
Art Of Wild Sorcery

TinasheJohannes · Fantasy
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4 Chs

How it all started

Kiratao had always been different from the other children in his village. As a young boy, he had a wildness in his eyes that his parents couldn't explain. They loved him nonetheless, but they worried about what might become of him as he grew older.

One day, as Kiratao was exploring the nearby forest, he stumbled upon an ancient artifact that had been hidden away for centuries. It was a small, glowing eye that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy.

Without realizing what he was doing, Kiratao picked up the eye and held it close to his own. Suddenly, he was overcome with a feeling of intense power and control. He felt as though he could do anything he wanted, and nothing could stop him.

It wasn't until later that Kiratao realized just what he had done. The eye was called the Wolferegan, and it was said to be a powerful artifact that could control the minds of anyone who looked into it. Kiratao had unwittingly become the vessel for the Wolferegan, and he was now possessed by a powerful wolf spirit that granted him uncontrollable powers of fire, lightning, and water.

At first, Kiratao tried to keep the possession a secret. He was afraid of what might happen if he told anyone about the wolf spirit inside him. But as time went on, the possession grew stronger, and Kiratao found it harder and harder to control the wolf's powers.

One day, he was walking through the village when he felt a sharp pain in his head. Suddenly, he was standing in a dark forest, surrounded by shadows.

"I am the Wolferegan," a voice echoed in his mind. "And you are my vessel."

Kiratao tried to resist, but the Wolferegan's power was too strong. He felt an overwhelming anger building inside him, and suddenly, flames burst out of his hands.

From that day on, Kiratao knew that he could no longer keep his possession a secret. He tried to control the wolf spirit, but it was too powerful for him to handle on his own.

The city of Richmond was bustling with activity as people went about their daily lives. But in the shadows, dark forces were at work.

Kiratao walked through the busy streets, trying to keep his head down and avoid drawing attention. He had a secret he couldn't share with anyone, not even his closest friend Michael. For years, he had been possessed by an evil wolf spirit that granted him uncontrollable powers of fire, lightning, and water. He had managed to keep it hidden for so long, but lately, the spirit had been growing stronger, and Kiratao feared he might lose control.

He stopped by a street vendor to buy a snack when suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his head. The next thing he knew, he was standing in a dark forest, surrounded by shadows.

"Who are you?" he asked, feeling a sense of dread.

"I am the Wolferegan," a voice echoed in his mind. "And you are my vessel."

Kiratao tried to resist, but the Wolferegan's power was too strong. He felt an overwhelming anger building inside him, and suddenly, flames burst out of his hands.

Heven, a skilled assassin who had been watching Kiratao for some time, saw the flames and realized that his suspicions about Kiratao's powers were correct. He approached Kiratao, ready to engage him in battle.

The two fought fiercely, but Kiratao's powers were too great for Heven to handle. In the end, Heven lay on the ground, gasping for air, while Kiratao fled the scene.

Meanwhile, Michael had been spending time with Katherine, a girl who had a crush on him. But he could sense that something was wrong with her. Unknown to him, Katherine had been possessed by a fox spirit that hated the wolf inside Kiratao.

When the fox spirit found out that Kiratao was the vessel for the wolf spirit, it attacked him. Kiratao fought back, but in the chaos, Katherine was killed, leaving Michael devastated.

Nkululeko, the leader of Richmond, had been aware of the dark forces at work in the city. He had two mages working under him, but he knew that they were not enough to handle the growing threat.

He called upon Godfrey, a shaman who had powerful magic, to help him. Together, they would try to unravel the mysteries of the possessed individuals and find a way to stop them before

As the city of Richmond continued to be plagued by the possessed individuals, Nkululeko and Godfrey worked tirelessly to uncover the truth behind the dark forces at work.

Meanwhile, Michael was consumed with grief and anger over Katherine's death. He blamed Kiratao for what had happened, and he vowed to take revenge.

Kiratao, on the other hand, was struggling to control the wolf spirit inside him. He knew that he needed to find a way to rid himself of the possession before it was too late.

One night, Kiratao had a dream where he found himself standing in a dark forest. The Wolferegan appeared before him, its eye glowing with an eerie light.

"Why do you resist me?" the Wolferegan asked. "You have great power, and together, we could rule over this city."

"I don't want to rule over anyone," Kiratao replied. "I just want to be free of your control."

The Wolferegan laughed. "You have no choice but to serve me. I am the one who holds the power."

But Kiratao refused to give up. He knew that he had to find a way to break free from the possession, no matter what the cost.

Meanwhile, Michael had tracked down Kiratao and confronted him. The two friends, once so close, were now bitter enemies.

"You killed Katherine," Michael said, his voice shaking with rage.

"I didn't mean to," Kiratao replied. "It was the fox spirit inside her that-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses," Michael interrupted. "You're going to pay for what you did."

The two fought fiercely, their powers colliding in a dazzling display of fire, lightning, and water. In the end, Kiratao emerged victorious, but he knew that the rift between him and Michael would never heal.

As the possessed individuals continued to wreak havoc in the city, Nkululeko and Godfrey finally uncovered the truth behind the dark forces at work. They discovered that a powerful sorcerer had summoned the spirits and was using them to gain control over the city.

With this knowledge, Nkululeko and Godfrey set out to stop the sorcerer once and for all. But they knew that it would not be easy, for the sorcerer had powerful magic at his disposal.

Will Kiratao be able to break free from the possession of the Wolferegan? Will Michael find a way to forgive him for what happened

Read this Chapter because you'll need it ro understand other chapters

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