

BLURB George's hatred towards his brother intensifies as he finds it hard to forget his old lover, Arlene Beckley whom his brother, Stanley killed on the morning of their wedding day.. To avoid seeing his brother, he moves out of the family house into his personal house. A week to the well known Ball Night usually hosted by the Odlenes, George is captured by a camera in a sexual position with his fellow man. This sends a message to the public that George is a gay. In order to clear the air, his father brings up the idea of an arranged marriage between George and the well known Lily Trevor, a model who is so obsessed with George Odlene and would stop at nothing to make sure they go out. What happens when the supposed dead bride shows up on the ball night?

Chinenye_Ebulue · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The Bombshell


10 A.m

George was still in bed, feeling so lazy. He imagined the look on side.Justin rang . It was Maya. He sighed and watched it ring for sometime before picking up.

"Good morning,GG" she said excitedly.

"Good morning" he replied with a hoarse voice.

"So what's going on. I saw the news yesterday and I couldn't help it" burst into a fit of laughter.

"I was shocked to see that, what is your next plan" she asked with concern laced in her voice.

"I have to look for the man so he can clear the air" he said, getting up this time from his bed.

"How did you get on such a bridal position with him" she asked.

"Bridal position?"He asked with shock.

"Yeah, I mean that's what people tagged it as" she explained.

"Is the video still circulating, I brought the video down" he said, sitting back on his bed.

"Well, people downloaded the video and pictures. So, it's still circulating"


"Yeah, you just need to face it and hold a live conference. Tell them you are not and explain but if you are, tell them too. It's not bad"she added the last part, drawing it.

"I'll just skin you alive"He said with gritting teeth. Maya laughed out loud.

"Being popular sucks"

"You are meant to be in school, what's happening"he said suddenly

"I'm in school but there's no teacher here" she said.

"Ohhhh, take care" he hung up . He went into the bathroom, brushed his mouth and went downstairs.

He went to the kitchen, he got water from the fridge and gulped it down. He took his favorite plate, poured in cereal, added milk and a little sugar, he added water . He carried it to the dinning.

His dog barked on seeing him, he dropped the cereal on the table and picked his dog up.

"Hey buddy, you are angry" the dog barked.

"I Know I've ignored you since yesterday. The incident made me feel bad and I still do" he said, this time the dog licked his face.

"I'm forgiven right?. Yeah, let's eat"he started taking his cereal, it was almost soggy. His dog wagged his tail, waiting for him patiently. George finished his ,cwent into the kitchen and prepared for the dog who ate hurriedly.

His phone rang again. So tiring, he facepalmed himself. It was his dad this time.

"Hey Dad. Good morning"

"Yeah, still at home?"his father asked.

"Yes dad"

"You are an overthinker, just go out there and work or have fun".


"Yeah. Ohhh, that's not for you"his father said immediately.

"Dad, you are adding to my problem"

"I understand but I have good news"his father announced excitedly.

"Good news?" He asked.

"Yes, concerning the recent rumor but you need to come home this evening. Your mom and I have a good solution".

"Wow, so quick. Okay, I will"

"By 4:30pm" his father said.

"4:30 it is" he said. His dad hung up.

So much for a rumor, he thought. He went up to his room to have a bath.


"You took the brunette home?" Justin asked while Stanley worked on the files in front of him.Justin just sat in his office with a glass of tequila.

"The last time I checked, this is an office Dickson"he said trying to piss Justin off. Justin just glared at him.

"Guess what" Justin said excitedly.

"Just spill" George said, dropping the last file.Justin scoffed.

"I fucked the Blondie"he said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Really?. Why?"

"She's my type not yours and she's so good in bed, damnnnnn"he closed his eyes while spilling out words. Stanley threw his pen at him, he ducked down.

"I saw that coming. So what about the brunette"

"Good" Stanley simply said.

"Just Good?. You fucked her, it's written on your face"Justin said, peering into his face. Stanley picked up the intercom and called his PA

"So answer me"Justin asked again.

"It's high time you…"

"Good morning Sir"His PA greeted . Justin looked up to see a brunette on a red shirt with black corporate trouser and black matching heels.

"Pick up these files , you know what to do with them" he said.

"Yes Sir" she picked up the files and walked out.

"Woah. That's a brunette ,dude" Justin said finally. Stanley let out a heavy sigh.

"That's my PA, Justin".

"Meatballs right in front of you "He joked.

"Get out, man"Stanley said, a little bit stern.

"Of course" Justin gave him a cocky smile, stood up and left.

"Such a pervert"Stanley said and faced his laptop.


"I hope he takes this news in good faith" Mrs. ODLENE said, looking at her husband.

"He has to and this idea will favor his business too"Mr. Odlene said. A maid passed.

"Hey, get me a bottle of red wine and two glasses too" Mr. Odlene instructed.

"Okay Sir"she said and walked away. Immediately, George came in. He removed his shades . His mom hugged him passionately.

"Hey Dad"He greeted.

"Hey Son. You are lean already" His father said giving him a side hug.

"Yeahhh, why the shade anyway" his mom giggled. George smiled weakly.

"Should we eat first?"his mom asked.

"No mom, I'm good. Just package the food" he said. The maid arrived with the wine and two glasses. She dropped it in front of them.

"One more glass, please and tell the chief maid to package meals including the burger for my son".

"Okay ma" . Mr. Odlene poured the wine into the glasses.

"mom,dad what's the idea" he asked anxiously.

"Drink first"his dad said, handing him a glass of wine. He sipped from his own slowly. The maid arrived with another glass and dropped it.

"So , this idea is perfect and it will favor your business too"Mr. Odlene spoke up.His mom simply gave a nod.

"Okay, great. What's that" he poured himself another glass.

"You have to get married" his father said.

"Married?" He chuckled.

"You are joking right?" His asked,still trying to take in the news.

"No, I'm not. You have to"His dad said.

"To who"he asked, looking serious this time.

"To Lily Trevor, the model" his mother dropped the bombshell.

"What!"he exclaimed.