
CHAPTER 14 Confession

  She was feeling a bit tired and her head was burning due to migraine. She looked around he was not there. She put her hand over her head.

  She checked her bag for medicine, but she was unable to found any. After a while, she had blurry vision, she was feeling so much pain and about to be faint when he held her.

  “Matilda Are you okay?” he asked worried. Matilda was feeling exhausted.

  “Yeah I am fine, it’s just migraine, I, I have forgot my medicine,” she said while putting her hand over his chest. He took out his phone and dialed a number.

  “Yeah I need you here right now” he said and hung up the phone and put his hand around her tiny waist, he brought her out of gathering and voices.

  There was huge fountain outside, he let her sit over it, she was pressing her head with fingers. After a while, a car has stopped by them and a man came out who was wearing doctor’s uniform.

  “Mr. Easton, I have came leaving my meeting what is it?” asked the doctor.