
Arman & Dinda

I'm a coward who can't confess his own feelings to my bestfriend. And when she left, I couldn't accept it so I wanted to snatch him away from his partner... Will Arman be able to reclaim his love ? Just find out in my story ... happy watching

aira_ren · Urban
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1 Chs

Bab 1

tak menyadari kau t'lah menaruh hati

( I didn't realize you had put your heart on it )

Kepadaku yang selalu menjadi temanmu

( to me who has always been your friend )

Awalnya ku tak ingin membuka pintu hati

( At first I didn't want to open of my heart )

Tak sengaja t'lah terbuka lagi hatiku

( But i don't know why my heart open it again )

Aku salah t'lah mengacuhkan

( I was wrong to ignore you )

Sampai kau lelah sendiri

( Until you tiring )

Dan memilih tuk pergi

( And choose to give up )

That's Indonesian song keep running in my head. Maybe some people will told me i was stupid guys in the world, cos I let go women who's love me from the bottom her heart.

My name is Arman, I work in the one biggest hotel in Indonesia, and I have friend Dinda.

Before I was think that our friendship is only really friendship without anything else. I always proud with our friendship and argue with people who's said "There is no friendship between men and women" and I always believe friendship me and Dinda is only friendship without anything else.

Me and Dinda was friend from we still in kindergarten. My mother and her mother was a best friend ever. Before my mother always make a joke that we will get married someday, but that time I always say to my mother I just gaped Dinda as a friend. Everytime I said like that Dinda just smiling. So I told Dinda has same feeling with me.

When we are in High Senior School I don't like if some guys try to close to Dinda, but at the same time it's free for me to close with so many girls. And I always ignore Dinda protest about what I do.

When we finish our high school grade I decided to go to America to continue my education, but Dinda decided to stay at Indonesia and choose one the biggest state university in Indonesia. That's time I'm so angry with Dinda 'cos she don't like to came with me to America. And that time I was said bad things to her.

I know she was hurted but that time I don't care with her feeling and just leaved her.

After I moved to America she never reply my chat and my call. And I think she still angry with me so I didn't feel too bothered even though Dinda never replied to messages or calls from me. And because I got so many coursework I never think about Dinda to much.

Until one day my mother send me massage "Arman, do you can go home next month? Couse Dinda will engaged next mont"

When I read that massage I don't know why I feel so angry, so sad, so many thing in my head.

And I decided to go home to see face the man who's take Dinda from me.....