


Damien's POV

/"I will say whether the deal is worth it or not. Not you!/" I yelled in the phone and hanged up. I was starting to have an headache and the investors are not helping me. I really needed a coffee and there seems not to be a single café for crying out loud. I am seriously starting to get pissed.

Everyone is scared of me and they should be too. That's when I get what I want done. If they do not fear me they'll never do what I want and I'll never get what I want and I always get what I want. ALWAYS.

After so long of searching I finally found a Café. I quickly parked and got down. I was rushing to get a coffee when someone suddenly bumped into me. I quickly got angry and started to glare at the person.

When I looked down, it was a girl who reached my chest barely. I did not why but all of a sudden I felt like protecting this girl from all evilness and darkness.