
Vol. 05 Ch. 48 – Training at Mary Geoise! Part 2/3

After feeling powerless in front of Maria, make Hancock, Robin, and Monet obey Maria's orders. The three of them were seen meditating more often and honing their devil fruit usage techniques. They kept thinking and looking for ideas about techniques they could develop or create with their devil fruit powers.

Hancock tried to use the thundercloud that she always used to [Storm Femur] all over her body. When she succeeds in using it, the small lightning sparks that continue to streak her entire body can also be used as body armor. Without Kenbunshoku Hakinya, bullets can't move further because of the lightning and anyone who carelessly attacks her in this mode will suffer the consequences.

Robin continues to train her Mythical Zoan devil fruit skills. She wanted to be able to use it more freely. While she felt that she was only progressing a little and start bored, she trained her Flower-Flower Fruit. The [Cuerpo Fleur] technique, which was able to create a doppelganger herself, found another advantage. Tiredness and the results of her doppelganger training returned to her original body when Robin tested it for the first time. And with these findings, she continued to train hard.

As for Monet, she could only train the maximum distance to move using Swap-Swap Fruit. She also trained her precision in using the power of her teleport, how she moved to [Mark] stuck on a wall or roof, or even [Mark] which was moving fast. She continued to meditate to improve her abilities. In the end, she met Arthur in the middle of his training.

Monet: "Arthur, I'm ready for my Zoan devil fruit." Arthur understands and believes in Monet and invites her to his laboratory room in Athena.

Arthur: "This is faster than I thought. I'm happy and proud of you. "

Monet: "Hmh. But why are we going to Athena, doesn't your house have a bigger laboratory room? "

Arthur: "I don't want my mom to find out if I give you a second devil fruit now."

Monet: "Hee ... I never thought you were afraid of your mother, Arthur."

Arthur: "Instead of being afraid, I don't want to disappoint her by going against her will. I know that her intention was good for you so I just kept quiet. But I also know what you want and I will fulfill my promise. So, are you ready to get your second devil fruit? "

They arrive at Arthur's laboratory room in Athena and begin the process of giving Monet's second devil fruit, Dog-Dog Fruit Model: Nine-Tailed Fox. Monet was similar to Baby-5, the pain she felt was insignificant with the strength she will get. Now that she is 21 years old, she is the one who has the least amount of time training with a body condition that should be past her prime time to start training. So she trains really hard and has a strong determination to get stronger.

Arthur: "While you are not allowed to train your body, you can practice changing your form and controlling your nine tails like a hand which you can later use to attack or defend."

Monet: "Thank you, Arthur. I love you." Monet, who felt his body strength return, pulled Arthur and kissed him affectionately.

In the end, they didn't train all day because of the hot activity in the laboratory room. The next day, Arthur couldn't train because Hancock and Robin also joined and took advantage of Athena for the four of them. Bedroom, kitchen, dining room, mini-gym full of glass walls and arrived at Denden Mushi's room which accidentally connected somewhere before Arthur realized and cut off the call.

Fortunately, the activities of Arthur and his three wives were unknown to Sabo, who was training near where Athena was anchored. Sabo with a stick and Mythical Zoan devil fruit, Monkey-Monkey Fruit Model: The Monkey King do sparring against Nymph. Nymph's body which was an Angeloid was very strong when Arthur created it. She was able to fight Sabo and continued to analyze the gaps in Sabo's every move to counterattack.

Nymph: "Sabo, improve your coordination with the [Body Clone] you created. When you master this ability of yours then you can be called the One-Man Army. "

Sabo: "I know that, but do you think it's easy to concentrate on moving 5 bodies?" Even though he knew the strengths he had, Sabo still found it difficult to master them.

Nymph: "Stop!" Nymph immediately shouted and 'all' Sabo stopped attacking.

Sabo: "What is it, Nymph?" Sabo asked and all of his [Body Clones] moved to stand behind Sabo's real body.

Nymph: "Are you sure they won't move if you don't order them one by one?"

Sabo: "Of course, they are like my hands and feet." Sabo moved his hand and his [Body Clone] mimicked Sabo's movements.

Nymph: "Did you order them to stand up? Are you ordering them to walk alternately with their left and right foot? Did you order them to stand behind you like that? " Every question that Nymph said made Sabo even more confused and doubtful.

Sabo: "I ... did not give orders as detailed as that."

Nymph: "Then you have to make and prepare a lot of formations so that each of your combination attacks moves unconsciously or you can even make them have their every personality. Keep test your power, before creating, while creating, and after creating [Body Clone]. Watch the detailed process. "

Sabo: "Alright." Sabo felt that the path he was taking was getting wider with the many choices he could take.

Sugar also doesn't want to be outdone by the others. She could be said that she was the first to join the group after the ART pirates were formed. Her position as a sniper who provides support from behind is also very important. The ability to take positions, read the direction of the wind, and ultimately the accuracy of her shots were things she always practiced.

All types of rifles she wants to use, the rifles that have the most range of ranges, the ones that have the strongest destructive power, and even the ones that have special effects. Since the rifle she was currently using was second to none in the world, Ikaros, yes, the rifle Sugar was currently using was Ikaros transformed with Weapon-Weapon Fruit.

Ikaros: "The 169th shot, the target of the flying seagull, 3 km away, the bullet missed 8 millimeters to the right and 5 millimeters down. The paralyzed effect the target has on can be seen. " Ikaros gave a full report after the bullet hit the target.

Sugar: "I think today's practice is enough, Ikaros." Sugar lying belly-down was hovering in the air with a rifle that seemed to have very advanced technology.

Ikaros: "Yes, I think this is enough too." Ikaros changed her form back and flapped her wings in the air.

Sugar: "Will I have another nephew? Why do they do that in Athena, in my room too? " Sugar stood up and started walking to the secret door on the cliff to return to Mary Geoise.

Ikaros: "From the connected calls to my Denden Mushi, my father's activities are still ongoing and I would love to have another younger sister." Ikaros took out her Denden Mushi and there was a voice that made Sugar's face turn red.

Sugar: "Ugh ... luckily this accidental call went to your Denden Mushi, Ikaros."

Ikaros: "Wrong, not just me."

Sugar: "Eh?"

I write this as a hobby in my free time.

I use Google Translate & Grammarly's free version.

Happy reading, God bless you all.

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