
Am getting married? 2

After eating, xinya went to freshening up before going out, she planned on going to her college to discuss the project she was given with a coursemate, normally she does not need to drop by the school because she choose to do night class, so that she would be able to work in the day while learning at night, she works in a restaurant, but not as a waitress, but as an assistant chef, she went for cooking classes and got her certificate, it was a six months class and she loves cooking, and has gifted hands as her boss calls it.

" Mum, am off to work, I will be a little later than usual, we have something to do today "xinya told her, as she kissed her mum on her cheek, she then went to out the door.

It is a bit cool outside, the weather was okay, so xinya decided to walk, since the college is only forty five minutes away and it was just ten minutes past eight in the morning, and they agreed to meet around nine when she got to the college, she did not see the girl she was to meet, they agreed to meet at with she called the course mate she had an appointment with, the course mate then answered and said that she cannot make it that something came up, so Xinya then decided to enter a taxi to go straight to the restaurant that she works at.

When she got to the restaurant, she saw the place ,the place was almost full to the brim, about, twenty five, out of thirty has been taking just a handful of chairs where left, the restaurant was, not very big and fancy like those high-class restaurant, in fact it is more of a middle class restaurant as it is not too big and not too small, just in between, and the food is not too expensive.

When she saw how full it was, and ssawthe waitresses at the restaurant serving the customer, she greeted the few close to her and she rushed to the back to help her boss, it something she was used to, there were times when all the seats we be taken and they just have to tell the customers to wait, when she got to the kitchen, she met, her boss, she is a woman in a woman in her forties, her husband works in a company, and she decided to open a restaurant to keep herself busy.

"Good morning Boss", xinya said as she after she entered the kitchen, she knew her boss does not like are calling people calling her boss, she just it to spite her.

" Oh, Morning, you are just right on time, how are you doing?, and how many time will I tell you to stop calling me boss, just call me Auntie Ruolan, well come wash this vegetables then stir fry it" Auntie Ruolan smiled as she said.

Xinya immediately went to wash her hands, and got to work, she kept in working till her lunch break, during her lunch break she sat down eating but her mind was on what she heard this morning, even though she planned in getting married in future, she did not want, to get married any time soon, but that man mentioned that they were going to discuss marriage preparation, she just hope she is not getting married anytime soon, so that she can take care of her mum, finish her studies, and may be her to know the man she is to marry, she always wanted her marriage to be like those happily ever after stories, filled, with love, and understanding, not forced, lifeless and dull.

When her lunch break was over, she decided to toss it to the back off her mind and decide to work. After work, she decided to go for her night class, her shift ends around thirty minutes past four , and her night class, starts around five pm.

"Go bye, Auntie Ruolan, see you tomorrow" she said while heading out

"Go bye dear, safe journey home, take care" her boss answered.

She decided to hail a taxi. when she got go her destination, she payed the. driver and went to her first class, she is a business student, she is studying ,business management and economics.

When she entered, the class she saw some of her fellow colleagues had already arrived, so she went and sat down at the front row, she does not have anyone she is close too, and she prefers it like that, she like been alone. A few minutes later the lecturer arrived and stated teaching.

"Okay, class that is all for today, see you tomorrow and do not forget to submit your assignments tomorrow " the lecturer taking the last class of the day said while closing her book.

After she left, xinya, then packed her things to go home, she still has some assignments to round up before submitting, due to the fact that the day classes her longer than the night classes, the lecturers prefers giving them assignments to meet up with and study. so she rushed home.

When she got home she unlocked the door, with her own key and entered inside

Then she said "mum am back"

but she did not get any answer, she immediately walked to the living room and saw that her mother has slept on the couch, while trying to wait for her, she did not want to wake her up, so she just took a blanket from the room and covered her with it.

she then went to her room to freshen up, then went to her laptop to cross check all the assignments she is to submit tomorrow, after that she decided to go through what she was taught that day. By the time she was done,she checked the time it was already midnight, she then went to lie on the bed to sleep, but she could not sleep, she kept on remembering the marriage proposal, she then said "am getting married?, not possible any time soon", after thinking for a while she drifted up to sleep.