
Arranged marriage to love marriage

It's a story of a women when she meet a men with arrange marriage in mind but destiny plays a totally different role with them... "You should have called me first " it's a cold voice but a little hint warmness can be easily feeled by Priya ... But Priya didn't answer to Jeh ... And Jeh wrappes his arms around her to hug her harder.... Suddenly Priya nostrils hits with his natural smell ... And she also leans in his embrace....

Anna_Shen · Fantasy
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63 Chs


At Thakur Residence.

As Mohit and Priya gets back from the park. Paa and mom both sitting in the living room enjoying their green tea.

After seeing his lovely daughter coming father, Mr. Thakur gets up from the sofa and they hug each other for minutes until mom thakur said in a tone of jealousy

" No doubt you are father's daughter.."

" And you love your father more than mother"

it's in such a dramatic tone that if someone was not aware of them they thought that she treats her mother like nobody.

listening to this Priya almost roll her eyes at her mother but with a smile on her lips

"ohhh.. I love both of you.." by saying this she hugs her mother too and gave a glance at her brother who was standings at a distance at looking at the family reunion like a outsider and at the edge that if they not notice him for another minute he might start crying... no one know...

"and my brother is the best" and then finally a twinkling smile form on his face which reaches his eyes which gave a bright spark.

After comforting her mother for a minute she takes the seat next to her father and leaned towards his arm. And her father also tooks her hand in his hand and path them.

Father and daughter relation always beyond the words. And they literally share beyond the world relation.

As priya is the only daughter and the younger children. She was always their parents most pampered child and joined by her brother, he also pampers her the most.

"so as all are here.. Let me tell you tomorrow we are visiting Rana's so be on time". Mrs. Thakur announce.

"before that let's just discuss it again in front of priya" mohit said by looking at mother thakur and continued with a serious expression ....

"priya may you don't know that much about Rana's. They have two lawyer firm first that was established and managed by President Rana and another one which was managed by the young masters. President Rana deals with corporate world but as the expansion with second firm the young one deals in every forms Bankruptcy Law. ... Corporate Law. ... Civil Rights Law. ...Entertainment Law. ... Environmental Law. ...Family Law and also in " with a pause of a second and with a little rise in volume he said "CRIMINAL LAW.".

Priya tremble a little and tighten her hand around his father's arm .... it's rare to see his brother a little out of control otherwise his brother has good control on his temper....

looking at her daughter trembling and tightening of her arm father gave a cold look to Mohit ....

but he missed the look and continue again

"Even sometimes they got threats regarding their work.... to drop the cases in their hands from criminals. And they are always on redar."

Mother was getting a little annoyed by his son who was totally against for this meeting from the start .... so she interrupt him ....

"But no one till the time can harm them, they have security gaurds and their own ways to deal with these type of situation" mother said and continue " such a nice well know family themselves want priya to be a part of their family".

"And the threats you mentioned even buisness man's get that ... you know very well ....

you are making a big deal out of nothing"

Priya looks dumbfounded that they want me means what???. Well she doesn't say anything. And just thought it good to listen them first before commenting or giving opinion.....

Mother thakur looks at priya and then continued

"Mrs. Rana herself wants that priya and jeah see each other. So what do you want for further discussion????" raising her voice mother thakur by looking at Mohit in a questioning way...

" she is my sister and her safety is more important" mohit said in a low but clear voice.

" Priya is my daughter as well and I know what best for her" mother thakur wants to continue the argument but got interrupted by father thakur

" enough... both of you. First its not yet decided that priya herself wants to be a part of Rana's or not."

" Secondly we are just going there for a meeting so that both the families know each other better. "

"Thirdly stop fighting over who cares more about priya or not.... "giving a second of pause he continued

" because I care most about her " and everyone shook their heads and father thakur starts smiling taking Priya in a hug and the tensed surrounding relaxed.

Its a relief.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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