

Ye Shaoyang had just taken off his headset before he was suddenly given a tight hug by Chi Shuo. He was stunned for a second. He heard Chi Shuo whisper into his ear in a low voice, "Shaoyang, thank you."

Chi Shuo had so many things he wanted to say, thousands even, but he could only express himself with a simple 'thank you' in the end.

Thank you for coming to me.

Thank you for joining Tianhuan.

You were the one who let me regain confidence in jungler cores, and also the one that gave Tianhuan the hope and courage to reclaim the championship throne once more.

Ye Shaoyang's heart softened slightly when he heard Chi Shuo thanking him. He knew what Chi Shuo was thanking him for, and he was also clear on the pressure that Chi Shuo was facing. He was also someone who had been a captain before. In his previous life, whenever the GD team lost a competition, he would always be the one to get scolded the most. They would say things like 'just retire since your state is declining', 'you're going downhill', or 'you're the tumor of the team' and many more.

The sentences those black fans used to scold and insult them with were very harsh. At first, Ye Shaoyang would feel a little hurt when he saw them but as he got subjected to these insults more and more, he learned to just automatically ignore them.

TL/n: Haters or anti-fans

He had watched all of Tianhuan's matches in S9 and also watched Chi Shuo's performance in S6 which was Tianhuan's most glorious season. He believed that Chi Shuo was not in a declining state. Chi Shuo had always been that sharp assassin who was full of great ideas and had a strong view on the overall situation. It was just that he had been suppressed too miserably and couldn't play with his full strength.

Although Tianhuan had lost to Beimu last season, Chi Shuo had guarded his own base steadily up to the very last second before ultimately dying in front of his base crystal. It was also only at that moment that Ye Shaoyang decided to join Chi Shuo's team——he wanted to relieve the captain of his pressure and help him shine on the battlefield again. He also wanted Chi Shuo to lend him his strength to achieve his own dream of winning a championship.

In fact, there wasn't a need to thank him.

That's because they were teammates who supported and helped each other succeed.

Ye Shaoyang patted Chi Shuo's shoulder lightly and smiled. "You're welcome. You've supported me so many times, let me have the blue buffs, and helped me get the MVP titles. Isn't it a given for me to protect you?"

Chi Shuo released him and looked at Ye Shaoyang with a gentle gaze. "You're right. We're teammates, so we should have trust in each other."

At the side, Cheng Xing took off his headset and ran over in excitement. "Yang-ge is awesome!" He shouted.

He immediately followed up with a 'Master, you're awesome!' when he saw that Chi Shuo was talking to Ye Shaoyang.

The two of them: "..."

Cheng Xing was really their number one fan.

'My Yang-ge is awesome!' was something he'll shout after every match.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and looked at Cheng Xing. "In that last fight, the top laner and jungler of the opposing side went after you. It was quite amazing that you managed to escape."

"Mn, for us to win this match, it was because everyone played well together. It was not just our efforts." Chi Shuo agreed.

If Cheng Xing had died in the final fight, even if Chi Shuo had turned the tide and killed three players from the opposing side, he still wouldn't be able to have the upper hand. Destroying towers would be very slow without a marksman.

Cheng Xing was extremely happy as it was rare for him to hear his master praise him. He turned and immediately went to hug Qu Jiang and Qin Yizhu.

Just as expected, the third round's MVP title went to Chi Shuo.

He solo killed the mid-laner, ambushed the jungler, and instakilled the marksman. In the end, his triple kill decided the outcome of the match. It could be said that Chi Shuo had set the rhythm of the entire game——this was a true jungler core!

"This round's MVP is Tianhuan's Shuoyue! Let us hand things over for the post-game interview."

At the competition venue, when Chi Shuo's fans saw him appear on the interview stage, their eyes turned red.

It had been a long time since they saw Chi Shuo take the MVP title with a jungler core. But in today's game, the sharp and powerful youth they had fallen in love with back in S6 has returned to the stage, now as a captain who had matured.

The reporter also became very excited when Chi Shuo appeared on the interview stage.

"Congratulations to Tianhuan for winning the game with a score of 2-1. Let's welcome Captain Chi to the post-game interview!"

Chi Shuo nodded to the reporter politely.

"In this season, Tianhuan had been running mid laner core comps and today was the first time the team had taken out a jungler core comp. Do you have anything you would like to say to the viewers, Captain Chi?" The reporter asked.

Chi Shuo took the microphone and said calmly: "Our team comps will change based on the opponents we face. We've always been practicing jungler core comps privately too. Actually, it was Shaoyang's idea for us to run the jungler core for this match and said that he wanted to back me up. In the final team fight, I wouldn't have been able to take three kills so smoothly if it wasn't for him sacrificing himself."

"It was actually Lieyang's idea? It seems like Lieyang has a lot of faith in you!" The reporter said in shock.

The corners of Chi Shuo's lips were raised slightly. "Yes. He understands me very well because I often duo queue with him. For him to give me his final shield showed that he had faith that I would be able to turn the tide and strike our opponents down."

The reporter nodded seriously and said, "The trust between teammates is also very important. Sometimes, sacrificing a teammate in return for three kills can really be advantageous. We still have a question we would like to ask you, Captain Chi. Do you think Tianhuan can make it to the playoffs this season? What's your goal?"

Chi Shuo looked straight at the camera and with a calm voice, he answered: "Naturally, Tianhuan's goal is to become the champions."

The reporter continued: "Tianhuan had won the domestic championship in S6 but after that, you've failed to even place from S7 to S9. Do you think Tianhuan really has the strength to reclaim the championship throne this season?"

Chi Shuo: "Of course."

Applause enthusiastically filled up the stadium.

In the #RiyueTonghui# group chat, the CP fans were about to go crazy from excitement.

[So it turns out that Yangyang was the one who offered to be Yueyue's support. I'm about to go crazy for this divine, fairytale-like love!]

[Previously, Shuoyue was the bodyguard for Lieyang. Today, Lieyang stood behind Shuoyue and protected him so that Shuoyue could play the jungler core. Both the sun and moon shined together; they really match each other so well, wuwuwuwuwu!]

[As a fan and enthusiast of Chi Shuo for four years, I'm really glad that Yangyang is with him now. I feel like the condition of Captain Chi for this season has improved and he became more confident. Looking forward to seeing the two of them stand on the championship podium together!]

[Chi Shuo instantly turned around to hug Yangyang the moment they finished the match. Sisters, this is so sweet that it almost killed me!]

[This CP can't end with anything other than marriage~]

Chi Shuo's post-game interview also left players from other teams who were watching the live broadcast with complicated feelings.

That was especially true for Zhao Xin'an. He resisted the urge to bang his head on the wall and muttered: "I really don't understand. Qu Jiang and Chi Shuo had worked together for three years, but I don't see them having this sort of tacit understanding? Xiao Bai has only known Chi Shuo not that long ago, but they are already in sync with each other? Is that reasonable? Where's the rationality in that?"

"It's unreasonable. It was even more unreasonable of you to send that video to the group chat after discovering Xiao Bai." Zhao Xinping said coldly.

Zhao Xin'an: "..."

It was too hurtful. His heart would feel like it got stabbed with a knife every time Tianhuan played a match in the future.

"I've discovered that ever since Lieyang joined Tianhuan in S10, Chi Shuo has been completely freed as everyone focused their attention and animosity towards Lieyang. In all three games of today's match, the priority for banning wasn't the jungler and all of Chi Shuo's jungler cores were free. In the future, he can choose whichever jungler core he wants and that is the scary thing." Beimu's coach said helplessly.

"Yes. From what was seen so far, Tianhuan's mid laner and jungler all have the ability to carry the rhythm of a game. They can now run many different comps, such as a support jungler with a mid laner core or a defensive mid laner with a jungler core. They can focus on macro play by dragging out a game, or set a fast pace with their mid/jungle duo. Their number of battle tactics had become aplenty."

No one had thought that the inner workings of a team could completely change with just the addition of a new player.

The battle tactics and strategies of Tianhuan this season had indeed become unfathomable.

When competing against Yueying today, they took out one of Chi Shuo's signature heroes called [Stealthy Rogue]. They can't cross out the possibility that there might be older heroes of his making reappearances as well.

"The mid laner and jungler's hero pools are too deep, so it's hard for others to target. Yueying repeatedly targeted the top lane in this match but the results weren't good. They won the second game by swapping lanes and in the third game, Tianhuan completely destroyed their marksman." Beimu's coach analyzed.

"We don't necessarily need a marksman." Zhao Xinping suddenly said.

Beimu's coach looked at her, only to see her expression icy cold while she said: "The strength in Tianhuan's mid/jungler duo comps lies in them being able to quickly eliminate the enemy's key carries which will allow them to establish dominance. A marksman is extremely fragile and is easy to get killed. However, if we chose nimble fighters for our lanes and a mage with good escaping abilities for the mid lane, Tianhuan would have no way to deal with us."

Beimu's coach stroked his chin, deep in thought over this. "Xinping's idea isn't bad at all. If both of our outer lanes chose a fighter, the overall lineup will be quite tanky. The disadvantages are that we would be fairly slower when we start to push towers, and we might also be in a deadlock when we try to reach their base. Hm… the coach team will explore this further so that when we face Tianhuan in the future, we might be able to give two fighters on the outer lanes and a nimble mid laner a try. A comp without any weak links on all three lanes."


Meanwhile, at the backstage spectating area.

Fang Zhengqing yawned and said, "They finally finished the match at last. It's already half past nine."

Tianhuan vs Yueying's match was originally scheduled to start at seven while Jingzhe vs Yaoguang's match was at nine.

In the end, Tianhuan and Yueying's match became very long, lasting more than 35 minutes. With the addition of bans and picks before the start of a game, post-game commercials, commentary, post-game interviews, and many more… the time overshot.

TL/n: It would be more accurate to say that two out of three games became bladder games, which means that the game became extremely long as both sides are unable to win, such that one's bladder is about to burst, hence the name.

It's now half past nine but the second match hasn't started.

Fang Zhengqing stood up and stretched a bit, then said, "Let's go, it's our turn now."

Xie Yuan followed him and with a soft voice, he asked: "Just now Chi Shuo said he had the confidence to win the championship. Don't you have any thoughts on that?"

Fang Zhengqing raised a brow. "Everyone says that when they're being interviewed. I also have the confidence to win the championship."

Xie Yuan: "...Alright then. The two of you finally have a tacit understanding regarding something!"

Fang Zhengqing walked to the big stage together with his teammates.

Coincidentally, Chi Shuo had just returned from finishing the interview and they bumped into each other in the hall. Chi Shuo gave Fang Zhengqing a look while Fang Zhengqing pushed his glasses up and said, "You played well. Your jungler core finally reappeared at last."

As a friend, he was sincerely happy for Chi Shuo. Tianhuan's jungler core comps had been suppressed for three whole seasons already. Now that it made a reappearance in battle, Chi Shuo would be able to show his ability to the full extent again just like he did back in S6.

There would be no haters scolding him and asking him to retire because of his declining condition ever again.

It's just that as a rival, Chi Shuo's jungler cores returning isn't good news.

"Don't get too full of yourself. Your jungler core purely exists to give me buffs. Weren't you very unwilling to give me blue buffs when we were on the same team? When we play against each other in a match, I'll be taking your head first and then your blue will be mine." Fang Zhengqing quickly added.

"You haven't woken up from dreaming, right?" Chi Shuo said calmly.

The teammates surrounding them were speechless.

The banter between the two captains was a common sight for everyone present.

Xie Yuan interrupted them with a light cough, "Captain Fang, it's time for us to enter the stage."

Chi Shuo patted Fang Zhengqing lightly on the shoulder when he walked past him. "We'll stay behind to watch the match. Play well." He whispered.

Fang Zhengqing nodded and led his teammates to the grand stage.

Chi Shuo returned backstage.

Ye Shaoyang and the others were waiting for him. The corners of Chi Shuo's lips lifted slightly and with quick steps, he made his way to Ye Shaoyang. "Let's go to the backstage lounge to rest."

Ye Shaoyang followed him to the backstage lounge and everyone sat down together to watch the match.

Jingzhe vs Yaoguang was a Group S match. The outcome has no impact on Tianhuan's standing, Ye Shaoyang only wanted to stay behind to get a better understanding of his opponents in advance.

In the first game, Jingzhe played a double-C comp and Fang Zhengqing ran the Great Witch of the North Sea who was a mage that can deal great burst damage. Meanwhile, Xie Yuan ran the Warlock of Poison who was a marksman with long-range skills. Although their signature poison comp wasn't used, the Warlock of Poison was still pretty strong on its own and his ability to stack poison was also amazing. He sent Yaoguang's marksman home just six minutes into the game.

"Yaoguang's Yu'mao can be considered pretty strong. His movements are quite agile and his playing style is on the fiercer side." Ye Shaoyang commented.

"Mn, but when facing off against world-class marksmen in the league, the gap between them is obvious." Chi Shuo said.

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "He's inexperienced, especially in big games. Hence, he's not careful enough. I bet he won't be able to defeat Jingzhe's Xieyuan… perhaps, if Yaoguang were to have a proper PK with Yueying, he may not necessarily be able to suppress Xie Weiyu."

During this period, there were many people insulting Xie Weiyu online.

After Xie Weiyu transferred to Yueying, Yueying dropped from Group S to Group A. Yueying also lost to Tianhuan for today's match. Earlier, Ye Shaoyang casually scrolled through Weibo and sure enough, there were people calling Xie Weiyu a plague that ruined Yueying. There were even people who took pleasure in the team's misery and thought that Xie Weiyu had saved Yaoguang by leaving them…

Among those people, there were some that truly hated Xie Weiyu.

But most of them were paid water army, something that was very familiar to all of them.

Ye Shaoyang turned on his phone to let Chi Shuo see.

"Xie Weiyu is pretty pitiful. After losing to us today, he'll probably be insulted even more." Ye Shaoyang said.

Chi Shuo frowned before looking back at the big screen: "If we want to play against Yaoguang, it'll be during the rank-deciding matches."

Ye Shaoyang said, "With Yaoguang's strength, they won't be able to stay long in Group S. Jingzhe and Beimu—all these strong teams will teach them a lesson very soon. If Yaoguang placed fifth or sixth in Group S after this match ended, and Tianhuan ends up as one of the top two teams in Group A… we'll be able to face them during the rank-deciding match for promotion."

Chi Shuo looked at Ye Shaoyang, "You can finally take out your Destiny Goddess for a play."

At that time, the grand surprise they had prepared for Yaoguang can officially be revealed!

TL/n: All sponsored chapters would be posted next week in one go along with the normal chapter update, so expect many updates next week ;) I wanted to post it this week but I just got my third vaccine shot 2 days ago and my entire left arm has been sore ever since so I'll have to postpone it to next week, my apologies for that! As always, you can support me here: LINK