
Arranged marriage to love marriage

It's a story of a women when she meet a men with arrange marriage in mind but destiny plays a totally different role with them... "You should have called me first " it's a cold voice but a little hint warmness can be easily feeled by Priya ... But Priya didn't answer to Jeh ... And Jeh wrappes his arms around her to hug her harder.... Suddenly Priya nostrils hits with his natural smell ... And she also leans in his embrace....

Anna_Shen · Fantasy
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63 Chs

All set for first meeting....

"well firstly be simple because you are simply awesome.... You know very well with your height you can't wear high heels so simple flat sneakers and I know you have great collection of sneakers.. Dress what ever you find just wore it I think you look always hot and attractive". Bonia gives her a ideal look image in her mind.

"and what should I talk to him" priya asked.

Well it is dumbest thing to think that a highly praised CEO of such a reputated company can't talk to a advocate.

But the bottom line is this is the first time she is going for meeting that is not for business but a kind of blind date.

"well that's a difficult thing for you but don't worry I think this will a boy's part he will be the one to take initiative so that you become more comfortable and then everything will be come out smoothly but if he can't make you comfortable enough to open up so just reject him on the spot no need for further discussion" as bonia said these words priya start laughing aloud.

"and yes I need details as soon as you will be back from the date".

" its not a date just a simple meeting" priya said in a low voice.

"oh I know.... If its a simple meeting then you will not be so worried" bonia said with the fact that she knows her to well.

Both of them talk for a few minutes and then hang up.

And priya puts her phone on the side table and close her eyes for sleep.

though it seems hard to have a sleep tonight but around dawn she finally get in deep sleep ....

The sun rises quiet late for priya today after late night talk and almost no pleasent sleep her mother already knocked her door to wake her up.

With making a few facial expressions and unwillingly she finally woke up and come downstairs.

Its a kind of habit of her that when she is at home she is the queen of laziness. She take her seat on the dining table, places her palm under the chin and start looking around and her gaze stops at her mom as she was all set totally dressed up nicely... looking gorgeous as usual with decent jewelry. Just a perfect look for lunch.

Father and brother are also getting ready for the lunch. Grandmother having her breakfast in front of her.

"get up sleeping beauty" Mrs. Thakur said.

"you made her wake up early seems like she went laste to bed last night .... "

"look at her eyes she is not able to open them yet .... just let her have a quick nap.... After all here only she sleeps soundly without any worries of work let her take a nap of two minutes" grandmother taking the side of her granddaughter urges.

" you know mom her two minutes will last at least till one hour and we will be late for the lunch at Rana's". Mother seems to be in no mood to show pity on her daughter.... and smartly reminds grandmother about the meeting with Rana's..

" oh yes I just forgot about the lunch with Rana's that's very important after all this the only proposal where Raman and Mohit agrees to meet". grandmother remeber....and continue..

"oh that's why you seemed to dressed a little different today "

"ohh... I got dressed up so that we can reach there on time" mother replied quickly..

"hmm.. I hope everything goes well" grandmother says.

"okk.... Then I am off and be back after getting fully ready" priya said. by giving a irritating look to mother and grandmother...

"don't fall asleep and you have just thirty minutes" Mrs. Thakur reminds her.

Back to the room priya goes to her walk in closet and then after a few minutes of thought quickly picks a lemon color bell sleeve off shoulder top and white jeans to pair with white sneakers.

She hardly cares for the brands so she never remembers the clothing brand she uses and the main reason for that is most of the dresses in the closet are bought by her mom, dad and brother.

Well she got dressed and standing in front of her dressing she apply a few face product putting her hairs in a full volume ponytail. And carries her phone she is all set for the first meeting...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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