
Arknights: Living the Dream

Every night I lay in bed, I like to imagine myself in another world. The world I most find myself in is Terra, the world of Arknights. I always find myself dreaming of the world, the powers, the amazing characters, and the beautiful locations found throughout. One night, I find myself dreaming of a Lungmen bar. I close my eyes to let my mind create a better picture. As I open my eyes, I find myself inside that very same bar. The scenario I thought of while in bed has come true, and it appears that my dreams have become my backstory. As I try to understand my situation a little bit better, a familiar rich tiger stumbles into the bar dead drunk, with her sights on me.

Zaztra_Vandesh · Video Games
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Lungmen

What will I dream tonight?


As I get up from my bed, I check the clock.


I sigh and flop back down onto my bed.

I recount last night's events. I get a couple glances at my revolver as the recap continues on in my mind.

I wait a couple more minutes before forcing myself out of bed.

I look out the window and get a long glance at the skyline. Briefly, a small smile appears on my face as I head to the bathroom.


As I ride the elevator, I begin to 'plan' out my day.

I will get a look around Lungmen until nightfall, and then get drunk.

Simple, effective, enjoyable.

As I step out of the elevator, my morning brain finally starts to work.

Given that 2 of my possible backstories in my adult life involved me working with Penguin Logistics, heading over to The Ends of the Earth rather than my usual bar would be a smart idea. If any one of the members is there and recognizes me, then I can narrow it down to those 2 dreams.


But that's not happening until the moon shows itself, so let's enjoy the day while it still lasts.


An hour goes by as I allow my mind to catch up with the current day. I just walk around Lungmen, taking in the scenery, the skylines, the small stores littered throughout.

I'm given a feeling of homecoming, as if I've lived here my entire life.

It's an obscure feeling for me.

The skyline looms over me in a comforting manner, the gray buildings contrasting with the light blue sky.

The streets are painted a dark black while the sidewalk is made up of white and gray modern tiling.

I walk around in a simple outfit consisting of pants, a t-shirt, and an unzipped jacket. I have a pair of black headphones that are pretty much glued to my head, but they work well on my light gray hair, so I don't have to worry about looking extremely bad just because I want to listen to music.

Well I could be looking extremely bad anyways, I know nothing of fashion.

But I think I look good, so I'll go with that.


Overall, I'm happy with my look.

As I take a seat on a sturdy wood bench, I let my green eyes fully capture everything Lungmen has to offer.

Everything I can see at least.

I stay for a couple minutes here before spotting what appears to be a small shopping complex.

I get up, pass the street, and walk through the gray-stained doors.

I'm met with exactly what I expected, a futuristic, small mall. The size gives it a cozy feeling.

Continuing my walk through the complex, a group of bystanders no less than 20 feet away from me start clapping loudly.

Very loudly.

My ears feel as if they've been pierced by a needle, as I go to cover them up, my headphones block me.

I resort to jogging far away from them, not even stopping to see what they were clapping at.

What will I dream tonight?


As I get up from my bed, I check the clock.


I sigh and flop back down onto my bed.

I recount last night's events. I get a couple glances at my revolver as the recap continues on in my mind.

I wait a couple more minutes before forcing myself out of bed.

I look out the window and get a long glance at the skyline. Briefly, a small smile appears on my face as I head to the bathroom.


As I ride the elevator, I begin to 'plan' out my day.

I will get a look around Lungmen until nightfall, and then get drunk.

Simple, effective, enjoyable.

As I step out of the elevator, my morning brain finally starts to work.

Given that 2 of my possible backstories in my adult life involved me working with Penguin Logistics, heading over to The Ends of the Earth rather than my usual bar would be a smart idea. If any one of the members is there and recognizes me, then I can narrow it down to those 2 dreams.


But that's not happening until the moon shows itself, so let's enjoy the day while it still lasts.


An hour goes by as I allow my mind to catch up with the current day. I just walk around Lungmen, taking in the scenery, the skylines, the small stores littered throughout.

I'm given a feeling of homecoming, as if I've lived here my entire life.

It's an obscure feeling for me.

The skyline looms over me in a comforting manner, the gray buildings contrasting with the light blue sky.

The streets are painted a dark black while the sidewalk is made up of white and gray modern tiling.

I walk around in a simple outfit consisting of pants, a t-shirt, and an unzipped jacket. I have a pair of black headphones that are pretty much glued to my head, but they work well on my light gray hair, so I don't have to worry about looking extremely bad just because I want to listen to music.

Well I could be looking extremely bad anyways, I know nothing of fashion.

But I think I look good, so I'll go with that.


Overall, I'm happy with my look.

As I take a seat on a sturdy wood bench, I let my green eyes fully capture everything Lungmen has to offer.

Everything I can see at least.

I stay for a couple minutes here before spotting what appears to be a small shopping complex.

I get up, pass the street, and walk through the gray-stained doors.

I'm met with exactly what I expected, a futuristic, small mall. The size gives it a cozy feeling.

Continuing my walk through the complex, a group of bystanders no less than 20 feet away from me start clapping loudly.

Very loudly.

My ears feel as if they've been pierced by a needle, as I go to cover them up, my headphones block me.

I resort to jogging far away from them, not even stopping to see what they were clapping at.