


Back to Mia's POV

/"We have to find out who the girl is. I am pretty sure its some model who is gorgeous and dead drop sexy. After all its MR MARIANO WIFE. /"


I open my eyes to see I was at the nurse room. I groaned as I stood up. I found it difficult for me to stand up. The nurse was soon in my side to help. /"Slowly my dear./" She said as she helped me up. Once I was up, /"How did I ended up here?/" I asked her.

/"You fainted while you were in class./" she said finish. /"How long was I out?/" I asked her. /"Not for long its the third period now./" she said and got me a glass of water. /"Can I go back?/" I asked her.

/"Yes. Once you feel like you are able to walk, you are good d to go./" she said. I nodded my head. I tried to stand back up and gain my control. Once I balanced my self I started to walk. I walked out of the nurse room and saw Ash waiting for me outside.