
The Dreaded Beast

"Seems like most of my skills is based on being a support, eh?"

"Can't I get some badass skills that could sweep thousands of trash?"

'And what's up with this Successor and Pokerface skills, they don't really seem that useful'

Rustle rustle~

As the boy was complaining about his useless skills, a disturbance in the bushes outside the exit of the cave could be audibly heard.

'If it was the former me, I would have my nutsack tingled out of surprise due to such a large noise coming out of nowhere'

'But I guess I'm not the same me anymore, which is good'

Though quite sad at the same time.

Rustle rustle~

As the noise got louder as it gradually moves closer, the boy bolstered himself and prepared to tackle the situation he is in, depending on whom may come out.


A huge deep horrendous sound that could even bring men buckling down to their seats.

'A bear?'

Furthermore, that's no ordinary bear right?

Afterall, it towers over 4 meters tall, and a long sharp set of claws embedded in its fingertips, its deep red eyes stared down at me intimidatingly.


'This cave is probably these ballscratcher's home'

'Should I slowly back away?'

I looked to the back and saw nothing but darkness deep within the cave.


'I'm pretty sure that's nothing but dead end there'

'From what I see it doesn't looks like it's near its hibernation nor does it look hungry'

'I should be safe right?'

I moved slowly to the left wall of the cave, hoping that the bear won't mind me and proceed within the cave.

But at the same time the boy moved, the bear's eyes still kept its focus on Pleron, whilst slowly walking towards him.

'Well shit'

'Is he going to smell my ass like a dog'

'Well that's the best scenario'

'But it seems not, if he's starting to use four legs and already charging at me'

The bear who stood with two was now charging at the boy.



A huge and long screeching noise could be heard as the wall behind Pleron formerly used to be, could be visibly seen with now an inch deep claw mark carved in it.

'Main menu'

I muttered with pure clarity without any tinge of panic after dodging the bear's claw with a roll to its left side and used my index finger to tap on the roulette button.

"Are you sure?

This will be your first and last roulette?


I immediately tap the yes button.

Now, although this was all in my calculations, but what comes out now from the roulette will be the deciding factor of whether I live or not... A gamble.

The bear stood up and turned around only to see there was no one.

"Heh! in the end your height is nothing but your downfall"

Said Pleron as he was crouching between the monster's legs.


As soon as I heard those words along with fireworks being blown off the blue screen the bear finally took notice of me.

"Sheesh can't you just make it anymore grander!"


"For acquiring the 'Dreaded beast' heavy tank Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E"