
Arranged marriage to love marriage

It's a story of a women when she meet a men with arrange marriage in mind but destiny plays a totally different role with them... "You should have called me first " it's a cold voice but a little hint warmness can be easily feeled by Priya ... But Priya didn't answer to Jeh ... And Jeh wrappes his arms around her to hug her harder.... Suddenly Priya nostrils hits with his natural smell ... And she also leans in his embrace....

Anna_Shen · Fantasy
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63 Chs

You can handle...

Its early in the morning from one hand priya reads her business newspaper and from other hand she is having breakfast.

And door bell rings.

Butler opens the gate and welcomes the guest...

Its secretary kim from downstairs apartment and Assistant khurana from next door appartment ....

well the khurana corporation provide their employees appartment and for that they own the whole building.

Secretary kim looks in mess her hairs as well as her dress she is wearing her night suit and seems like she hardly get any sleep.

"what happen early at this time?? " as priya took off her gaze from them and back to her breakfast.

"I found the traitor so I am here but what's with secretary" Assistant Khurana asked by looking at secretary kim " she look in mess" as if traitor thing is ok but thats more troubling.

" how come I know... You come with her.."

Priya said with a smile on her face indirectly blaming him for secretary Kim's condition... where as she already knows that it's because of the spiked drink she had last night..

"No not at all we just meet at you door.."

Assistant Khurana protest and explain himself to keep himself out of trouble.

"You... You can handle drinks"

in a confused gaze and in total mess these are the words secretary kim finally utter.

"what she can handle drinks?? You mean Priya mam can handle drinks and by drinks you mean alcoholic drinks... right??" he takes it in a sarcastic way.

"what about traitor??" priya asked but totally ignoring her looking at Akshay Khurana...

he firstly looked at Secretary Kim and then at Priya then continues

" that's not important right now"

and shifts his face towards secretary kim

"it has been six months I am working with her as assistant and I have attended a lot of parties and dinners and she never have.... Even not a sip and you are saying she can handle it... Come on.. " as he goes on clarifying that its impossible.

Without further arguments secretary kim gives him her tablet and a video start playing it's the last night dinner video with CEO Sin.

Assistant Khurana"... "

Secretary kim"..... "

" enough!!! .... Stop behaving like kid.. "

in a cold and irritated voice priya continues and when she notice that they both come to their normal

" now can we discuss about traitor?? ".

" hmm.. The transport manager takes bribe from kapoor's to destroy our image and to eliminate us from the next tender for the Sin's"

after a pause he point out his fingure towards the laptop

"I think they don't need to find a person to bribe that will be enough to destroy our good will".

Secretary kim is in shock as Assistant khurana just directly questioning Priya's ability.

Well priya ignore him and ask them to leave and meet her in the office.

Before leaving secretary kim got confirmation from the President Sin for today's meeting.


In Priya's cabin secretary kim enters.

" I am sorry for troubling you in the morning"

in full well dressed and putting her hairs perfectly in a ponytail as usual secretary kim seems to back in her senses.

"any news about transport manager"

with a straight face priya ask her. .

"hmm.. Well as you were expecting right now he is in a hospital as her daughter has to undergo a heart surgery. And for that he even applied for health loan.....but our finance department doesn't approve it. So may he choose that way..."

as kim ended her sentence.

"Fire him and cancel this month bonus for finance department".

Secretary kim look at her that as if its not fair with others.

"may be legal department can handle it better??"

" I am not asking you for solution.. Just follow instructions"

with a bossy tone and sentence filled with arrogance priya give her a cold look.

Secretary kim simply nodded and leave immediately and from inside she curse Assistant khurana for making trouble for her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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