
Arranged Marriage of the Century With #MsNobody

"Arranged Marriage?" his naughty smiles suddenly condensed hearing their main point which they had just discussed. The lady remained still with her emotionless face while eating her pasta. What is she doing? Why is it like it's just normal for her? It's all ok with her? Huh!... Useless questions. "I know that Jaime and Nadya are smart just like us so I expect that they both understand it." The lady named Nadya's mom spoke determined and was so confident while holding her favorite tea. Her mom seems good at declaring, she's like a dectator. Ugh! Though she complimented me as smart, I don't still like it! Only if only this brat will demand tsk! "let's move on amigos, let's continue eating" his Mom suddenly reminded them to eat again. While Jaime didn't got any better even though they had finished eating already, util... "I want to know her more can we talk alone?" "ok ijo, you both talk outside and we're going to discuss about our business here" Jaime just nodded and grabbed Nadya's wrist already and walked out of the dining room. As they got outside, Jaime let go of her wrist as fast As he can. "What are you doing?" he finally asked. She remained silent, no trace of answering him "hey I'm talking to you, why is it like it's just normal for you?!" This time Nadya just looked at him with her closed lips. Jaime then lost his patience already "you'll answer me or I'll kiss you (lean closer to her) tell me, you liked me? And it was a favor for you that you'll be arranged in a marriage with me? Do you know me? You know, I don't like this, I don't wanna engaged!" "I don't know you" Nadya then finally spoke-still with her emotionless face taking things like it's all normal. "then why--" "aww so sweet! Our Jaime seems got loved at first sight with your Beautiful Nadya!" His mom suddenly commented as they saw them with an intimate position. So this is the thing, What if your Parents want to arrange you a marriage with someone who are 100% stranger in your life? I know it's typical already. But do you know that in our History? Arranged Marriage was a practice of our ancestors? And we're on the modern world now, hello! But still, imagine? This practice of the olds still exist? So here hayy what will you do? You know you have a lot of options and it will up to you. Do you wanna know what will Jaime and Nadya will choose? Then don't wait anymore let's read their story!

lostlaura · General
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14 Chs

Entered a wrong life

Nadya looked away as he started telling words that can possibly hurt her feelings again as she can't do anything to defend herself coz she promised not to talk personally specially to this Jaime.

"you liked being married with me, am I right? Ah useless question, I'm not stupid Nadya to ask coz from the start I know that you didn't disagree. Because you liked this."

She maintained not looking at his face.

"you've entered a wrong life, you will be miserable at me. You know I don't like you at all!" he's not shouting, he's just pointing the fact that he wanted to make her know.

I feel the same tsk!

When suddenly the guests made a sound of glasses, meaning they're requesting for a kiss.

"just like this. You'll think that I'm gonna take advantage on you, we'll kiss without feelings, you like that?"

Tsk what is he trying to make me do then? Withdraw my 'I do'? Tsk! We're married already what's the use.

"you can do what you want, I don't care anymore." she said firmly and faced his face with her unchanged face.

Tsk! You're tough huh, then I will really kiss you, but it doesn't mean that I'm not against on it anymore.

Then he slowly put his hands on her jaw already and brushed his lips to hers that made Nadya closed her eyes.

Jaime got attracted at her action that's why the kiss lasted for 2 minute longer than his fast kiss at the church.

He gave her a deep kiss which his specialty in kissing someone. Well he was a Casanova remember? For him? Deep kiss is just a simple kiss yet it was one of his specialty. Why? Never mind, I don't know why.

But most of all informations about him being Casanova? He knows several kinds of kiss and he have countless exes before whom he had experienced those kinds of kisses that's all he hadn't yet slept to anyone.

When the kiss was already over. The guests then got satisfied and clapped for witnessing how could the only son of Xanford's shown how Nadya the only daughter of Roaquin's made him fall in love with her.

Well his mom really spread the news that her son suddenly fell in love at first sight with her amigo's daughter that led the guests feels like they were seeing her son's actual actions really being fell in loved at Nadya.

When Everything were over already...

Jaime and Nadya were in front of their Parents already telling "you take good care of our Daughter already, Jaime ijo" Nadya's Dad firstly spoke.

"ijo, you heard your Tito, don't ever let her be in danger as well ok? Be her man, loved her the way you loved yourself" his Dad.

"Yes Tito and Dad" Jaime responded.

"Ijo, take this. This will be your room for tonight at the hotel." Nadya's mom firmly said while giving him the keys of the most luxurious room of their hotel.

Nadya wasn't responding as she's really tired already, and in fact they're seems just talking on him so she stayed In silent.

When suddenly...

"ijo, make little Jaime and little Nadya as soon as possible already ok? But don't tire Nadya at the same time!" Jaime's mom finally got her turn to talk and that's what she said that made Nadya forget her tired self.

What the hell... He's mom were really... Really something...

Jaime were shocked to his mom's words. But he didn't lost his actions, he hold Nadya when he noticed that she reacted to his mom's words.

Then "ahm Nadya's really tired already, can we go now in our room?" he asked while he's making sure that he was holding Nadya already so that they can easily leave soon already.

"of course...we'll be heading home now then too" Nadya's mom spoke again in a calm voice, just normal.

Jaime then nodded and moved his self holding Nadya already.

Nadya's tired self were back again as they finally got inside the elevator already, she seems really sleepy already. So at the end, Jaime carried her already till they came inside their room.

When he had fixed her at the bed already. He suddenly stared at her sleeping face and noticed something...

"you're still beautiful when you're sleeping huh, but well my exes are more beautiful than you tsk!"

I wonder if how many exes do you have already. Ugh! Useless question, I don't even care if how many exes did she had already ok? I better sleep now rather than thinking of useless things tsk...

Then he decided to lay not so near her at the bed already as the bed were really big indeed.

When suddenly between his stabled sleep. Nadya seems having a nightmare which made her talk and scream unconsciously saying...

"how dare you... Jake... No! Stop it!... You're so cruel... Ahhhhh!!!"

Jaime then woke up in no time, it's just 1 am in the morning and he got woke up with Nadya who's screaming.

He then woke her up when he realized that she must be having a nightmare.

"hey! Hey!... Wake up!" then not so long Nadya's eyes got open and "ha?" she asked while her eyes were teary as she was crying too earlier with her screaming.

"you're having a nightmare, huh is sleeping the same bed with me is such a big effect on you that you even got a nightmare? My God you like me badly then tsk!" he said with his sarcastic voice.

But Nadya not with herself absentmindedly came back to her sleeping position again not minding Jaime and just closed her eyes while remembering her nightmare which contained of the man who ruined her life-Jake...whom suddenly making her feel the anger again at that man and at her past.

While Jaime walked out of the bedroom already finding new place where he can continue his sleep as he got annoyed again,no he was not just annoyed, he was angry to be exact.

Angry because his sleep were destroyed and because he heard the name of the one who ruined him- failing to be the first and got in here, marrying a stranger he doesn't like.

Well it happened that his Dad and Mom decided to make him arranged in an arranged marriage as his punishment for failing. And he admit it that it was all his fault so he accepted it already yet he was still against it. And it will never change that this arranged marriage ruined his future already. And Jake was one of the person who made him be.

After reminiscing the cause of why he got in an arranged marriage. Questions suddenly popped up at his mind when he remembered Nadya really mentioned the name-Jake.

Jake? And who's that Jake? He must not be Jake Anzelo right. Mom mentioned that she studied college and stayed at States, so it's impossible that she got to know Jake at all.

Hmm who's that Jake then?

Ahh he must be her ex? Tsk... Again Jaime why do you care about that? Why care about that Woman? You're just married but you don't like it at all, so you must not care about her after all. It's not your problem indeed tsk!

Then after that he then decided to continue sleeping again at the sofa outside of the bedroom. He's lucky the sofa wasn't small so he can still feel comfortable.

In the morning they woke up by 7am and had received a call from their parents telling...they will be waiting for them at their own place already.

Meaning they're at their own place, own place which means their own house where do they're going to live together already after their wedding.

Their parents even sent them their clothes already and informed them as well that their things were completely fixed at their house already so they don't need to worry about anything anymore.

All they need to do is to go straight already at their own new home, and that's all.

After settling their selves they finally got inside Jaime's car. And it happened that Jaime's at the driver seat and Nadya were at the passenger seat near him as he doesn't have any choice anymore but let her sit there.

Because he's afraid their parents will get confused when they arrived that Nadya wasn't sitting there. That she was like not his wife. So there.

It was his first time make someone's sit there, someone's stranger to him. And he again doesn't like what was happening. But then he just drove away the car already following the address that their parents messaged them lately.

After half an hour they finally arrived on their so called own new home already.

A Big Vila with Golden Gate, the way were surrounded with big foreign tress giving a fresh air in the sight and a fountain at the middle of the front of an almost mansion house inside of that wide territory embraced them as they reached their final destination already.

Nadya suddenly fell in loved with the place, it was an almost paradise! There were garden with lots of flowers majority of them were roses, swimming pool were also clear to be seen at the right side, the eye catching and refreshing color of the big house were so beautiful.

She then breathed the air, it was so fresh like they were really too far from the city, but the truth was the city were just a half an hour away from there. But this place were so really refreshing and really beautiful.

It made her feel happy then but it didn't showed up at her face coz she seems used to her emotionless face already. But all in all...

I'm going to love this place from now on...

While Jaime suddenly got a message from his Mom telling... They left already before they could arrived.

So it concludes then that he was right that it's so quiet at the place because there weren't really someone else but them only who just got arrived at that place.

So he burst again into anger and cursed.

"Damn it!"

Then he impatiently grabbed Nadya's wrist already and dragged her inside the house.

Slammed her at the sala (place for visitors) without minding that she had fell already on the floor badly.

With his anger he faced Nadya whom were on the floor already feeling pain as she fell badly there.

"you! I don't care about you! You Stay here, don't ever tell them that I left. I will just go back if I wanted to, understood?!"


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