

A Woman on top of the alleged "Alpha male" chain, After life itself strangled her to her last breath, Arsinoe decided to put on her big girls pants and walked straight to the battle field, but life always does not play fair and this time it drew out its last card 'LOVE AND DESIRES', Arsinoe is forced to choose between her first Love and her desires and still hold her "Alpha Male" position. will Love knock her down? or will Love be knocked down by her? or will she loose it all including her high position??

Aceymak · Urban
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51 Chs

The Royal Empire Hotel's

Arsinoe Pov

Sitting on my lavish Italian leather chair I thought of the scene five years ago. I am where I am because of what the money money did to me, I never really got to see Mr Ben again so I had assumed he had died. "Madam, Madam....?" I was shocked, when did she come in? "Madam everything is set for your departure, you will be arriving in country Z in a few hours, the car is ready to take you to the airport." I just signalled her that I'll be down in a minute. As I was about to leave my office my assistant, once again allowed herself in, her face looked scary this time "Madam i have bad news!" "You do know that its bad manners budging into someone's office without knocking Laura, but what's even worse is that after that you still say nothing of importance" she can be really annoying. "Speak!" I raised my voice one more time. "Madam, its Sir...your husband...he....he is dead". Upon recieving the news, my entire body froze up.

Five years ago:

When I saw the money in the suitcase my first idea was find the owner but remembering everything that had happended I decided to be selfish and keep everything, this is Modern day, as long as I did not steal the money, it meant that I could keep the money unless someone claims it. so I left that place with all the money, with the excitement that I had, I called Celine to inform her that we will be keeping the cafe and that I'm on my way to her place since I could not go to mine.

About an three hours or so, I arrived at her place. her first question upon opening the door was "Did you really have to bring a big suitcase with you?" I just laughed and said "Well its not just an ordinary suitcase, wait until you see what's inside." when she saw what was inside the bag, her expression surpassed mine, I did explain how I got all that money. we planned on how we will use the money and everything, and since I could not go back to my place I had to stay here for a few days. When a brand new day arouse we started putting our plans into motion, We needed a bigger place and a different location for our restaurant, but lucky for us we already had the perfect spot. We both got ready and headed to out new restaurant location, making sure we had carried everything we needed. Upon arrival we meet with the person in charge and made all the necessary payments, all that remained was the renovations. but knowing Celine she had already informed some people and soon they had arrived. Everything was going so great, better than expected, I did have this deja vu kind of feeling but decided not to pay too much attention on it.

Its been three weeks now since the renovation of our new restaurant. As I was busy processing all the rightful documents for the restaurant,Celina was handling most of the renovation work. But for the past few days the workers have been complaining that they have not received any payment, when I had asked Celina she got upset about it, so I had to take care of it myself, since its a matter of two days before we open our restaurant.

Two months passed after the restaurant was opened. Everything was running smoothly, I said to myself "if business goes this way, in two years, we might have to expand". as I was feeling exited I received a mail of all our depts, which left me in shock😲.