

The Earth and Reality hate and cursed him, Thus, Death led him to a world where everyone hated him even more.

Daoist310207 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Paper #1

The warm light above and bright shine on the blurred optic eyes with a voice of breathing and foggy in mouth cover of a half-sleep man who lays on the steel bed inside the emergency ambulance.

Is...is he ok?

"Blink! Breath! Talk!" A man shouting at him.

Who... is that ok?

"Try to hold at the light, you can do this!"

A man attempts to bring the dead man back to life but it's too late. Death already sythed his soul like a prey of ... wait Oh sh-

Now the memories are faded in and ... That person who cold-sleep as death with motionless, speechless, and breathless. It's me!