
Around the Multiverse with Copy Ability

Reader_With_Ideas · Anime & Comics
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The stupid people only put camera in their cave and not outside so it eas even more easy.

Now only about 15 people were left out of which 5 were in the office, so I silently entered the main camp and stayed in the shadows.

I knew I didn't have much time as they would be expecting the others to return soon.

So, when I had a clear shot for everyone, I rapidly used dual pistols and 3 seconds later, before they could shout as u was behind the majority and the ones who could see only my silhouette were silenced before they could make noise.

Now, the main office started feeling suspicious as the noise outside was abruptly cut off, so I quickly went to the door of the office and peaked in.

The door, which was more of a cloth tent door, was open so that played more to my advantage but I could not be open or my shadow will be seen.

So, after confirming their positions, I went around, put my pistols in their holders, and took out twin chained daggers.

After getting the picture in my mind about what to do once inside, I tore open the cloth tent, and immediately attacked the person on my left who was the closest.

He had a chained dagger in his neck, which soon swung out as more of the chain was loosened form my hand as it pierced the eyeball all the way to the brain of the other guy in front.

While the other one was sent to another one's chest, which I quickly pulled back.

I immediately doged to the side using the nearest corpse as my shield as even if the last one left was a tech guy, the boss was not.

After me dodging around while using other tables and cabinets along with corpses as covers, I was finally shot as there were no other obstacles as even the corpses were mangled.

The tech guy also died when the boss was firing the submachine gun at me.

Only three shots were shot to my back, but to his surprise, almost instantly, they were popped out of my body and my body regenerated as good as new.

Without giving him anymore time to think, I sliced his neck with the chained daggers and beheaded him.

That is how I singlehandedly wiped out an entire terrorist group alone, which would only further increase my reputation in the mercenary group.

Another thing I just noticed is that my adaptive factor can stabilize better and faster if it has Mana or other energy to feed it.

So, I just tried pumping as much as I could throughout my body ans when I felt it reached the saturation point, I stopped.

I could feel Mana since I copied it from Noah and could manipulate it slightly too, so I experimented. Now it will be going to my body at all times.

It also strengthens my body but not that much.

Now, I just had to wait for Tony to complete the arc reactor and leave with him and Yinsen in my open jeep.

I had already parked the jeep at the bottom of the rocky mountain.

Now you might ask why not call the military here? Then I won't be able to get the loot for myself.

Yes, I had already collected and stored all weapons from missiles to guns and ammo apart from explosives enough to blow the whole base to shreds.

I had planted them such that all bodies and all their records will be blasted.

I had also kept the proof of Obadiah contacting and hiring them in the inventory.

I will just give it to Tony when he reaches that point and if he asks me for it.

I am planning to befriend him anyway, but not without teasing him.

I just waited outside while looking at the sky while watching the sky turn from night to day while laying on top of the cave.

After I started hearing noise again in the cave, so I jumped down in front of the cave door.

I blast it open and walk right in to see Tony talking to Yinsen about the miniature arc reactor.

"Or something big for 15 minutes. See these. This is what we'll-"

I enter as I interrupt their conversation.

They know I am there as Tony had put sensors on near the door.

"Tony Stark. Target confirmed."

I spoke in the whole cold emotionless assassin voice so they will be even more nervous.

"Who are you? How did you get here?"

Without saying anything, I just silently walk while looking at him.

Both Tony and Yinsen get nervous and pick up spanner, or hammer as defense.

When I am just two meters from him, I Crack up.

"Hahaha! You should see the look on your face! C'mon Tony I expected you to know better. Use your brain to think. I came here alone without interruption or noise outside. Plus it is too quiet outside. Nobody disturbed you since last night and it is already morning. I came alone without their soldiers stopping me or coming with me. Do you really think you can do anything even with the hammer?"

"Oh shees! Not funny dude. Who the heck are you anyway? What happened to those guys outside?"

"Well, formally introducing myself, I am Note. A mercenary hired to find and rescue you. As for the guys outside? All dead. I just waited till morning to let you complete your beauty sleep and we can leave now with you companion?"

"Okay. Thanks I guess. Also, yes he is coming with us. Yinsen Note. Note Yinsen. What happened to military? If you could find me, then the militaryshould be able to as well. No offense."

"None taken. A pleasure. Let's talk as we walk. So, the military are still looking for your tracks around somewhere along with other mercenaries.

I killed off all of them including the boss yesterday night. The military will take a lot more time than you could bust yourself out if you actually made the hideous thing.

One of you would die as you don't know anything about fighting, period. Now let's go to the jeep and head back home.

If you have other plans, wait till you get home. Also, I got some good info about who and why your kidnapping happened with evidence, but I suggest you look at it after you have settled down back home.

I can come at your place after you have settled down with the info. As for proof, here take this. Only one in the world. I will come to take it back.
