
Arknights: Hidden Shadows

Terra, a dystopian world fraught with conflicts waged both kinetically and quietly in the unnoticeable shadows away from the public eye has fallen into further disarray as the infected are no longer able to remain satisfied with the current status. Some join Reunion, a terrorist organization that aims to cease the continuous abuse and treatment they experience on a daily basis though its leader has something else in mind. Shadows in the dark continue to use their influence to bring about a world with a future of its design. Against it stood Rhodes Island, a pharmaceutical company with the same capabilities as a paramilitary organization that aims to search for a cure and treat patients of Oripathy. That was supposed to be the case but rumors have begun popping out of another organization led by a man who continues to gaze into the distance as if this was all a memory. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images and the characters except my OC.

Zxcx_17 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Hey everyone ehehe...

AN: Alright, so, how do I start this off? I guess, if anything, everyone who is reading this deserves an apology. I had began writing this story with a lot of passion and love for arknights and its dark, yet endearing story but as time passed, I came to realize the difficulty of writing a fanfic about this intricate, and mysterious story. 

As I've mentioned in previous author notes, I was going to enter into my first year of college a few months back, and though I promised to still post one chapter per week, I found myself incapable of both allocating time to study, rest, and write. The college I go to is, without any boasting, one of the dream colleges for specific course I'm in (Nursing) and it holds quite the reputation regarding this course in particular so the college places a lot of pressure and expectations on us. 

With that in mind, I've found myself wondering in between short breaks if I should just wordlessly continue my abandonment of this fic, or if I should still write chapters regardless of how busy I already am with academics. Honestly, this was my creative outlet, and losing it had caused me to just imagine scenarios only to have no way to write them.

In the end, I've decided to come back to writing this fic, but it's with a heavy heart that I am to inform you that it will be undergoing a hard reset. As of now, I have yet to really think about how vast this reset would be, but there is one certainty, this fic will become multiversal in nature. It will utilize the "Imaginary Tree" theory so prevalent in Honkai, but will not follow it entirely. 

Basically, my understanding of that "theory" isn't as great as I want it to be so I'll be adjusting it in a way that each tree symbolizes a universe/anime/game, and each branch of that tree will be major timelines that each have their own sub-branches that represent major points in time that cause a divergence after a major decision is made by the characters/inhabitants of that timeline while leaves act as pseudo-memory banks that directly record major moments in that timeline.

So, yup, that's right, don't be surprised if Daemon suddenly finds himself in 6th lostbelt or in a computerized world with Elysia. Still not sure when I'll start to write this, will probably stock up 30 or so chapters before I begin posting but yeah. 

I'd like to thank all those who continued adding this fanfic to their libraries, your little notifications inspired me to return. Oh, and, this reset will also significantly decrease the romance in the fic (including those who will be included in the harem). As much as I love all the characters of arknights and the other games I plan to involve in this new iteration of this fic, I simply cannot make a fic with all these women without compromising the quality.

So yeah, I hope all of you will stick around and wait patiently for this new reset of my fic, Arknights: Hidden Shadows. 

P.S. My laptop broke a few months ago so now I've frankensteined in back to life but it's permanently now stuck to my desk at home so I can't write as flexibly as I used to be. I'm actually writing this on my phone so there might be a few grammar and spelling mistakes here and there, sorry about that hehehe....