
Arthur's Adventurer In Soul Land (On Hiatus)

[ this Fanfic is on Hiatus for indefinite period of time] Arthur a man whose soul was pulled into a space-time Portal was saved by an old man who reincarnated him in world of soul land and his reincarnate changed the timeline of the world completely

AGENTYASH · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

chapter 14 - Adam Meets Tang san and Inner world Cultivation Spreads across God Relam

Arthur after going threw his inner world came back to real world and went to his father's house in Shrek City , with the money his father Adam left to his grandfather, his grandfather bought a mansion in city to live in , even though his is normal daily cultivating he gose to home every weekend

When Arthur went inside mansion he saw his grandfather , his adopted parants and his father Adam , due to his Cultivation of rank 97 8 of 9 test he was able to finish within a year and he has reached rank 99

Arthur met and Hugged Adam and said "Dad you have reached quasi-god " amd then said with sad face "so you are going to reach god and acend soon" even though due to Drake Arthur knew due to drake that his father can live in world for 100 more years he thinks he should do some drama

Adam said "No No i am not acending anytime soon , when i was about to start last inheritance test i saw sea god and he asked me not to start inheritance right now becose mainland is in danger and it need someone with near god rank strenth , scince I have 1000 more years to live i agreed , even if i was a god i would have 100 years to live in this world "

Arthur after Hearing what Adam said told him what Pavillion master Said to him

After hearing this Adam talked with Arthur for while and then Directly went to Sea God Pavillion

At Sea God Pavillion Adam went in and saw Pavillion master and Vice Pavillion master and said "congratulations to vice pavilion master for reaching Rank 99" then vice Pavillion master replied "congratulations to you to for reaching quasi-god , i thought next time i meet you you might be god " than Adam Replied "I was but , i was stoped be Sea god , he said Mainland needs powerful soul master and tha god Relam is now shour how long threat will linger around and Arthur Told me what Pavillion master said to them " after That Three started discussing about the future threat to mainland

Adam and both Pavillion master and vice Pavillion master talked about a lot of things but Adam hid onething from everyone

At time When Adam was About to Start 9th test to becoem god a blue and gold transparent man said "Stop " after seeing this man Adam said "Knight king douluo greets Sea God and Asura God Tang san" then Tang san Replied "Their is A grate threat looming the universe if some bad thing happens God relam will loss it's conection to Douluo world when that happnes world Tree will push Douluo world to 4th dimensional world which can hold upto 1st class god , i want you to wait till their are only 100 years left of you life or Till God Relam lossed it's conection to doulow world , aultho their are 4 god rank powerhouse on world without God relam thair power will be reduced and as 1st class god tablat holder sword God did not have time to properly Attach his god tablat to god relam you can if needed Ancor you God Tablat to New upgraded Douluo world and do not tell this to anyone who is not a god "

Hearing this Adam was Shaken and bowed to Tang san and agreed to the request and then after Tang san went back to god relam adam left for shrek city

Arthur after his father left decided to see world before hellish traning starts and he can also use this trip to introduce Inner world techniques to world by saying he found a inheritance left by god of other universe who's divine consciousness accidentally came to thsi world

After his 1 month trip Arthur want back to home and told his father the Story about inner world Technique and passed it to his father , aultho Adam was shocked and almost did not belive he was quickly convinced by Arthur

Adam after getting this technique in private sent massage to god relam and the one who answered was Dai mubai , when Dai mubai herd and recived the Technique he directly went to tang san and passed it to him , when tang san herd the story he checked if their was a god from other universe and he found trace of Drake braking in Douluo world and a Gray Dot going in with him and when he searched for their origin and he found both of them coming from out of universe

This technique was spread to all gods and it was decided due to looming threat to their universe everyone was required cultivate atlest rank 2

Adam for now went to sea god pavilion and spread cultivate methods to all title douluo, while everyone was scratching their head on how to feel rules of world and draw it to them only 3 peope had actually had any idea on how to do it , thay were Adam , pavilion master and vice Pavillion master at same time countless god spread their concess to douluo world to stard understanding it's rule to directly cultivate rank 2