
Bk3: Ch– 150 Regular(pt-1)

Rosa looked up to Darce and back at the scene. There was the sound of the Baron trying to say something, but it was getting covered by the crowd.

“Where is his Highness! He needs to explain this right now!” His words were powerful; just opposite to him was his wife patting her child's head.

Who was wailing for a reason they can suspect but did not say anything. Rosa sighed, looking at Darce. “Did you spend the night in my room for this? How did you know?”

“Experience, Darce muttered. Can you please put on a cloak and come out with me.” Rosa nodded and quickly put on the helmet and the cloak around her body.

As she dressed, there was a knock on the room window. She raised her head to see Leo sitting atop the fence. He had a few scrolls in his hand. She quickly let him in. The boy put the papers on the table. He quickly moved to clean the room. Rosa watched in shock as the room promptly looked different from a moment ago.