
Arrancar Ascension: Apex Predator of Hueco Mundo

In the unforgiving landscapes of Hueco Mundo, Esteban Vortice emerges as an entity of disorder, chaos, and entropy. His existence, a result of a turbulent vortex of chaotic reishi energy catching and carrying countless Hollow souls combined with a transmigrated human soul, from another universe, caused by a spontaneous spatial rift, disrupts the fragile balance of life and death. Then as Esteban navigates the delicate dance of his newfound existence, he becomes a potential adversary for factions such as the Soul Society, who are devoted to maintaining harmony, or other potential competitors vying for the throne or the original protagonist himself. Embodying his raw power and primal instincts, Esteban sets out on a journey to ascend the hierarchical ladder of the Hollows, with his eyes set on becoming the apex predator in the world of Bleach. This path to power is not only paved with formidable adversaries and chaotic battles but also unexpected alliances. Despite his disruptive nature and his insatiable hunger for power, Esteban forms surprising friendships that further complicate his character and journey. The narrative further intensifies as Esteban encounters some of the most powerful and captivating women of the Bleach universe. These relationships, layered with allure add another dimension to Esteban's character, showing that even amidst chaos and disorder, connections can form and perhaps even thrive. . . . . . . . The Patreon link with up to 30 advanced chapters there -----> patreon.com/hanma_jack

Hanma_Jack · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Echoes of Honor: Nelliel and Byakuya's Clash (1)

Above the barren Rukongai wasteland, a tense aura enveloped the area, emanating from two of powerful combatants. Nelliel, carried an air of grace and wisdom, her green eyes displaying a mix of maturity and steely resolve.

Opposite her, Byakuya Kuchiki stood, the weight of his lineage and his unwavering sense of duty evident in his poised stance. The wind rustled through his raven-black hair, the kenseikan on his head glinting in the dim light.

Byakuya's response was cool and unyielding, "You intrude upon the Soul Society. As a protector of its laws, I cannot allow that."

Their words were succinct, a mere formality before the imminent clash of their spirits. Both understood the other's position and neither expected any persuasion to be effective.

With that, the very fabric of the atmosphere tore as Byakuya, one of the finest users of Shunpo, vanished in a blur. Simultaneously, Nelliel's Sonido—a technique exclusive to Arrancars—propelled her forward with astounding speed. Their clash was sonic, the aftershocks of their movements sending ripples through the skies.

Each confrontation was precise. Byakuya, with his deep knowledge of the Shinigami arts, combined Hakuda with Kido, seamlessly transitioning between martial prowess and spellcasting. In one swift motion, he attempted a binding spell, "Bakudō #61: Rikujōkōrō!" Golden light shot towards Nelliel, aiming to immobilize her.

But Nelliel, always a step ahead in her strategy, deflected the binding light with her Zanpakutō, continuing her assault. Her moves were fluid and logical, every swing and step meticulously calculated.

Seeing the need to escalate, Byakuya whispered, "Scatter, Senbonzakura.", From his Zanpakutō, thousands of tiny cherry blossom-like blades burst forth, surrounding Nelliel and threatening to engulf her in a whirlwind of cutting petals.

Yet, Nelliel was undaunted. Her reiatsu concentrated, and her mouth began to glow a vibrant green, "Cero...", She intoned, releasing a devastating beam of energy straight through the approaching maelstrom of petals.

The subsequent explosion was cataclysmic, illuminating the Rukongai night. An expanding dome of energy pushed everything away, reshaping the landscape below.

As the dust began to clear, two silhouettes could be seen hovering. Nelliel, slightly panting, still maintained her composed demeanor.

Byakuya, ever serene, looked on with neither anger nor joy. His Utsusemi technique, allowing him to dodge by leaving behind an afterimage, had saved him from the brunt of the Cero.

The tension was palpable, with every move and countermove displaying the depths of the combatants' abilities and their understanding of each other's powers.

Not one to waste any time activated his signature Hadō #33: Sōkatsui! A massive blue wave of flames erupted from his palms, rushing toward Nelliel with unparalleled force.

But the Kuchiki noble wasn't finished; using his refined control over Kido, he weaved another spell, merging it with the first. The Sōkatsui split into multiple streams, cornering Nelliel from all directions. The sky was ablaze with Byakuya's blue fire, converging on the former Espada.

In response, Nelliel drew deeply from her vast reserves of power. The air around her began to shimmer as she infused her reiatsu with her next attack, "Grand Ray Cero!",

She declared, her voice echoing with the might of her spiritual pressure. An enormous, swirling vortex of crimson energy formed before her, its power dwarfing her previous Cero.

The collision of Byakuya's enhanced Sōkatsui and Nelliel's Grand Ray Cero was monumental. The sky lit up in a mesmerizing dance of blue and crimson, energies twisting and wrestling with each other for dominance.

However, the sheer potency of the Grand Ray Cero started to overpower Byakuya's attack, pushing it back toward him. Realizing the threat, Byakuya made a swift decision, "Bankai, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!"

In an instant, the surroundings were transformed. Countless razor-sharp blades erupted from the ground, forming thousands of cherry blossom petals that swirled around him.

These petals then rapidly expanded outward, forming a vast, swirling defense against the encroaching Grand Ray Cero.

Nelliel, recognizing the gravity of Byakuya's Bankai, knew she had to escalate. The air became dense, and her spiritual pressure surged, "Resurrección: Gamuza!", She cried out.

Her form began to change, her slender frame growing more muscular, a large spiraled horn forming on her head, and her Zanpakutō merging with her very being. As her transformation was completed, a powerful aura surrounded her, a testament to her released form's might.

The reinvigorated Nelliel, now more agile and powerful, darted through the storm of blades, dodging and parrying with finesse. Each swing of her weapon carried the weight and force of her Resurrección, aiming to break through Byakuya's defenses.

Byakuya, on the other hand, began manipulating his Bankai even more skillfully. The blades, acting on his command, formed complex patterns and barriers, while also attempting to pin down and slice at Nelliel.

Their battle was a sight to behold. It was a blend of raw power, refined technique, and unparalleled strategy. Each clash sent tremors through the Rukongai wasteland, a testament to the strength of these two formidable warriors.

Amidst the chaos of the battle, the respect between the two grew. Neither spoke much, but their actions, their hesitations, and their calculated risks communicated more than words ever could. They were both warriors, bound by duty and honor, pushing their limits in this fierce confrontation.

Up to 30 additional chapters ahead are available on my Patreon. The link is below as well on this story's main page!






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