
Arranged Marriage of the Century With #MsNobody

"Arranged Marriage?" his naughty smiles suddenly condensed hearing their main point which they had just discussed. The lady remained still with her emotionless face while eating her pasta. What is she doing? Why is it like it's just normal for her? It's all ok with her? Huh!... Useless questions. "I know that Jaime and Nadya are smart just like us so I expect that they both understand it." The lady named Nadya's mom spoke determined and was so confident while holding her favorite tea. Her mom seems good at declaring, she's like a dectator. Ugh! Though she complimented me as smart, I don't still like it! Only if only this brat will demand tsk! "let's move on amigos, let's continue eating" his Mom suddenly reminded them to eat again. While Jaime didn't got any better even though they had finished eating already, util... "I want to know her more can we talk alone?" "ok ijo, you both talk outside and we're going to discuss about our business here" Jaime just nodded and grabbed Nadya's wrist already and walked out of the dining room. As they got outside, Jaime let go of her wrist as fast As he can. "What are you doing?" he finally asked. She remained silent, no trace of answering him "hey I'm talking to you, why is it like it's just normal for you?!" This time Nadya just looked at him with her closed lips. Jaime then lost his patience already "you'll answer me or I'll kiss you (lean closer to her) tell me, you liked me? And it was a favor for you that you'll be arranged in a marriage with me? Do you know me? You know, I don't like this, I don't wanna engaged!" "I don't know you" Nadya then finally spoke-still with her emotionless face taking things like it's all normal. "then why--" "aww so sweet! Our Jaime seems got loved at first sight with your Beautiful Nadya!" His mom suddenly commented as they saw them with an intimate position. So this is the thing, What if your Parents want to arrange you a marriage with someone who are 100% stranger in your life? I know it's typical already. But do you know that in our History? Arranged Marriage was a practice of our ancestors? And we're on the modern world now, hello! But still, imagine? This practice of the olds still exist? So here hayy what will you do? You know you have a lot of options and it will up to you. Do you wanna know what will Jaime and Nadya will choose? Then don't wait anymore let's read their story!

lostlaura · General
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14 Chs

Enough! You're just sick

Jaime seems having a good mood when he arrived home already from meeting his highschool batchmate campus queen Gina.

He can still remember Gina knows that he was married already but she said...

"I can be your woman and your wife when you have divorced your wife already, babe" in a flirtatious way which he loved the most when she talk to him.

Gina at the end doesn't care about him being married already. She's willing to be his woman and will wait till he divorced that wife already.

The feeling was mutual, he still adored her and want her even more now when he saw her again. While Gina confessed that she loved him that's why she came back and look for him as soon as possible.

Well all they know was she'd migrated in States after highschool then they didn't saw her anymore.

It was just 5:30pm so he decided to take a nap first as he got tired this day hanging out with his friends and Gina.

While Nadya had just realized that she doesn't have money with her when she finally saw what she wanted to buy.

"oh I forgot, I don't have money yet. Maybe I should call Dad" then she get her phone from her bag and find out that it was lowbatt. Oh she's not lucky this day.

Jaime continued taking a nap with the face of his Gina in his mind. He can't still forget her beautiful face and her smell when she kissed him in his cheeks.

He was indeed happy that Gina was willing to be his woman now.

It's 6pm already when Nadya decided to start walking out from the mall already. She was trying to remember the right way back home this time. But...

"ugh! Is it right or left? Aysh! I'm not lucky this day! I don't even know the exact address, what am I going to do now?"

I think I'm lost now... And that Jaime were happy already. Just great tsk!

Then she stopped to sit at the bench...

At the mansion, I'm all alone. I'm not expecting that things will be like this, even though I'm outside that castle already...I'll still feel the same, I'm still alone and lonely...

At 7pm, Jaime woke up already and reach the kitchen expecting that the dinner's ready already.

But he didn't saw even one dish at the table.

"it's dinner already, what is she doing?" he's talking about Nadya who must have prepared the dinner already.

"is she trying my patience?"

After saying that, he then walked towards Nadya's room and knocked harshly on it.

"hey! Come out now and prepare the dinner!" he knew Nadya were at home already. He wasn't thinking that Nadya wasn't yet home at all.

No one responded.

"do you think I'm going to have conscience on you? Dream on Nadya, you know you should be the one to do that!"

No responds again...

"open the door Nadya!" but again no responds so he open the door already when he found out that it wasn't locked at all.

Then he found no one inside the room. He even looked on the bathroom and the walk in closet but there's really none.

"don't tell me... She wasn't yet home? No... She must have familiarized the way back home..."

But she wasn't here... So it's possible that she wasn't yet home...

Then he think again... Then suddenly think of her being at the Roaquin's.

"maybe I should call her Dad" so he dialed Nadya's Dad's # and made a call.

But at the end he find out that she wasn't there too.

Where was Nadya then?

Well she was still walking at the street soaked with rain already. She wasn't really lucky this day.

It's cold and the rain dropped more and more so she just hugged her self already while still walking without thinking if where she was going...

While Jaime with his car on the street suddenly saw someone's walking on the street when he was driving for an hour already in the city.

When he came near at that someone, he then finally confirmed that it was Nadya the one he was looking for an hour already.

"Nadya!" he called her as soon as she's near his car already.

Ha?is that Jaime? Why is he here?

She's looking at the car near her already and saw Jaime inside of it.

"hey ride now!" he said. But Nadya didn't ride in, she stayed there with the heavy rain.

Why? He's selfish right? He was just thinking of his self, then he's here? What a joke!

"why are you here? You must be happy now right? That I got lost" she shouted at him between the heavy rain.

"are you trying to trouble me? Ride in now!" then he get off of his car and came near her.

"why are you here? Why still look for me? I got lost already you should be celebrating now!" she shouted at him stopping him from holding her.

Then she added "follow what Jake did to me! leave me here now! You're all the same! If you, you think girls are all the same, me? I thing the same! You are all the same! Do you need an answer? Ok I'll give it to you, listen very careful..." she paused.

"yes I didn't disagreed on this. Why am I supposed to disagree if I don't have any other choice? In fact I'm not believing on my destined true love already. So I've chosen to be married on someone that I don't even know! Just go with the flow and die at the end. Jaime if you only knew, if you only knew my life, you have your freedom for everything but me---"

But then she was finally cut by Jaime already before she could finish her words.

"Enough! You're just sick" then he moved there body towards the car already.

But "it's not true that---" but Jaime cut her again, but he hugged her already this time.

Then he finally felt how she was trembling in cold rain already. So he doesn't have any choice but carry her to bring her inside his car already and leave that place.

When they finally reached home, Nadya's eyes were unconsciously closed already. So he then carried her again going inside the house.

They are both soaked with the rain so he decided to place her in the nearest bedroom which was his room and layed her in his bed so that he can change on his clothes first.

Then after changing his clothes he realized then that it will be a big problem, big problem that he needed to change her clothes too.

And he needed to hurry up so that she will not get badly sick!

"ugh! This woman is giving me so much problem!"

He knows in his self, he's a Casanova but he wasn't into making girls naked, he hadn't yet slept the same bed with his affairs. He wasn't into sex as well!

But even though he doesn't have any experience yet? He clearly know that a woman's naked body might turn a man on.

So It will be dangerous if he saw Nadya naked then.

"what the hell am I facing right now? Jaime!" he scolded his self.

He looked to the pale woman on his bed and decided to do the right thing to do.

Remove her clothes while lights were off! And change it into a new one.

He wasn't really want to see Nadya's naked body, so he off first the lights and came near her and start removing her dress.

Luckily he had easily removed her dress when suddenly he felt something's so smooth and big! covered by a smooth clothing garment. He then stopped and felt it more to confirm.

Is it... Is it her boobs??

Then he suddenly felt hot inside the room and cursed...
