
Arranged Marriage for a young Bachelor

Brookelyn_Hill · Urban
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10 Chs



While driving in the car she just stared at him. He chuckled at the cute expression on her face. She thought, 'He is so handsome! How did I get this lucky? I didn't take a good enough look at him. He's so tall probably 6" or 6.1". He has brown hair that is done with a good style and his green eyes are so beautiful. His jaw, his arms... just his whole body is toned.

I wasn't able to see him last night because it was dark. It was also dark that night too....' Her face went grim.

His laugh pulled her out of her reminiscence. She looked back over to him to meet his eyes. He had a smirk on his face that gave her butterfly's.

She blushed and turned. "Did I have something on my face?" He asked in a sarcastic way. "Yeah... cute." She mumbled she didn't have the guts to say it loud however.

"Huh? What did you say?" "No, you didn't. I just hadn't had the chance to look at you." Her expression was calm and serious so he just accepted her answer.

"Okay then... But now I know how it feels to be objectified by the eyes... Do you think I'm just eye candy!?" He said it so dramatically she started busting out laughing.

She couldn't control herself. After she regained composure she turned to meet a kind and gentle smile. Her face burned.

"We are here," he said in his soothing tone. "Okay." She was about to get out when he locked the doors. Shocked and a little scared she turned to see him making his way around to her side.

He unlocked the car with the clicker and opened the door for her. She gave him a weird look and said, "My how chivalrous. Thank you." She gave one nod then they were off.

The elegant couple walked on to an escalator. Everyone was staring. She held onto his arm as they were walking. First he took her to a jewelry store to pick a ring.

They're already married but there were no rings. She found a beautiful platinum silver with a modest diamond.

"Isn't it pretty?," she asked with excitement. "You can do better. It's not that expensive." "Do I need something expensive?" "Your my wife, and you only deserve the best." She blushed slightly at his comment.

"This one is five thousand dollars. What do you mean not expensive?" "I was thinking more like this."

He pulled out a beautiful 14k white gold ring. It had a beautiful round diamond on the top, the metal was weaving up and down like vines. On some of the vines were imbedded deep blue sapphires. And on the inside it said forever love. Then he picked out a simple white gold band with three little diamonds.

"Are you kidding?! That ring is worth 11 thousand dollars!" "I know. You're worth it." "I can't except something that expensive. I won't use you for your money."

"You aren't. This is a betrothal gift from me. And no one would dare think of you like that." "It doesn't feel right." Her head was low her expression was saddened.

He was confused. 'I thought all women liked sparkly and expensive rings. Don't they all just want money and the best things life has to offer?' "Do you not like sparkly things?" "What? Of course I do. I just don't want you to have to pay so much for a simple wedding ring."

"Just except it. Please. It's from me and I want to show you how much I care." 'Even though I just met her I want this to work.'

She hesitated, "I... Fine. But only if I get to buy yours out of my pocket." "What, that's ridiculous! You won't have to work another day in your life after marrying me. I won't take your money." You aren't. It's a gift."

And with that she grabbed a tungsten ring with blue on the inside and rung it up. He liked that she had good quips. They enjoyed walking around.

Lucy just wanted to window shop, but whenever she showed interest in anything, he tried to buy it for her. 'Why doesn't she want to except any of my gifts maybe she just doesn't like me.' "Why don't you like my gifts?", He asked after her turning him down so many times.

They sat down and she answered, "because I don't need them. There are people who need things like soap or clothes. I don't. I am perfectly comfortable with what I have. People are more important than material objects."

"You can be selfish you know. You don't have to be perfect. Our bodies are material. I enjoy looking at yours. I don't need to, but I like to." She blushed at his blatant statement. "Al-all I'm saying is that we ourselves are material enjoy it while it lasts." He turned and blushed a little.

"Thank you. I'm greatful that you want to give me stuff, but I'm happy. How about we go get a soda?" He had a gentle smile on his face as said, "I'd love to." "Alright"

They got their dirty sodas, sat down and started to chat. After a bit they just started to learn things about each other. "Favorite color." "Deep forest green." "Really?" He asked. "Yes. Okay, any siblings?"

"Two. One younger brother and one younger sister." "Oh, cool." "Yeah, so I know you have a half sister any other siblings?" "Yeah her," her face was dark at the mention of the horrible person she shared blood with,

"I do. I have an older brother. He's so kind to me. He was the only one that ever stood up for me." Her expression turned gentle and he liked that.

"Hopefully I can meet him soon." She smiled, "I think he'd like that." A lady was walking by them and she noticed the ring on Lucy's finger. "Oh my that's so pretty! You two are so cute, congratulations!"

"Oh, um.. thank you. Your so sweet." The lady gave a small laugh then walked off with her hands on her cheeks.

They turned to each other and laughed.