won't Hurt. How long can you do this?"

"Well, with the amount of workers we have we can do it in Two Days. But we can only Add the Woods to the Upper section of the Hull, Our makeshift Crane isn't High enough for that. Also, With that amount of wood, I think we can only Upgrade Five ships."

"It's okay. It is more than Enough. Now, Is there any news from the Seven Kingdoms, Calisto?"

"The Army that Jon Connington Led into Stoney Sept has been Destroyed. The Misinformation that was Fed to Him Led him to Not Check Stoney Sept and Pursue up North. There he Met the Entire Contingent of the Northern, Vale, Riverlands Army. After a Fierce Battle He was Defeated but was Able to Retreat, But with his Haste, He met Robert Baratheon South, Who was Informed by Lord Stark that Lord Connington had been Defeated and asked him to Meet Lord Connington down South. Lord Connington's Army was Destroyed. Although He himself was able to Escape. But I think he would not Survive Kings Landing too as I am Pretty Sure that the Mad King would Exile Him, If not Burn Him."

"Hmmm.. Looks like Eddard has a Good Brain for War after all. Very Good, Calisto. You have yet again Proven yourself to be Worthy of being the Spy Master of Rome. As for Connington possibly being Exiled, If he is Exiled then He will flee to Essos, Which is why Im sure we will meet Him again some time. Keep an eye on Him."

"Of Course, Arthur. Is there anything else you want to know?"

"Hmmm, How is the Siege on Storms End going?"

"Stannis is Becoming Desperate. If this Siege continues on for a Fortnight, then They're Food will Run Out. The Edible one's that is."

"Raganvad, How long can you Relieve Storms End?"

"Enough to See Most of them Dead. If not Half of them."

Silence Filled the Chamber, Realizing that the Incident has not also Caused the Death of their Men, but also Potentially Most of the Men defending Storm's End. It was a Difficult Fact they would have to Face.

"Let's change the Topic, How is Exsilium? Is everything going Smoothly There? The Construction of the Man-Made River? I have Asked Ariana about it, but the Travel of the Messengers are quite Far."

"Everything is Going Smoothly, Arthur. The Digging of the River is as Good as Ever. The People are Happy, And Empress Ariana is Doing a Very Great Job of Maintaining Rome, and Ruling It."

At that Comment He Smirked, He knew Ariana was More than Capable of Ruling Rome. Even if He is not Ruling it, He know's Rome would Prosper.

"Also, Your Child is Ver Healthy, According to the Maester Arno."

"Thank You. You are all Dismissed."

They Left one by one with Arthur Deciding to stay in the Chamber to Finish his Paperwork. The Bane if Being a Ruler.

He Sat there, Silently Signing Paperwork and Writing Decrees here and there. While doing so, He hummed along with the Beautiful Music of the Flute that can be Heard Since they have Anchored here, in the Middle of the Narrow Sea.

He had Seen the Soldier, Playing the Flute, and He would say that He is Very Skilled. When He asked the Soldier How he Learned to Play the Flute, He simply replied;

'I Play The Flute To Calm My Mind, And A Calm Mind Learns Very Easily.'

He would Treasure those Words to Heart, Although Edward, The Soldier was not High in Terms of Social Status, He was one of His People. And He Treasures His People Very Much.

And as much as He wanted to Rest and Listen to the Flute after He had Finished Paperwork, Rest is for the Wicked. And so, He changed His Clothes into Armor, Replacing His Silky Black Tunic into a Leather Black Armor with Mithril Under it and over it a Black Coat made of Fur.

He brought His Magnificent Valyrian Steel Sword into It's Sheathe and Walked outside the Door. He was Again Greeted by the Sight of His Kingsguard in their Magnificent Armor, Guarding the Door to the Council Chamber.

He Acknowledge them with a Few Light Hearted Words. Arthur, Along with His Kingsguard, Went to the Ships occupying the Prisoners, They Crossed over the Manmade Bridges they Made to make the Travel Ship by Ship, Much Easier.

He went to the Ship, and was Greeted by the Centurion. The Centurion Saluted with a Hand to His Heart and Went Directly Below the Deck to get the Prisoners He Summoned For.

The wait was not Very Long. His Four Kingsguard - Who was Standing at His Back - Immediately Went To His Side, Their Spears Slightly Slanted forward. It was Clear that it was a Threat.


The Centurion Looked into Arthur's Eyes, Waiting for Permission to Follow the Captain of His Kingsguard's Order.

"Now, Now, Ares. It doesn't have to be like that. They are Chained as it is, so they can't Really do Anything. Besides, I can fight on my own well enough."

The Dutiful Kingsguard was still Wary but Dropped His Hostility. Slightly.

After a Moment of Looking at their Faces, Arthur Walked Around the Lined up Men. Very Slowly, He Inspected them, How they Behaved, How Healthy they were, etc.

The Sound of His Boots walking slowly on the Deck of the Ship Unnerved the Prisoners. Why? This was Arthur the F**king Impaler for God's Sake. Death's Sake.

He was Rumored to be Death's Emissary Himself/Herself, He was Fearless, He was the Bane of the Dothraks, The Master of War. The Emperor of Rome.

Even though Rome, was still not Founded as a Kingdom for the Past Two Years, They may as Well have Been.

Their Territories were Called Rome, Both Braavos, And Exsilium, Along with the Sea Separating them.

They Had a Formidable Emperor, One that Gained His Title as Emperor, He was Undefeated in Combat, Battles, and War.

He Once Massacred an Entire Horde - Only Sparing the Slaves and Childrens - Because They Entered the Lands of Rome, And he Proudly Impaled them In the Border of the Lands of the Horse Lords Itself.

And the Dothraki's Couldn't Even take the Bodies. Why? They Feared to even Enter the Lands of Rome. And they were Standing in His Presence, Specially Picked, For what Purpose they Didn't Know. And that Terrified Them.

Would they be Tortured? Would their Insides be Taken out of their Body to be Experimented on? Would they be Made as Soldiers Like the Unsullied? C**kless and Ready to Obey their Masters Command in an Instant? They. Didn't. Know.

Arthur Circled them Three Times, And once those Three Rounds of Inspecting them, He once again Stood to their Front, Ready to Address them.

"As all of you Know, You are here Because you were Specially Selected. There are 60 of You, All of whom don't have any Families left, Whatsoever."

He Stopped, Letting His words process through their Heads.

"The Purpose of your Selection is to Give you a Chance. After this war Ends, and if you are Still Alive, Then you will go back to the Way you Live. Serve at the Barracks or Become a City Watch. But I am Giving all of you a Chance. A chance to have a New Life."

He looked at their Faces, Which showed Curoiusity.

"In this new Life, you will Be Trained, and Taught To become Officers of My Army Centurions, Primus Pilus, Legates, Or any other Positions in My Legions. You will be Treated Fairly, Given a Good Salary, and a Comfortable Life."

( A/N: Just Like Genghis Khan, If you don't know what I am Talking about then I recommend you watch Videos about Him, Specially One's that is From Kings And Generals on Youtube )

The Men's Faces looked as if Contemplating. After giving them some Time, He Continued.

"Choose. Step Forward if you Accept."

20 Men stepped forward in Total, But One Caught His Eyes. Everyone else was Either Mostly Confident or Not-So Confident. But this Man was Absolutely Confident, And he Didn't Know Why.

"The rest of you can Leave."

With a Nod of His Head, The Centurion Led the Men who Hadn't Accepted back under the Deck.

"Now all of you will be Taught at Either the Academy's at Braavos or Exsilium, you can choose. Although only for the Earlier Years. It would be Two Years in Total, More if you don't meet the Expectations."

Another Pause for the Information to Sink In.

"But, There is Another Proposal. One that has the Same Qualities as Earlier but Has a Much Steeper Learning Step. And Much Harder Missions - Missions that you will have to Complete Alone - After you Graduate the Academy. Graduate means Finish. Think about it."

He gave them another Moment to think about the Proposal.

"Now, Step Forward if you Accept."

Five Men Stepped Forward. And One Caught His Eye. Again. The Man, Who He took Interest in Stepped Forward. Confident as Ever, With no Hesitation in His Eyes whatsoever.

The Man Noticed His Eyes and Smirked. Arthur just Turned to the Others.


"All right, All of you will be Led by your New Teacher Here."

The Men looked towards the Old Man to Arthur's Back. They were then Led by Him to the Other Ships.

"Now, You will be Sent to the House of Black and White on Braavos."

Shock Looks entered their Faces, Instead of One Man.

"You will Learn there on How to be an Assassin, Not a Normal Assassin, But an Assassin that is Part of the Brotherhood."

Arthur walked towards the Confident Man, Stared at Him right into His Eyes.

"What Is Your Name?"


And A Servant of Death Has Arrived.