
Arkane Bloodburst

A legacy, Kimodo Arshin The Decider, left behind in the days of King Arthur by Merlin is needed in the future, the very far future. In a futuristic era, eight heroes as fortold by Merlin herself will come together to form The Crescent Suns to take down the one and only dreadful mistake made by Merlin of which she failed to correct. The Crescent Suns must gain full mental, physical and spiritual control in an era where futuristic and dragon age components can never meet. They're bond and determination will be their key to putting an end to this dreadful mistake which has shown it's ugly face. Loss, gain, power and pain... what does it all mean if the final answer lies in a memory which Kimodo cannot even remember or does not even know he has. The world's beginning and destined end is a story of which its pen will be in the hands of one man What are his limits and weaknesses?? What does he love and hate?? "What is the universe truly made for?", that's the one question he could never answer..... or. so he thought.

NineTailed_Ink · Urban
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8 Chs


"Congratulations son!! I'm the happiest and proudest father alive!", these words were the start of Zane's career to reach greater heights in his life. Zane was born around King Arthur's era to his father (name in previous chapter) who was the the king's personal guard and of the highest class of nights, the Assassin Class. Zane's mother (name also in previous chapter) used to be a knight also, a necromancer, but later retired after she married Zane's father and became a housewife. Now, Zane's mom was barren and this was a problem especially after countless lineages of the Brillton family. But luckily for her, there was a way to solve this problem.

In a world where gates, dungeons and portals of different classes of monsters opened everyday, killing them was not the only reason for being a knight, more specifically a Collapsus Knight. Collapsus Knights or CKs as people liked to refer to them as, were men and women trained to go into monsters' territorial grounds and kill them. If this is not done within a week, the portal, dungeon or gate will expand and go through a phase they call Black Pearl phase. When this happens all monsters inside the dungeon will be released on earth. This has happened once in the history of mankind and it was truly a tragic scene. As to why this is happening on earth, we'll come to that later.

Now, killing monsters was just the primary reason of becoming a CK. After a monster dies it's core is left behind and other treasure or trinkets depending on its class. These cores could be sold or used for other purposes. What the core can be used for is based on the monster's ability. Their cores could also be used for medicinal purposes or body enhancement. There was a specific monster that was left and could not be killed during the time of the first black pearl phase. This monster was said to be a species of a dragon with exceptional regeneration, intelligence and soul consumption abilities. It was said to be living towards north of the kingdom. It was the CK General's plan, General Brillton, to obtain the monster's core for himself or more specifically his wife.

General Brillton had requested an audience with King Arthur and he was as nervous as hell. He didn't know what to tell the King if he was asked the purpose of his mission. Should he just go forward with his selfish request or lie and say to keep the kingdom safe. The general knelt on one knee and began his greeting with his voice clearly quivering, "Your majesty, I humbly request that.....", " That you find the dragon and retrieve it's core for 'you know who', am I right, Axe? ",said King Arthur with a friendly smile. "But how did you....??(smack)", King Arthur had dashed full speed and given the general a good smack in the head. "You damn asshole, you think I wouldn't know what my best friend was going through!!! How insensitive do you think I am!!!! Look, being a King is all important and shit, but my best friend comes first. So no more secrets, ok Axe?", King Arthur said in a tone and posture that was totally new to even his guards closest to him. "Hic.... hic..... thank you, Arthur", Axe Brillton said, almost crying (honestly,🤔🤔 I'm even wondering what he was scared of when the King was his best friend 🤣🤣🤣🤣). "Yh whatever buddy.....and stop crying you're freaking me the shit out!!", King Arthur said giggling. After a long chat, General Brillton was given a squadron to go and retrieve the dragon's core with. "Axe... buddy..... don't die out there, promise me", King Arthur said with a worried face. "Of course, I promise you as the King and my best friend", he said with a 'Naruto smile'(Yh...I said Naruto 😎😎🤣).

The general and his team set off after he said goodbye to his wife. They sailed through storms, cut through jungles filled with unimaginable anomalies and finally reached the dragon's cave. They fought through the beast protecting the dragon and when the got to the dragon.... it was..... it was...

To be continued.....

Hello everyone!! 👋👋

Once again, I'm the author of this book (Jay Cee) and I thank you all readers for reading my novel although it was short.(Like seriously thank you for reading 🥲🥲🥲)

I had a very hectic time because I had got into the University early this year and the schedule was... draining 🤧🤧🤧

But I never forgot about all of you, dear readers. I can promise you you'll be reading new chapters every Friday at 5pm GMT

I also made a 3d art of Zane Brillton, The Soul Hunter.

You can find it on this novel's IG page @_jay9thekanine

Pls follow, like and share with your friends 🙏 🙏🙏( I'll follow back immediately 😁😁)

You can also chat me with this same IG handle or on my WhatsApp number (+233 5050 79 474)

And again, I thank you all for reading my novel🤧🤧🤧 I really appreciate it 🥲🥲🥲

I LOVE YOU ALL😊😊🥰😘❤️❤️❤️❤️