
Episode 11 - It's Not Good

 When Setsuna came to, a desolate land spread out in front of her.

 Not a single plant or tree was growing, and there was not the slightest sign of life. The wind blowing through the air was chilly, and the sky was pale, covering her head. The clouds were sparse and the sun was nowhere to be seen.

"Is it the end of the world?

 He muttered, and immediately chuckled. The wilderness seemed to go on until the end of the horizon. In other words, this was not the end of the world.

Is he dead? I ...

 I didn't really feel it. Of course, I was mortally wounded, that's for sure. If my memory is correct, I should have suffered severe burns all over my body. It must have been fatal damage to the creature, and it seemed to be a death sentence.

 However, this was just another amateurish idea. It was the ramblings of a child with no medical training. However, Setsuna, who had been burned all over her body, felt that even if she died, it would not be strange at all.

"If so, it's hell, isn't it?

 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. He sighed. I'm not sure if there really is such a thing as hell or heaven. Even if they do exist, how do the souls of those summoned to other worlds get to hell or heaven?

 Does the end of life mean that the summoned soul has fulfilled its role?

"Another World: ...?

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. In the event that you've got a lot more than one, you'll be able to find a lot more. If this were a continuation of reality, my hands would have been burned ugly. I wanted to turn away from it.

 I clench my hands and make a fist. The feeling was very real, though.


 Suddenly, sensing a strange presence, Setsuna looked up. I'm not sure what to do, but I'd like to know what to do. The jet-black object with a desperate sense of misery looked like a long-handled weapon. It had a long tip and its blade shone with a dull light. At the end of the long hilt, a jewel was embedded in the stone butt, which also emitted a faint glow.

 The Black Pike.

 This is Setsuna's summoned armament.

"Why did you accept my summons?

 However, Setsuna's question was drowned out by a sudden gust of wind. A strong gust of wind shook and distorted his vision. It was no longer a strong wind. It was simply a fierce rush of air.

 Setsuna was not allowed to resist.

 Her consciousness was wiped out.


 It was the lovely pair of eyes that popped into Setsuna's field of vision as she was forced to open her eyelids with intense pain. I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I think it's a good idea. In the clear blue eyes, Setsuna's badly disfigured face was reflected.


 Suddenly, the girl's face broke into a smile. Her joyful face seemed to be like the smile of an angel. Setsuna thought that this was not an expression that should be directed at her, but she had no choice but to immediately dismiss such thoughts.

 The same kind of intense pain that had awakened her consciousness was making her whole body scream. The pain rushed through Setsuna's body like a torrent, mercilessly.

'I realized! Big brother, I noticed!

 The girl shouted loudly enough to echo in Setsuna's head, but not until she let go of the face that was too close to her. However, the reason her voice reverberated in Setsuna's head must have been because the girl had put all her energy into screaming.

 It was a very loud voice.


 Setsuna was on the verge of fainting from the intense pain running through her body and the high-pitched sound reverberating in her head. While tears welled up in her eyes, Setsuna realized that this tremendous pain was a sign that she was alive.

(I'm alive ...?)

 What filled her vision was a white ceiling. No, it didn't look solid enough to be called a ceiling. It was a fabric canopy that didn't look strong enough to be called a ceiling. It was probably some kind of tent. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

(Did I survive?)

 It seemed that she was right.

 It was hard to move her head and look around in the pain that was racking her whole body. I groaned in pain, but still managed to move my gaze, which was fixed on the ceiling.

 As Setsuna had suspected, she was in a tent. The space inside the tented tent was not small at all. Of course, there was no space that could be called spacious. It was more than enough for Setsuna to be alone.

 There was nothing special about it. It seems that Setsuna is lying on a bed that is placed on the bare ground. It was surrounded on all sides by a cloth covering, and there were simple pillars at the four corners. The cover was probably not even fixed to the ground. I could catch a glimpse of what was going on outside, rolled up by the wind that blew from time to time.

 However, what I could see through the wind-swaying cover was only the cover of another tent.

(I see. That's right.

 Setsuna was convinced, and she felt gloomy. However, the intense pain was forcing her to lift her sinking heart.

(Everything is burnt out. ...)

 The people, the town, everything.

 In the hands of that one man, Callan turned into hell. The flames from the man's staff engulfed the city in red lotus flames and burned it to the ground.

 Setsuna arrived only after most of it had been burned.

 It was too late.

 It was too late for everything.


 Setsuna bit her teeth in regret, but in the next moment, she could only laugh at herself. The next moment, she could not help but laugh at herself. "What does it matter if I get there sooner? Did he think he could have prevented the man from setting the fire?

 That's not possible.

 As she made her decision, Setsuna narrowed her eyes. There was no way they could have completely prevented the man's fire. In the first place, if the city had not been burning, they would not have recognized the existence of the man. If he hadn't been laughing so hard in that place, it wouldn't have been surprising if he had been overlooked.

 And if the man hadn't set fire to the city, Setsuna wouldn't have had to bear the brunt of it.


 Setsuna turned his head in that direction as he recognized some footsteps approaching this tent. He was almost in despair at the fact that the intense pain in his body showed no signs of abating, or even easing slightly. It didn't seem to be the pain of a burn, but what could it be?

 Suddenly, the curtain of cloth was opened, and the girl from before jumped into the room with great force.

"Big brother, you're safe now!

 Unable to understand the meaning of the girl's words with a big smile on her face, Setsuna tried to twist her head and stopped. If she moved her body even a little, the pain would increase in intensity. It was similar to the pain that everyone was familiar with.

This is supposed to be a hospital room, Elina. Don't scream.

 A young woman walked into the tent with a voice like a spring breeze. The girl's rude, yet compassionate voice was pleasant to Setsuna's ears.

 She had slightly bluish black hair and emerald green eyes. It was not the red-rimmed glasses that made her look somewhat intelligent. It's probably her own air.

 Wrapped around her slender limbs were clothes that emphasized the unevenness unique to women. It was a black and red based outfit that gave a somewhat dark impression.

"I'm sorry!


 She laughed, probably because the girl couldn't control her loud voice after all. I'm not sure if she's excited or what. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

 When Setsuna was admiring the woman's body.


 The girl tilted her head in a gesture that was also very cute. But it's not something that will win Setsuna's heart. And that's just the way it is. Setsuna was not interested in younger people.

(No, that's not what I meant.)

 (No, that's not what I meant.) Muttering in her mind to sort out the situation, Setsuna took a deep breath. She was ashamed of herself for being so upset by the woman's appearance. She inhaled and exhaled to regain her composure.

 The woman's curious gaze was vaguely painful.

"Are you all right?

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine!

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure it's a good idea. She told herself, and clenched her fists in her chest. I'm fine, I'm fine.

 I'm not sure what to say.

I'm not sure what to say.

 Setsuna exclaimed.

 You can find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.

I can't do this!

 It was a comment from a girl named Elina that sent Setsuna sprawling on the bed.

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