
Around the Multiverse with Copy Ability

Reader_With_Ideas · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


When we got off the plane, the scene that happened was similar to the movie with the cheeseburger and addition that I walked out last and slipped away to my villa in Beverly Hills.

With Tony, there was the same scene but there were a few differences in the aftermath of it.

I had my suspicions that someone other inside had me attacked, but now that there is evidence, but he didn't give it to me right away, it should be a betrayal of someone close to me.

It can't be Pepper. No matter what, it cannot be her. Then who..

Obadiah? No he is like my uncle. Even if he is extreme sometimes, it is for the company and me.

Rhodes is also not possible.

Damn I hope he comes to meet me soon.

I also have to start making the Armour but more advanced as I already can, and I think I will need it as my own weapons were being used for terrorism.

"Yinsen! Let's go to the laboratory. It is time we start with the project."

I call out to Yinsen who is busy on tablet.

I asked him to start living with me as he could help me a lot.


It was only yesterday that I announced the shut down of weapons department, and that guy, Note, told me that he will come by in this week.

Hopefully the information he has is conclusive. Whoever it is, I will definitely finish him.

Meanwhile our protagonist was just chilling and writing songs for his open life job.

The song that I decided to make first were simple ones but very good as well.

The first one being the single 'See you again'.

It was a real pity that it wasn't in this world, so I decided to recreate the masterpiece.

I sang, played the instruments, edited and recorded myself as even if I was not that proficient, I could still learn and improve with a speed visible to naked eyes.

So, I had nailed and completed the whole process perfectly and was at a very high level in the instruments, singing, and song making by the end of it.

It took quite longer than I had expected, but I got better at the skills so it was worth it.

It was already time for the cooldown to end tomorrow, so I started my own YouTube Channel with me showing melodies and recording stuff along with playing instruments.

I uploaded the first video being me telling them about the melody of the song.

I was going to use the popularity that came with it, and then release the song on a music streaming platform.

This way was not used by anyone in this world, so it was a success when I saw it the next day.

It was also the day my cooldown ended, and I will visit Tony after returning from my trip.

So, after getting ready, I used world travel.

[Select world.]

Library of Heaven's Path. When the protagonist has completed the upgrade of the library. 10m beside him.

[World selected. Travel successful.]

With yet another white flash of light, I was in what looked to be an ancient Chinese style room.

In front of me was a handsome young man and a beautiful woman with Chinese features.

They were extremely alert to my sudden appearance but before they could kill or detain me, I shouted out loud.

"Earth, China. I want to talk!"

Suddenly the air froze. There was a tense atmosphere around.

"Leave us for a while."

The young man said to the girl.

The girl although wary, left the room.

"How? Who are you? What do you want?"

"Dude, I am not a Cultivator. Stop with the pressure. I am from earth. I read your story, which is in form of manga and novel on my earth, and got powers to visit other worlds, so I came to visit because you are really OP."

"Huh. What do you mean my life is story?"

"Do you remember multiverse? Like parallel world and stuff? That is real. All fictional worlds are real. I was also sent to one and got thus power.

I mainly came to give you your story, and you can change it if you want."

"Why are you giving me this? What do you want?"

"I don't really want anything, as this is our only meeting, and you can live as you want, but don't be the typical arrogant Mc afterwards okay? That's all I want I guess.

Anyway, my time is up, and these are some novels I brought for you as you might be bored, so enjoy and bye!"

I had already copied it before we started talking, and gave him some chinese novels and manga which I thought were good and had stored it in my inventory after reading them, and went back.

The only reason I did this is that I found him to be a chill person, and a whim of mine. Also, I was buying new novels and Mangas here because I wanted new entertainment as well.

Plus, due to the pressure, my body evolved more.

So the bonus was always welcome.

Anyway, I decided to leave for Tony's house as it was about time I did that, plus if I didn't remember wrong, today is the charity where I am invited in Tony's name.

On the way, I stopped at many different places like libraries, art shops, musical instruments shops, clothing stores, shoes stores, watch stores, jewelry stores, restaurants as I could eat as much as I wanted, so I ate thrice before finally going to the villa in Malibu.

By now, I had compiled and read all the books that I could, and had quite good amount of knowledge as I just needed to flip pages after compiling them.

I could also help him with many things as well.

Although I will have to practice to familiarize and use the knowledge well, I will need very less amount of time to master it due to both the Library and my reactive Adaptation.

So, I was quite knowledgeable in all the fields I visited like fashion, jewelry design, culinary, watchmaking, musical instruments, both playing and making, along with writing, drawing, and science and other subjects.