
The Party

"Wazzat Lara?"


"Well good riddance for that slut then"

Despite being acquaintances, the teenagers payed the death of the girl no mind, in fact they seemed elated.

"Since we're friends, I'll give you guys a gift!"

The younger Pleron looked on to his future self handing down weapons of war that came out of thin air.

"I love the classic feeling"

"Whoa izzzat magic?"

"Why don't I get the big guns?"

With slow and absentminded faces, the boys respectively handled an Mp40, Mp34, then a Luger.

"My name's Pleron, and this right here is Little Pleron, what about you guys?"

Introducing himself brought the three back to reality.

"This here is Hermann"

"Zup name's Heinrich"

"I'll tell you if you give me something bigger"

The one carrying the Mp40 named Hermann gave off the feeling of an optimistic officer worker, Heinrich who was probably an imbecile even without drugs on tightly hugged his Mp34, the last one gave a dissatisfied voice.

"Sure, here!"

With a smile, Pleron spawned a Sturmgewehr.


The sudden change of weight in his hands caught him off guard.


"Heh! Name's Rudolf"

Probably the most normal looking in the bunch along with a tall stature, it's not an exaggeration to say that Rudolf's got the body of an athlete.

'Wonder what kind of nonsense happened for such a boy to fall in this state'

'They're not real anyway, so why bother'

'Nonono, I should stop throwing things at the back of my head, or else that would be my downfall'

(Trait open-minded gained)

As far as Pleron know, people like Rudolf would have been a popular boy in his class.

"Being dumped got me here"


Seeing the confused look of Pleron, Rudolf relieved him.

"Women, heh"

"Even the mightiest falls under the honey trap"

Hermann said as he took out the magazine.

Despite how he looks, he knows how to handle a gun, thought Pleron.

"I've played some guns simulator before"

Said Hermann as he tucked in the magazine on the gun.

"Man can conquer the world, while women conquer men"

"A woman who has sharpened her weapons are scary, ya know?"


Heinrich slowly said as his look tensed to his gun, pulling the charging handle then aiming it at a dumpster nearby.

The two who were intoxicated with their gun and probably drugs, showed something that surprised Pleron.


A disgusting screech for a criminal, a savior for the unfortunate, the siren of a law enforcer's car flooded the boys' ears.

The siren dozed off, as the boys saw the car with a star on its door opened.

"Really, the young boys nowadays are the worst of all the criminals out there"

"Just put down those toys and let's get these over with"

A sheriff nonchalantly said, without even drawing his gun, the enforcer took his cuffs from his waist and walked near Pleron.

"Looks like we'll be nee-"

As the man got deeper through the alley of filth, the passaged seemed to get dimmer and once he took a closer look below their feet, a corpse of a man seemed to finally woke his muddled head.

The man looked above once more only to see visages and silhouettes grinning at him.

"Deputy come out he-!"

Bang bang bang~

Panic stricken the sheriff tried to call for his backup, only to be put down.

A series of bullets holed through his vest, claiming his life away, his words never seeing the end.

"Hehehehe! is this how you shoot it?"

Heinrich said as a distorted smile was wrinkling his face.

"Looks like I'm an accomplice now huh?"

With a resigned look, Rudolf tiredly said as he looked at the smoke coming out from Heinrich's gun.

"Guh! what are you doing!"

"What a waste of precious bullets!"

Incited due to the bullets mostly riddling the dumpsters and wall, the friendly looking Hermann face distorted as well, but not because of joy but because of Heinrich's aim.

"Look this is how you do it"

Putting the butt at his shoulders, a left hand on the pistol grip, then the right hand at the front hand guard, Hermann assumed a kneel stance.

"Sheriff what's wr~!"


The first bullet got through the head, but as for the next bullets, nothing in the mark at all.


"The first one was good, but the others, pft!"

"You should exercise more with that frail body of yours"

The recoil was too much for the fragile drugged body of the boy.

"But the games said it had low recoil!?"

"This is the disparity friend"