
Chapter-2 The Prince Returns

The sky is no longer blue it was light grayish the clouds are gathering close to each other. It might rain soon. The road to home is very far away. There are bare mountains behind him. He took a big gulp of water from his water bag and wiped his mouth with the back of his left hand. He wore a hooded s brown color cloak which hid his features from anyone. ‘How many years has it been he left Rante?’ The rider looked back at his accompanying riders. Two of them are his close friends they are returning with him. He looked forward again soon they will meet up the soldiers in the border. He wondered who has been sent to escort him. ‘Is everything the same back home? Or did it change?’ His last memory of his home was when he left the place with teary eyes. He wanted to hide his tears to show he is brave enough to leave the place. His father did not break down he stood there as a stone without emotions. Part of him wished that he would pick him up and hug him another time or stop him from leaving the place, but none of it happened. He let his tears fall when they passed through the gate. This thought made him look at his horse standing beside him. He patted the horse’s neck. “Are you ready boy? We are almost there.” He looked back at Aldrich and Ciaran nodding that he is ready to ride. The sky found this moment to make give a small thunder sound.

Aldrich rode close to him, “The sky does not look good. Do you wish to delay or?” Nicholas shook his head while starring at the sky it is slowly getting darker, “We ride fast we will make it before it falls.” Ciaran laughed, “As you say My Prince. But you know I am still a bit hungry you don’t mind if we grab a bite to eat in the town first?” He came closer to Nicholas who did not give any answer to the question just a sigh and pulled the reign of his horse. He left his friends behind who joined him riding close to him a little close behind. He looked back a bit to check if they are close enough. They were right behind him. ‘Why did this two headache stick with me?’ he thought pissed. Even in the camp Aldrich was the first approached him first to seat beside him in the lunch table. Ciaran on the other hand started stalking him after he defeated him in the first match.

Aldrich was from the villages of Argenti training to be a knight. Ciaran was from the Capital city in the Empires state. Being the fourth son in his family with no hope being the heir to his family he went forward to become one of the knights. He was doing pretty good until Nicholas defeated him. This made him decide he will protect this Prince and follow him wherever he goes.

The border drew closer and closer the sky became darker shade of grey the sky was not going to let them arrive the castle on time. ‘Tch we have to stop at the inn for a while.’ Nicholas thought as they approach their first stop. They looked at the grey border wall surrounding Rante. It looked darker almost black due to the sky. Fortunately they reached the main gate before the rain fell. They quickly took out the pass and show it to the guard. The captain quickly got down from the horse and bowed to his prince. The rain decided to fall at this moment with a lot of sounds. It seemed as if it will not stop for a long time. The wind was getting stronger as time went by. They decided it was best for the rain to stop first before continuing to the castle. They took refuge in an inn close to the gate area. Nicholas dismissed the idea of taking up lodges in a lavish area. He wanted to avoid spectators as much as possible though he suspected that there might have been more people in the streets if not for the rain. The news of his arrival day was sent earlier but the timing was kept hidden. He walked in the front wooden door followed by Aldrich and Ciaran. It was packed with people some like them was waiting for the rain to stop. Most of the guests in the dining hall carried symbolic swords or belts. The matron of the inn quickly came over and directed them to an empty table. “Are you travelers Sir? So what can I get for you?”

Ciaran looked excited at her words he ordered a big meal. When she turned away to bring the food he looked at Nicholas, “You are paying right?”

After around an hour of heavy fall the rain stopped pouring. The clouds left the sky with a clear blue view. The roads still wet from the rain with small puddles present here and there. Everyone was getting back to their business the side road in the bazaar is opening up their windows to sell their products. A group of horses passed by the bazaar the pace is light walk. They were escorted by a group of knights and surrounding them. People came out to see who it is but the riders wore hoods and kept themselves out of view. The procession slowly went on until it left the town and its people behind. The large castle door was opened to let the riders in. The castle has its own border wall. Inside this border wall the ground with soldiers waiting to welcome them. They stood half bowed to welcome their Prince. At the end of the line of soldiers stood Sir Pedrell he bowed low, “Welcome home your highness. The King is waiting for you in the throne room.” He motioned for Aldrich and Ciaran to be escorted in the guest quarters.

Nicholas followed Pedrell he removed his hood and breathed in the castle air. It seemed to bring back childhood memories. He wanted to smile but it was quickly replaced with a slight seriousness when he came in front of the throne room he was greeted with the bows of the ministers and dukes stood up and bowed for the Prince. The king was sitting on his throne his posture seemed different for Nicholas, beside him sat his Queen Regina she had a kind smile on her face. He quickly kneeled and bowed before the throne uttering his greetings. Louis looked at his son for a moment in front of his eyes came a vision of the small child with light blond hair like his first wife stood in front of him with curious eyes instead of the grown up version of him. His heart almost skipped a beat when the vision vanished and an older version of the Prince brought him back to the present. He is still there in front of him still kneeling. Louis stood up from his throne and slowly walked down the three steps close to him. He stood in front of his son, “Arise Prince.”

Nicholas stood up slowly as soon as he stood up he could see his father’s eyes a kind soft look was present then the cold distant look from the past. He did not have enough time to register this look as the king raised his arms and engulfed him into a hug. This gave him a surprise he looked at Regina standing a few feet away she had a smile on her face. “It is good to see you back and well my son.” Louis released him to look at his face still holding him at an arm’s length. Nicholas finally woke up from his shocked and smiled at his father. “Thank you Your Majesty.” Louis felt a little disappointed at his son addressing him with formally, but was impressed with his reply. He nodded with acknowledgement. “You and I have much to talk about.” He patted his son’s right shoulder and let him go to stand beside him. “Today’s meeting ends here we will continue later.” He excused himself guiding his son through the side entrance. Sir Pedrell and Queen Regina followed them accompanied by two of his knights. They walked to the open hallway it lead to the kings own office. At the entrance to the office the Queen excused herself to give some time to the father and son. She joined her ladies maids who were waiting for her. In the office as usual Sir Svero was present he quickly stood up from the couch and bowed in greeting his look changed from what Nicholas remembered. He grew a beard and mustache with his red hair. His eyes still held the fire from the past and sported a grin, “Welcome back your highness. It is good to see you after such a long time.” Nicholas nodded in greeting with a smile. Louis motioned everyone to settle down on the comfort chairs he took a single chair at the end. It was cushioned seats cream and golden color in décor.

He called the butler to bring some refreshments and looked back at his son who was sitting on his right. “Now tell me everything that you have seen in the past year.” Nicholas was taken aback by his father’s request he looked around both Sir Pedrell and Sir Svero was looking at him with a smile and grin curious to listen to his words. His father is surprising him again and again today. His emotions were getting jumbled; however it made him a little happy on the other hand. He could not wait to get back and boast about it to Aldrich and Ciaran. He looked down to the floor feeling a little embarrassed at his child like thoughts while smiling to himself thinking, ‘ Where should I start from?’ ***********************************

So far everything today went out of track. Nicholas was having a strangest but one of his better days. He was escorted back to his room by the butler. “Your highness will be assigned a knight for you by tomorrow do you have anyone you wish to choose nominate Sir?” He looked a little flustered he must be new to this place Nicholas thought looking at the person escorting him to his room, “No but I would like to see the candidates for myself.” His voice came out deep and distracted. The room had two guards in front who bowed as soon as they approach. The door was opened to a room full of nostalgia. The room was kept almost similar to how he left it. He imagined himself running around the room or sitting with his mother with a piece of cake in front of him. “Your highness is something amiss?” He looked around while walking inside the room and stopped sudden rush of memories came to his head. “It is alright Fredrich” he said smiling to the butler with almost all his hair white in the years. ‘Only the people changed in this castle everything else seems the same.’ He thought looking around. “I would like to wash before lunch.” He informed opening his coat. “Please inform my guests that I will meet them in the afternoon.” He was left alone for a while. His gaze kept moving towards the window. He walked towards the window in the small sitting table. He kept a hand on the chair a sweet light wind greeted him. Two pink and red shaded petals came through the large open window. They twisted themselves in circle they lost the wind power to drop on the table. He put his right hand beside the table fearing the fact his large hands would crush the petals the petals caught his curiosity. A knock came on the door. The staff brought the tub for his wash and drew the screen. He got distracted for a while and moved to look back at the table. The petals were missing it might have left when he looked away. Nicholas took a step forward thinking to himself, ‘Let’s get it over with.’


The walk was feeling awkward there was just not one step there were two more feet that was following him. It made him feel a bit uncomfortable. The knight assigned to him was a man of few words but it still made him feel an insecure he kept glancing back after every few minutes. He rubbed his neck for a bit feeling embarrassed at his behavior it has been a long time since he acted like a prince. Today’s session included attending morning session then lunch with the ministers. He got a little bit off time before lunch. The session went on for a long it seems there is still a faction of protestors and they are backed by a few of the high factions who fell from favor. The situation might get dangerous soon. He came to a stop in front of the open field. The total view behind the castle could be seen. He is feeling jealous of Aldrich and Ciaran they both went for a ride. Nicholas would rather go for a ride than listen to the sessions. He looked around surveying the whole place. A scene made him look back again.

A small girl ran past him wearing a flower crown to the rose garden. Behind her two more ladies ran to catch up to her. “Your highness please does not run so fast you will fall down.” They briefly stopped to bow down in front of him and excuse themselves the next running after the young girl. He quickly nodded in acknowledgement. The little girl quickly disappeared through the gate. He is reminded of a letter sent to him bearing the news of the birth of his sister. “Is that...” he looked at the face of his knight to help him with the confirmation. His knight smiled, “Yes your highness that was Princess Rosaline de Monique.” Nicholas nodded and walked towards the garden. His is curious to find out more about the young princess. It took him a while to find her sitting in front of the white rose flower bed laughing with her ladies looking at one of the white rose. It was almost the size of half her face. Beside her four roses are kept. He slowly approached her careful not to make any sound. “Do you like it princess?” The young child looked back at her; she looked so small as if she could fit in the palm of his hand. She looked at him with a curious eye. “Who are you?” Her ladies tried to inform her but Nicholas held up a hand to stop them. Her eyes went up and down observing him, trying to guess his identity. He smiled and kneeled down to bow in front of her. “Forgive me for my late introduction princess I am Nicholas Leopold.” Her eyes changed into excitement she quickly turned around to pick up the white roses beside her and held them out. “This is for you big brother.” His cheek went red and could not help smiling at her cute gesture. For a moment he kept starring at her. “You don’t like white roses?” she looked away from him to the roses. Nicholas thought he made a really big mistake he wanted to say something to stop the misunderstanding, but the little princess did not wait for any replies she quickly moved away giving the flowers to one of maids standing close by and ran really fast behind her maids ran trying to keep up, “Your highness please stop running. Why does she keep on doing that?” Behind them the prince looked at the place they were standing he could not believe what he just saw. ‘Did she feel sadden by my silence that she ran away?’ He felt that he must clear the misunderstanding quickly He got up to follow her but in the next moment the princess came back with a smile on her face, she held three red roses in her hand. “Here do you like red roses?” Nicholas looked past behind her as far as he remembered it is quite a long distance to the red rose bed in the garden. Her maids were just catching up to her they are panting. “Do you not like this one? Should I bring another color?” the princesses was looking at her hands and waiting to make another run for it. He quickly took the flowers in her hand to stop her, “No no I love them they are beautiful.” Rosaline moved away and quickly took the white roses and bought it too him. “Then I will give them all to you.” Nicholas could not figure out what to say to this he just looked at the flowers. The princess looked as if she achieved something great she grinned really big. He smiled at her expression this was a nice surprise for him.

The princess had to leave the garden soon for her study session. Nicholas also left for his lunch meeting. A corner of his heart whinnied to follow the little princess and spent more time with her. He laughed at his thoughts. “Rafael, take these flowers to my room.” He passed the roses to his knight who bowed and left to join the lunch table. The room where he walked in was a long table with the King sat at the end. The ministers sat on their respective places. He walked in and bowed to everyone directing to the King first giving his greetings. He settled down but the smile did not leave his face. His thoughts were still focused on the little child. The food was served one by one. “My Prince what do you think?” Nicholas looked up to see others are looking at him. He mentally slapped his head it was stupid of him not to notice what the elders were discussing about. He racked his brains to find an excuse to avoid the question. “I am sorry but I do not think I have the right to pass my judgment about the situation without knowing the full context of the situation.” He was scared to look at his father but somehow he managed to look with the corner of his eyes. To his surprise King Louis did not look angry or disappointed he smiled at him.

“Your Highness, Prince Nicholas is indeed wise in his decision.” Nicholas looked at the person who spoke out. It was Duke Pritelli of the house Monique. He was smiling as well. The duke looked exhausted and aged. His hair was more white then black. King Louis nodded in agreement, “However Nicholas I want you to look through this matter.” He motioned Fredrich close to him, “Fredrich will guide you through this case. I still want to hear your feedback in this situation. The western side is getting attacks, the town’s people need a calming assurance there is a festival soon.”

Nicholas mentally slapped himself again, ‘Why was he distracted?’ He made a mental note to involve Aldrich and Ciaran in his problems. ‘I should not be the only one suffering.’ The problem still made him worry a bit. Attacks from the border side meant it is quiet close to Argenti. He has to keep the diplomatic issue in check. The rest of the lunch went well will random discussion of trying to find solution to political issues. Nicholas tried to keep himself out of the discussions as much as possible but he kept focused in case he does not fall in the same situation. One thought still kept playing in his head. His home changed from it was before. Changes can be good. But other times a small change can be a fatal mistake for a kingdom.