
Arranged Marriage With Mr Ceo

Rhia, a 20-year-old girl, is forced by her parents to get married to a stranger on her birthday. She is desperate to escape this fate and calls her best friend Lesley for help. Lesley arrive, Rhia reveals her situation, and Lesley offers her a place to stay. However, their escape is short-lived, as Lesley soon spots Rhia's parents and their bodyguards arriving at the apartment, likely to drag Rhia back home. The story explores themes of forced marriage, parental control, and the desire for autonomy and self-determination. Rhia's journey is just beginning,will she fights for her freedom and happiness.

ezztee · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The silence

After a productive day at the studio, Rhia settled into the plush leather seat of the luxurious car, feeling the soft cushions envelop her. James, the chauffeur, greeted her with a warm smile and closed the door behind her. As they glided out of the studio's parking lot, Rhia let out a sigh of relief, enjoying the smooth ride and the peaceful atmosphere.

The car's interior was a haven of comfort, with soft music playing in the background and a subtle scent of leather and luxury wafting through the air. Rhia gazed out the window, watching the city's vibrant lights and bustling streets slide by in a blur. She felt like she was in a bubble, detached from the world outside, as the car's tinted windows and soundproofing shielded her from the chaos.

James's expert driving was like a gentle dance, navigating through the crowded streets with ease and precision. He took the turns smoothly, and the car's engine purred like a contented cat, lulling Rhia into a state of relaxation. She closed her eyes, letting the soothing motion of the car wash over her, and felt her thoughts begin to unwind.

As they approached the mansion, Rhia's thoughts turned to Zander, wondering what the evening might hold. She felt a flutter in her chest, a mix of anticipation and nerves, but the comfort of the car and James's reassuring presence helped calm her nerves.

As the car pulled up to the mansion's entrance, Rhia's heart rate quickened. She took a deep breath, preparing herself for the evening ahead. James opened the door, and Rhia stepped out onto the driveway, her eyes fixed on the imposing structure before her.

The mansion loomed above her, its grandeur and beauty awe-inspiring. Soft lighting illuminated the facade, highlighting the intricate stonework and elegant architecture. Rhia felt small in comparison, a tiny part of a much larger world.

James led her to the entrance, where the door swung open with a soft creak. Rhia stepped inside, her eyes adjusting to the warm, golden light within. The interior was just as impressive as the exterior, with lavish furnishings and artwork adorning the walls.

A soft voice greeted her, "Welcome, Ma'am Please, come in." Sophia, the maid, smiled kindly, taking Rhia's coat and ushering her into the grand foyer.

Rhia's gaze wandered, taking in the opulent chandelier and the sweeping staircase curving up to the floors above. She felt like she had entered a different world, one of luxury and refinement.

Rhia sank into the warm bathwater, feeling the tension melt away from her muscles. She closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh of relief. After a while, she got out of the bath and put on her nightwear, a soft cotton gown that reached her knees.

Just as she was about to brush her hair, the maid called out to her, "Miss Rhia, dinner is served."

Rhia made her way to the dining room, where she found Zander already seated at the table, still wearing his suit. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she took her seat across from him.She did not expect him to be here so early plus what she is wearing she could not possibly go back they are married afyer all.

They ate in silence, the only sound the clinking of silverware against plates. Rhia tried to break the silence, but Zander's intense gaze made her feel like she was under a microscope. She focused on her food, her heart racing in her chest.

The silence was oppressive, making Rhia feel like she was trapped in a cage with no escape. She couldn't understand why Zander was being so cold and distant, but she knew she had to find a way to reach him.

Rhia took a deep breath and spoke up, her voice firm but polite. " I wanted to let you know that Lesley will be coming to visit soon."

Zander nodded once, his eyes never leaving his plate. "Ok."

Rhia felt a surge of awkwardness, trying to fill the silence. "How was your day, Zander?"

Zander's head slowly raised, his eyes fixed on hers. He stared at her for a moment, his expression unreadable. "It was fine."

Rhia felt a shiver run down her spine. There was something unsettling about the way Zander spoke, something that made her feel like she was walking on thin ice.

"Ok," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Zander pushed his chair back and stood up, his movements graceful and precise. "Rhia, I need to speak with you. Meet me in the study at 9 pm."

With that, he turned and left the room, leaving Rhia feeling confused and a little frightened.

'Did she do something wrong'

Immediately she was done she stood as she walked to room her mind flooding with different question as she contemplated in silence what he would be asking her. When it was time to meet Zander.

Rhia walked into the study, her heart still racing from the tension at dinner. The room was bathed in warm, golden light, courtesy of the elegant chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The soft glow illuminated the luxurious furnishings and artwork adorning the walls, creating an atmosphere of opulence. But despite the comforting ambiance, Rhia couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach as she approached Zander's desk.

Zander was seated behind the desk, his piercing eyes fixed on her as she entered. His intimidating aura filled the room. She hesitated for a moment before taking a seat in the chair opposite the desk, her eyes fixed on Zander's face.

"Take a seat" Zander said, his deep voice low and husky.

Rhia sat down, her hands clasped together in her lap, trying to hide her nervousness. Zander leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together as he began to speak.

"James will be dropping you off and picking you up."

Rhia's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't expected this. "I don't know if that's necessary," she protested, trying to sound confident despite her growing unease.

Zander's expression was firm, his eyes boring into hers. "It's necessary, Rhia. I won't have you putting yourself in danger. James will take care of you from now on."

Rhia felt a surge of unease. She didn't like the idea of being chauffeured around, but she knew better than to argue with Zander when he was in this mood. She nodded, trying to hide her discomfort.

"Okay, Zander. If that's what you think is best."

Zander's eyes seemed to bore into hers, as if searching for any sign of disobedience. Then, he nodded, seemingly satisfied.

"Good. I'll let James know the arrangements. He'll be here to pick you up at 9 am tomorrow."

Rhia stood up, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knew she had to be careful around Zander, but she couldn't help feeling trapped and suffocated by his constant control. As she turned to leave, she caught a glimpse of Zander's face, his eyes still fixed on her with an unnerving intensity. She shivered, despite the warmth of the room, and quickly made her exit.

As Rhia exited the study, Zander's expression changed.,and he felt a pang of guilt for being too hard on her. He rubbed his temples, frustrated with himself for causing her discomfort. He knew he needed to find a balance between protecting her and suffocating her. His eyes followed her retreating figure, and he felt a surge of tenderness towards her. He wanted to call out to her, to apologize and comfort her, but his pride held him back. Instead, he sat there, feeling angry with himself for being too harsh, and wondering how he could make it right.All this feeling which were suprisingly new made him wonder in silence.

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