
ARS: Unleashing the Extraordinary Monster Within

"Kill your own parents with your own hands, and you will gain the power to conquer the world!" Ars was fed up with the insane system of this world. Its system was far worse than the law of the jungle! After both of his parents were murdered by his own siblings, Ars decided to destroy the corrupted system of this world. He embarked on a journey, searching for everything needed to dismantle the twisted system in his world.

Mark_Wijya · Fantasy
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11 Chs


One ..., no, two quick steps and a powerful right punch landed on the stomach of the person who had just threatened me. He seemed unprepared, allowing him to feel the sudden attack from me quite easily. However, the two people behind me were different; they swiftly leaped to counter-attack.

Taking advantage of the brief moment when the person I struck was still in shock, I swiftly snatched the sword from his hand with my left hand and quickly moved to the right, evading an attack from behind. Unfortunately, another masked man also attacked me with a sword, trapping me against the wall.

Although my fighting skills had significantly diminished after five years of not training, I could still exploit a small opening to kick his leg and make him fall. As soon as he fell, I immediately moved away from the wall, at least securing a slightly safer position.

"Haah... haah... haah...." Damn, I'm already gasping for breath after just a short fight. If only I were in the same condition as five years ago, I would have escaped from the four of them by now!

"I underestimated you, Ars!" The man whose stomach I struck with all my strength spoke, coughing slightly. Perhaps it's true that my punch earlier made him feel a bit nauseous.

"Even though I haven't trained for the past five years, it doesn't mean I can't handle the four of you alone!" What a lie! There's no way I can do it! My stamina is nowhere near what it used to be. Damn it, I hope they believe my convincing bluff!

"Do you think we'll believe your words!" The masked man glanced at his three companions. "No need to hold back anymore! If we don't finish him off, we'll bear the shame for the rest of our lives!"

After hearing that statement, the other masked man who attacked me with a sword discarded his weapon as if it were unnecessary. It's clear what they intend to do now.

Without using swords or any other weapons, I can already conclude how they will attack next. They must be confident because they possess that power and intend to use it now! Do they really want to kill me? But why?

Just as I thought, their four eyes simultaneously emitted blue light. Although their size is not the same as Old Joe's, they also have blue Beast Tigers. This time I'm truly in trouble. It was already difficult enough to fight them without Beast Tigers, let alone with them.

"If you surrender now, I might spare your life, Ars. But if not, I won't hesitate to crush your body into pieces."

Empty talk! A professional assassin shouldn't talk so much before pouncing on their prey! Now I have another assumption, but the evidence is still not strong enough. I don't think now is the time to take risks just to prove it.

Three Beast Tigers quickly pounce toward me. They intentionally left one Beast Tiger behind to guard, preventing me from finding an opportunity to escape. However, they don't know that I myself am unsure if I can survive their onslaught.

Still not willing to surrender, my feet continue to move zigzag, evading the fierce attacks of the three monsters in front of me. This will never end if I keep evading, so I search for an opening and then jump high, attacking the head of one of the blue monsters from above.

Unfortunately, it was not good luck that I encountered, but misfortune marked by the breaking of the sword in my hand. Moreover, my body can truly feel the vibrations spreading from my hand to the top of my head.

The situation has worsened now, as I finally land, and the three Beast Tigers have surrounded me. This is truly a problem, especially since my sword is now broken. Should I surrender? Ah... I still want to know their intentions.

In the moments when I thought everything was over, the contents of the black book I read came back to me vividly. The sentences in the book filled my mind to the point where they couldn't be ignored. However, I still strongly believed that it was just a bluff.

"Ars, now you're cornered. Don't you understand your condition?"

"As someone targeting me for assassination, you sure talk a lot," I intentionally replied to provoke. "Your behavior makes me doubt that you're a professional killer."

"You are indeed stubborn!"

One of the Beast Tigers immediately lunged at me, but I managed to dodge it skillfully. Unfortunately, the other two Beast Tigers also attacked in succession, and in the end, I couldn't avoid the third Beast Tiger's attack. I only protected my head using both arms, unsure if it would work, as I did it purely out of reflex.

Like a miracle, starting from the claws to the body of the other Beast Tiger touching my arms, they instantly vanished as if merging with the gust of wind. The monster disappeared quickly, as if devoured by a ferocious fire. My eyes witnessing this couldn't believe it truly happened. I mean, since when did I have the ability to destroy a Beast Tiger?

Reluctant to believe it but also somewhat happy, I felt like I was in a dream. Once again, there was an event that made me uncertain whether I was in a dream or actually in the real world.

"My Beast Tiger... vanished just like that...?" The masked man who had been talking a lot seemed to be in disbelief that I could really fight against his monster. Although I myself couldn't believe I had such power. However, one thing is certain, I can seize the opportunity.

"Look, I wasn't lying when I said the four of you wouldn't be able to defeat me!" I hope you leave soon after this. It would be a big problem if what happened earlier was just pure luck, but instead, you stubbornly refuse to leave!

"I never knew there was a power that could eliminate a Beast!" Another masked man immediately directed his Beast Tiger to attack me. It was too sudden, so once again, I reflexively protected myself with both arms. However, the result was the same. The monster once again ended up being burned by fire quickly.

Once could be a coincidence, but twice, it's an extraordinary coincidence that can only make it true. However, if it's not a coincidence, then I am the 'Cursed Human' mentioned in the black book! Are they targeting me because they know I'm the 'Cursed Human'?

That's impossible! From their reactions, they truly don't know about my power. Quoting their earlier statements, if they really knew everything about me, then they would definitely know about this power too. Or perhaps they weren't informed by the person who sent them?

There are too many assumptions now, and I can't determine which ones are true or false. Maybe the only way to prove it is to meet Old Joe and interrogate him. Did he really sell me out or not? And does he know about my power?