
Arranged marriage to love marriage

It's a story of a women when she meet a men with arrange marriage in mind but destiny plays a totally different role with them... "You should have called me first " it's a cold voice but a little hint warmness can be easily feeled by Priya ... But Priya didn't answer to Jeh ... And Jeh wrappes his arms around her to hug her harder.... Suddenly Priya nostrils hits with his natural smell ... And she also leans in his embrace....

Anna_Shen · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Do you know them???

Back to her office priya turning pages of files and in deep thoughts about the coincidences just happened in two days. Is there any possibility that it is not a coincidence but a trap or but why do he need to trap me?? By any chance does he is chasing me?? But by looking at him I don't think it is even possible and I am not that good looking there are many other girls outside so that can't be true too so this must accidental meeting.

After about an hour of thinking all the possibilities she ended up saying let's focus on work. And she at full concentration start working..

After a while a knock on her door with looking up she said "come in". And doesn't took off her eyes from the files. After seeing that she just ignored him Assistant khurana close the door.

"Do you know them??" Assistant Khurana asked.

"To whom" priya replied without taking her eyes off from the files.

"as if you don't know. Don't act smart in front of me" Assistant Khurana totally irritated .

"come to the point" priya asked.

"Rana's. Do you know them??"

"Not really" priya said and still working on the file.

"what do you mean by saying not really... There should be only two answers that you know them or you don't know them." In a loud voice Assistant Khurana.

Priya closes the file and look towards him for a minute and seeing him totally frustrated irritated she wants to slap him that why he is behaving so touchy.

" Relax.. Rana's are no one else but the family to whom I am going to meet this weekend with my family my mom fix up this meeting for me and Jeh to know each other." before she can continue he interrupted.

"To know each other do you mean for marriage purpose" Assistant Khurana asked.

"yup" priya replied and before he interrupt her again she waved her hand to stop him and continued...

"I haven't meet them till last night in the restaurant he is the one who helped me and then today on morning walk but when I meet them in the conference hall and get introduction then only I come to know that they are Rana's" priya explained.

"that is what I meant by saying not really and now give the updates on Tulip city project". Priya said and he nodded silently.

After working for two days non stop its time to go back home.

Sitting on the back seat of the car priya feels that she is missing something and then she remembers that she haven't talk to bonia about the latest events in her life so she call her and discuss everything with her. She told her every detail that how she meet Jeh in restaurant and then morning walk, company contract. ..

" so are you planning to inform uncle aunt about you meeting Jeah ??"

Bonia ask .

"ofcourse I will inform them and anyway we are already planning to see them on weekend so ultimately they will know if I myself don't update them"

Priya says as a matter of fact ..

"that's so true but what about restaurant event all your family will gonna to be hyper up ... after listening your daring and stupid act "

in the end Bonia chukles ..

" I am already imagining you with your bodyguards again" Bonia added..

" no that can't be ... " Priya just get a taste of realisation...

" I am dam happy without bodyguards I don't want them... Definately I can't tell them restaurant incident"

"hmm" Bonia acknowledge..


"so??" not hearing any sound from other side Bonia asked ...

"ufff ... I have to call Jeah and inform him the same we can't say different things to our family " finally Priya spoke.

"hmm ... true call them before reaching home infact try now it's still early so maybe he not be busy "

After like talking on every topic about even the latest medical cases bonia is attending they end up call by saying "see you in the evening".

They have great bonding and by seeing this bonding bonia's boyfriend yash used to be so jealous that sometimes he himself disconnects the call. But he is a nice person so they don't mind him doing this.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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