

In the underground base,

The space was 100*100 square feet long with a vast space there were hundreds of rooms at both sides opposite to each other and the air condition was good while there were not even dusts were present.

The three people stunned seeing the vast space while Nickil recoverd from the shock and asked Sham "is there no one living in here?"

Sham said while moving forward "No there are still a person who you are about to meet? "

Nickil asked curiously "Oh who is that person?"

Both Prasad and swetha looked at Sham for answer too.

Sham chuckled and said pointing at a certain spot which was situated on from of them, a big ⚠ sign was there with ONLY FOR AUTHORIZED PEOPLE was written.

The three of them even became uncomfortable but still they followed him.

When the door was opened they were greeted with a sight of equipments! That's right there were too many of them and that was laboratory equipments which were big as elephant and the small sizes were on par with car size. Big models of AI digital computer were showing some datas while occasionally a green light scanned around every area. At the left side A long rows of container was present which are made of glass ,inside of them were terrifying organs of humans... Heart, eyes, livers, which were coverd in fluids which made the three of them became pale. In the middle of them was a heavily modified glass with height of three meter was situated. It's inside had a blue like water filled but what made the three of them pale in shock was there was a human Present in it!

A living human! They didn't know that person was alive or not because that person was closing his eyes as they were deep in sleep. That person was a middle aged man his body was two meter tall but he was naked and his body was full of scars which one made him look like a ugly ghost.

In from of the glass a man was covered with Crystal like suit was programming on the Transpernt screen. His whole body was covered in that Crystal suit only at his face portion a black glass was present which made one hard to see his face. When he heard footsteps approaching he truned around and look at them from head to toe.

Sham went to the person and said "Boss I brought another group for lab rat today. Can you now make my ability evolve now? "

When the three of them heard this they were stunned and their face became pale.

They couldn't believe that the person whom they were depend upon betrayed them easily and judging from his words he betrayed more group of people before.

Prasad yelled loudly "you bastard I'm going to kill you! How dare you try to betray us"

As he said he choped his axe at Sham head but he soon forget that Sham was an evolver so a sharp wind blade pierced his shoulder.

"watch out"

Both swetha and Nickil yelled at him but it was too late


Fresh blood started to spill on his left shoulder ,he hurriedly clutched his shoulder to stop bleeding while looking at Sham hatefuly.

Sham laughed coldly and said "haha... Do you think I'm going to waste my precious time on helping you. Fools how can I as evolver bother about you weaklings . You all better to be grateful that you can be used in the expirment... Hahahah"

Swetha pointed at Sham and cursed "you will die a horrible death of what you did "

Sham said in disdain tone "As long as I've got power I can rule as I wish. I don't care about being a villian you know "

The crystal wearing man immediately took a gun and fired at the three people.

The gun was in green colour and the bullets were a thin needle it quickly stung at three of them.

"you... "

as they were about to say they were immediately became stunned. Their whole body stood frozen they couldn't move even their eyes they can only look at these two people in front of them with hate. But still they had fear on their eyes for their fate which they couldn't imagine what they will

The crystal suit wearer said in cold tone "you all talk too much. It's better to save your energy because when I do experiment on you all you still have to endure it"

As he said he looked at Sham and said "I thought I asked you at bring four people why is there one less".

Sham took a step back he tried to calm down but his voice betrayed his nervous with a fearful look he said trembling "B-Boss that person didn't join our team so I can only make these three of them come with me... Ne-Next time I will bring more people! ".

The crystal wearing man said in a cold tone "Pity I'm losing a loyal slave now. Blame yourself for being useless "

As he said he aimed at Sham and shot him without any hint of hesitation. The thin needle stung at Sham chest when he tried to dodge. But seeing the needle Stung he knew he was done for so he hatefuly glared at Crystal wearing person and said "Why? "

The crystal wearing man said without any emotion "Why? It's simple because my expirement is almost done and I need four people to make her life bit there is a shortage of one person and the Military people will find this place anyway so I don't need to leave behind any potential threat behind for them to trace back to me so..... All I could is to silence you "

Sham looked like he lost his soul he knew what will be his fate now when he brought people here they were tortured to death their mournful cries made him shiver a night so his fate will be worse than death now. The three people who were frozen looked at Sham in mockery, satisfaction and regret.

Sham suddenly became crazy he immediately took a grenade in his pocket and threw it at the crystal wearing man With a crazy laugh he said "since I'm going to die I will bring you to death with me hahahahh.... "

The crystal wearing man expression changed for the first time his tone became fearful

"Not good"

He tried to dodge the grenade but the fire engulfed him and the four people.


Crack! Bammmmmmmmm!

The underground base started to shake and smoke started to rise from all the equipment near the blast area.

Warning! Warning! The base 90% function is damged. The base is damaged Warning!

A mechanical voice was heard while the green light truned into red light which illuminated the whole base.

"cough cough! " an coughing voice heard while a destroyed crystal suit man stumbled at the glass expirement tube. His crystal suit was now half burnt and his face can be seen now which is a place faced middle age man . He typed at the AI command center hastily without caring about his wounds.

He loudly roared " I don't want to fail now! I can't afford to fail! I'm close at succeeding..... No I can't fail"

He commanded at the AI hurriedly " what's the T-100 expirment condition? "

The AI mechanical voice said "progress is currently at 90% the failure chance will be more than 50% if the expirment is operated ".

The middle aged man took deep breath with hint of determination he said "I don't have the time to wait now the military people will be tomorrow I need to hurry up.... Start the expirment now ".

Before the AI expirement could say an mocking tone was heard behind him.

"Says who?"
