
Arrogant Young Master's Chat Group

In a Cultivation Bug World where cultivators can form a symbiotic relationship with bug beasts to access the natural energy auras. Lived life as an arrogant cultivation young master, Lin Baal swore and made it his resolution to not show any weaknesses as long as he could stay as a young master forever. But one day, he stumbled upon a device that allows him to communicate and chat with his Alternate universe selves and these other versions of himself in alternate universes have amazing titles, powers, and knowledge of things he didn't know. Lin Baal became horrified and angered when he found out that he will just become a stepping stone as it is written on every young master's fate like him. Fortunately, he discovered that he could download things and skills of his impressive other-selves in Chat Group. With those skills and things he would/could download, he will use it against fate and murder other high-level young masters to keep his position while going against the main character of this world! "I, LIN BAAL! AM THE MOST COMPLETE YOUNG MASTER IN ALL EXISTENCE!!!" Warning:  Arrogant/Prideful young master MC.  Not so much of a comedy unless I make my MC an idiot to make it more fun but I don't like it. I also appreciate the comments.  Chapters: 1.5 - 2K words, 1 - 3 chap/a day

Bad_Totodile · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Young master invited

In a cloudy place where unknown sharp swords are flying in the sky with people steeping and riding on them.

Below them, there was a murmur in the crowd.

"Young master Lin Baal and princess Si Roru are lovely together."

"They are so perfect together, like a match in heaven."

"Kya! They look so handsome and beautiful!"

"Immortals that descended from heaven kya!"

There was a youthful-looking handsome man following a girl with a face that can be considered a jade beauty.

This is a cultivation world!

More like a Cultivation Bug world, where swords and things are created from body parts of Bugs. 

Young master Lin Baal, a slightly talented young master at a cultivation level of sixth Qi Pollination. A reborn person from the earth and there's only too little thing he knows about stories. Reincarnation Stories? Watching movies? The luxury of the internet? He didn't know if it even exists. He is a complete poor child beggar who died because of hunger. So in this cultivation world, he promised to enjoy his wealthy life and will do anything to stay this way.

In this life, he promised that no one will take away his status! He will be the young master he loves to be, and if someone tries to deny him?

They are courting death!

Si Roru is a very talented girl with a cultivation stage of Ninth Qi Pollination.

Both disciples of the Nine Mantis sect, Young master Lin as an Outer disciple while Si Roru is a candidate Inner Disciple. Their sect had their disciples on leave, so they are back to their hometown.

'This is the only time I could do this to her. I need to convince her to marry me as soon as possible so my father would acknowledge me.'

Said the guy named Lin Baal in his mind. That's why he's been strutting a lot around her, saying stuff like,

"Did you see that princess? Look at them, worshipping us in their eyes. Once we get married, we'll be perfect. My father is also the chief of the clan. I'm a son of a high-ranking official next to the Lin family patriarch and you're a daughter of the Si Family Patriarch itself. Together, we are heaven's perfect match."

The jade beauty was red all over because of disgust and embarrassment. 'This guy keeps pestering me.'

Looking at the young master in front of her, 'I can't do anything with you, Lin Baal, why don't you change?' she wished.

"Yep, young master Lin Baal and Princess Si Roru are perfect for each other,"

A servant of young master Lin beside them added, they made young master Lin smug.

However, the servant suddenly looks at the princess with warmth in his eyes. A weird atmosphere out of nowhere was created because of that.

All of the sudden,

"Isn't that Princess Shi Haomei?"

"She also came back from the sect?"

"Who's that guy beside her? And who is that other girl? She is also beautiful."

"She is following that guy. He must've been some important character in the sect."

She is already a senior of young master Lin and Si Roru, a talented Inner disciple of the Nine Mantis sect. Currently, she is laughing and looking like she is having fun with an unknown guy.

'Who is that cocaine rugby boy that looks like he sips a contact cement for a whole year?'

The young master had a jealous look on his face despite mocking the guy. The servant beside him noticed that and thought,

'Young master had a deep crush on Princess Shi Haomei, the same time he had a crush on princess Si Roru. In his mind, he is probably wondering what that guy is doing with a jade beauty like Shi Haomei and he may have developed a hate for that guy to the core. Hehe... It's my time to shine.'

Suddenly, the servant whispered to Lin Baal, ''Young Master, that guy is Nie Zili only at the fourth stage of Qi Pollination. He's holding a treasure probably because it's the reason he is being followed by miss Shi Haomei,''

'A phone?' Young master thought, "Are you sure?", he wanted to make sure.

Adding fuel, ''Young master, that guy also took a deeply interested glance at Si Roru. He is asking for a beating. A frog trying to swallow a swan and two of them at that.''

Young master became red from anger. For him, he already owned Si Roru as a woman.

'I am the young master and he's trying to steal my woman! And the woman of my dreams! I will not let it go! I will not let myself lose face just like that!'

The guy young Master Lin Baal is jealous of is a confident-looking fella. His look is peculiar, like a woman but such things are common in this world. He is wearing slightly worn clothing and holding something in his hands, a shiny stone-looking shape as a rectangle with an antenna or something. 

A bug sheep steel thing but peculiar looking.

'Everything went smoothly, and this random thing that I couldn't recognize is a useless item. Where should I throw this thing.?'

Interrupting his thoughts, he noticed that someone was standing in front of him...

'What? Lin Baal from the Lin Family. What does this spoiled kid want from me? I still have a beef against his family and father, I'll get his old man sooner and if I don't get that chance, I won't be able to go against him next time that easily.'

"Thank you for delivering that item in your hands. Now, hand it over. " 

The young master said, then he extended his hands, waiting for Nie Zili to give him the treasure in the fella's hand.

Nie Zili was shocked but delighted, 'Ah, what a young master. I need spirit stones right now, but fortune delivers itself to me. Must have been my lady luck. Is this a sign that I'll be exceptional in the future?'

"Young master, I believe you haven't paid for it. After all, I've been in countless life and death situations because of this, of course, I want some of your sincerity, " Nie Zili replied.

'What? He is not offended?' 

Young master thought he planned to cause a little mischief, and he expected this man to resist so he could show off to the girls how strong he was.

'Since things went this way,' Lin Baa opened his mouth and said, "Here, take these three spirit stones!" With a tone full of arrogance.

However, Nie Zili moves her hands away with a smile on his face, 

"Don't tell me the great young master Lin only had three spirit stones to spare," 

'Ah-young master, I will milk you thoroughly.' Nie Zili thought.


Shi Haomei couldn't help but giggle on the side. When the spoiled young master came forward to ask for treasure, she started laughing internally.

'That's just crafted by a random beggar. It has nothing on it. This shameless girl would probably milk this arrogant young master. It's so funny, the young master probably thought that she was a man.'

Yes, Nie Zili is a girl and young master and his servant thought that she is a man.


"You! Of course not, take twenty spirit stones and give it to this beggar looking, guy, "

Young master noticed that and made him feel more annoyed. It was like he was being slapped, but since he is not losing face in public that much he will just flaunt his wealth.

About a minute later, the servant came back with twenty spirit stones, and then Nie Zili tossed the so-called treasure.

"As expected of the young master, thanks for doing business. Let's do it again next time." Nie Zili said with a smile.

"Hm!" Young master snorted while Nie Zili only laughed.

After that, they both went their separate ways.

Night comes,

Young master Lin wanted to stomp his feet on the ground or scream violence!

"Damn it!"

He said as he looked at the phone: a useless treasure in front of him. 

'Who f*cking made this? didn't he know that there's no satellite here?! what sh*tty brain he had.'

Their family appraiser said that the item was useless, for it didn't fluctuate any spiritual energy. Therefore, it cannot be used for anything.

Holding the phone in his hand,

'You're courting death beggar Nie Zili! You're courting death!'

Young master's face reddens with embarrassment.

'No wonder those girls are laughing at me! Even Si Roru! But I can't help it! I don't know this feeling, I was supposed to feel superior earlier but now I feel humiliated even though I seem to be in the right position. I don't like this, I don't know if I could control myself if something like this happened. 

'I promise that if I feel like this again, I will recognize this, and I will not show my weakness! They can call me arrogant as they like but I refused this feeling of being played. That is my resolution and my resolve!

'Because in this world, I can only trust myself! If I get to choose or wish to accompany and talk to, I would rather talk to my other selves rather than talk to anyone! Even my family!'

To release the hatred inside his heart, Lin Baal was about to throw the treasure he was holding, but...


The phone came out alive.

While confused, the young master was surprised that he can read what was written inside,

[Admin Undying cursed King invites you to Alternate Universe Group Chat of Baal's]

[Click 'YES' if you want to enter]

'This phone works? Baal? Same as my name? Alternate Universe of villains? What's an Alternate Universe? What's the meaning of this  but it says enter, so it means that If I click this I would be sent to another dimension?'

Lot's questions suddenly filled Young master's head. However, to avoid confusion he clicked,



In the group chat.

Maharlikan Dictator Ferdinand Baal Marcois already entered the chat.

Wrathful General Baal Fuhrer already entered the chat and asks,

"Is there anyone on this chat? Are you me? Or is this just a scheme of neighboring countries? Don't let me know or I'll burn your country and steal your women. I'm gonna make sure that I'll make all your descendants become slaves!"

However, the Dictator types:

"I don't know, but it seems you are me in an alternate universe. Different universes and those universes. You are me and I are you."

Wrathful General: "I see, where're my manners. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Planetary General Adolf Baal Fuhrer. Nice to meet you!"

Maharlikan Dictator: "Oh, Nice to know the other me, I am the former President of Marhalikan planet, Ferdinand Baal Marcois. Nice to meet you too."

[Young master stepping stone Lin Baal entered the chat]

Suddenly, the young master stepping stone is typing something.

A little later, he types,

"What is this? Who dares to call me a stepping stone?! I, son of the chief Lin Gu and at the cultivation of the sixth Qi Pollination in fourteen years being called a stepping stone?!

"Whoever you are, you are courting death! You better kowtow and beg me and I might consider sparing you!"

[Shaman Doctor quack-quack Baal Gordival entered the chat]

"Hello? How did you defeat my shamanism? I made sure that no electronic device would work in my presence. How'd you do it?"

Former President: "I don't know, why don't we check the other conversation of other-selves, we might read some clues. After all, the one who invited us doesn't seem like he will appear soon."


Outside the chat, watching the thing in his hands,

'These motherf*ckers! Who are they? Why do they have the same name 'BAAL' like mine? Calling me a stepping stone! I will see for myself who created this chat. I must know the truth!'

The young master read the chat as the Former President he didn't know, suggested.


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