
Arriving In Another World

In The World Of Feymarch, Countless Demons and Monsters Are Wreaking Havoc Everywhere. But There's A Place Where These Monsters And Demons Can't Touch, And That Is 'The Sacred Land' Sages, Demons, Monsters, and Immortals Are Slowly Appearing In The World, But 'The Sacred Land' Is Still The Same As Ever- Unmoving ........ Hello, this is my first time writing Novel and I hope you like it and if you found any problem in my Novel, please tell me in the comment. I want this novel to be worth reading so I'll try my best to improve in writing Since this is my first time writing, it may has some flaw. I want my novel to be enjoyable to every readers and I'll try my best to make this novel really good. I has a wild imagination so, This novel may be bad. Well, please enjoy your reading and please tell me the flaw of my novel so that I could make it less flaw for the next chapter. That's all for now, I'll be always updating

MinAlyah · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Sacred Land

The Sacred Land

This Sacred Land is the most ancient place has ever appeared in Feymarch, it was in this world since the beginning of the world and no one has ever explored it before and no one dare, not even the strongest person.

At this moment, In the deepest part of the Sacred Land, this is the part where the strongest Magical Beast reside in but now this place has been razed to the ground, not even an ashes remain.

In the middle of this razed place, an incomparably bright light was placed. All around it was white and naturally the surroundings was infected.

This bright light is the 'Shooting Stars' that the old people called and talking about and of course they did not know what it was completely.

Well they really do not know this 'Shooting Star' even if they investigate it and give it a name they would never know the true appearance of this bright light.

At this moment, an earthquake suddenly occured in this very place but outside the Sacred Land was not affected so the people don't know what's happening inside the Sacred Land.

Inside the Sacred Land, the white light was vibrating violently and it's light kept expanding that even the sky and the outside was affected.

If one were to look into the distance, you could see an shining light in the middle of the Sacred Land. Of course they did not know if it's the middle or not since the Sacred Land was vast.

The light kept expanding until it gradually shrink and the light was retreating, going back in the middle of the light.

After the expanding light retreat in the middle of the light, a silhouette of a woman can be seen in the middle. She has a curvy body, her hair reach her knees and her face and body can't be seen because of the light.

Suddenly the woman raise her head and look around then nod, after that she lift her hand and the light started gathering in her palm.

After a while all the light was gathered in her palm and her appearance can be seen clearly.

It was a beautiful woman with white hair, white robe and her eyes is blue and a pointed ear that was no different from elf but she was not an elf.

She look into her surroundings again after the light completely gathered into her palms, while she was looking at her surroundings her blue eyes was shining every second and information kept appearing in her mind.

After a while she finished checking her surroundings and look again into her palms where the light was.

Suddenly she squat down and place the light in the ground but nothing happened, however after a while changes appeared in this place, starting to where she was standing then something incredible happened in this very place.

The place where the woman was standing has changed and a beautiful castle was slowly appearing starting from the ground, then this castle has reached the clouds but if you we're looking outside the Sacred Land, you wouldn't see the castle.

After that, around the castle a beautiful wall appeared and it kept going away the castle and only stopped around 1 miles from the castle.

Not only that, mountain peaks started appearing in the distance and cover the place in a circle as if hiding this place from the outside world.

This transformation was shocking if people were to see this in close distance, of course they wouldn't experience that, unless the woman show it to them.

After the mountain peaks appeared, trees started appearing outside the castle and the trees has different color there's blue, yellow, pink and more different color while it's fruit was white.

After the tree, pavilion and other house appeared outside and inside the wall, then water appeared a distance away from the wall and surround it, making this place an island.

While this transformation is happening, the woman who was in a balcony of a castle was watching this then she turn around and walk inside.

Once inside, an incomparably majestic sight can be seen. The furniture was amazing and the paintings on the wall was beautiful to look at, the armor on both side was intimidating and all other things, all in all it was so beautiful but the woman did not bother looking at it, instead she goes inside in one of the room then she arrived in a large room.

This room was majestic too but has more things than the other side, this room looks a bedroom since there's a large bed in the distance. The woman look in this room before closing the door and went in the bed to sleep.

The woman looks tired but the transformation outside did not stop, even though it's nighttime there's no problem about the dark since the transformation was so bright.

Tonight, a shocking transformation has occurred in the Sacred Land but the people of Feymarch don't know about it, they're still scared about the violent impact that the Sacred Land made.

So countless people will not have a good night sleep tonight, except for the woman.

While the Magical Beast in the Sacred Mountain did not dare to go in the place where the transformation is happening, after all it has intelligence so it knows what's gonna happen to them if they rashly step in.

Of course some Magical Beast saw the woman but they didn't dare to go, afraid that they might die, after all a woman in white appeared in the middle of the place so it knew that this woman must be the reason why the place was razed.

Some smart Magical Beast even want to surrender to the woman, it did not know why, all it know is that it suddenly occured to them to surrender to the woman even though they only look.

Some old Magical Beast that live for a hundred years was scared of this sudden change, because this Sacred Land was a place for only Magical Beast, and now an unknown creature suddenly appeared and it was in the deepest part of this Sacred Land.

Even though this old Magical Beast has seen the world, It was the first time they see something like this so they're scared of this woman.

Magical Beast can live up to 10,000 years and if a Magical Beast want to live longer, they need to eat the special fruit that only appeared once in 10,000 years. And that's the reason some Magical Beast can live longer.

Because of the transformation that's happening inside the Sacred Land, some mages who can calculate anything in the world started deducing what's happening in the Sacred Land, but once they started doing that, they would cough up blood and lose half of their lifetime, this scared the mages who can calculate everything.

Since they can't deduce it, they can just wait what's to come from the Sacred Land. Some mages who has a strong sense can sense that's something big was happening in the Sacred Land and that worry them. Fortunately they didn't tell it to the people who was restless and instead calm them down, only the higher ups and strong people would know what's going on in the world.

And this sudden change was the beginning of the changes in the world of Feymarch.