


Mia's POV

I was in school right now. With Ash trying to find seats with our lunch trays in our hands. The canteen seems to be crowded. /" hey I found a spot for us to seat./" Ash exclaimed. finally. We took our seats quickly and start to eat.

/"So how was dinner yesterday. Anything interesting?/" Ash asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at him. I threw my fries at him.

He started to laugh at me. I just stick my tongue out at him. I had just told him about the café incident. And then I told him about how the scary man is going to marry Olivia. When he had heard about, he was quite shocked to the say the least.

But then he started to laugh his ass off about how I call Damien 'scary man'. I just rolled my eyes at him.

/"Answer my question./" He asked once he stop laughing like a hyena. /"Nothing. We had dinner and they left./" I said to him.