
Ark Survival Evolved Multiverse

The Struggle of one man, suddenly woken with strange gem inside of his arm. A gem so familiar yet so bizarre that shouldn't exist. As he fights for survival as he caught in a struggle between an over ambitious man and destiny’s prophecy. I'm new to writing, so give me a break, The Main character will go to different Universe. Also how about sum of those soul stone eh? PS: I don’t own Ark or the Witcher or any of the worlds mention in the book expect for my character pretty sad lol, I don’t own the cover, it’s actually belong to game’s front cover x3 Also Please note due to my chaotic life, I won't be able to constantly update it

Emmanuel_Reyes · Video Games
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35 Chs

The Battle Field

In a field, as smoke was smoldering in the air, there laid a massacre's of Youngs men's, between the age of 16 to 20. Both fighting under different flags, for same problems, for the same greed. As battered flag, desolately flagging its once proud flag of the Northern kingdoms, with armor plates of both Nilfgaardian and of Northern kingdom army. Dreams and reunion of each young's man family were crushed under brutality of war. For there are no winners or losers during a field of war, only the corpses of men and the scars and injury of war.

There laid a young men corpse, who wore proudly of the northern kingdom armor, battered, bruise, with cuts and burns. The corpses as seen better days, as Necrophage scurried around, eating, and devouring corpse regardless whether they had armor or none. A simple meal for an easy prey, as the necrophage crawled toward the body with crazed look of hunger. As its slobbered as its tongue hanging slowly down its chin.

As it approached, ready sink it deepens razor sharped teeth unto the tender flesh, but all it meets was a heavy swift hit of a boot into its chin. As necrophage scurry itself up, dumbfounded and confused. As its little brain couldn't simply progress why such an easy prey that supposed to be dead, put up a fight.

As the corpse of Sebastian, awkwardly rose as its body was stiffened and tense, as its stared at the ugly bastard, he ever seen, a face only a mother could love. As if the necrophage could hear the young man thoughts, its growled as a rabid dog, as begun to discern it saliva. Regardless Whether the prey was alive or dead, it does not matter as prey is prey.

As the necrophage lunged at Sebastian, As Sebastian nervously begun to pick himself up, as he dodged just in time as the necrophage landed into a pile of bodies. The young man was full of Adrenaline, as the men thought to himself whether to flee or fight.

As he gazed along the field for any weapon their laid a silver blade inserted inside of a body, of a Nilfgaardian. He begins to rush toward the blade, as the necrophage broke free from the body of corpses. As the creature rushed toward the young men, as it lunged at the young men but all it was met was a long silver blade stabbed into its neck. As it began to fall to the floor, it stared at its prey, unwilling and wanting to rip that hairless creature apart. thus, it bleeds and died, as it became a steppingstone to the character.

As the creature lays there dead, with its hateful eyes and unwilling's to die. As the man lay there, huffing and puffing as adrenaline start to wear off, the amount of pain that hits him as he starts to groan in pain. From all the amount of bruise and cuts that ails him, even the burnings that are attached to his body as it consumes him in fiery rage.

As he picks himself up, has he could barely stand has he is gritting his teeth, then flood of memory's that belong to the previous memories owner hits him as he felt a sharp pain as he faints.

A dream so distant yet so familiar start to play as if its recorded through the eyes of different person. He sees a child, of dark brown hair, with black pupil eyes. Holding the hand of a young woman, as he holds her hand as he stares at the back of an older men. Who is walking in distant toward a regiment of soldiers baring the flag of the northern realm. As it cuts to a different memory to when he sees his mother on the floor balling her eyes out, As the young boy sees a soldier wearing the armor of the northern realm offering his condolence to his mother. Then its cuts to a young man bearing the armor of the northern realm insignia as he marches under the its banner as they engage with Nilfgaardian army. One by one he sees his ally's and comrades being taken down by blade or arrow.

As he engages with his sword against his enemy, all sudden a ball of fiery hotness land near as its blows him away into air has, he lands in mud. There baring the cut and bruise, burning flames as it consumes him. His last thought was toward his mom as he pleas in forgiveness for leaving her alone, the same way his father did.

As the young men start to regain his conscious, as the memory begin to fade into the background. As he sits up in pain, he stares at his arm, nestled in his wrist, their he sees a gem, but it's not just any gem, a device deep within his arm. He starts to scratch at it, hoping he wasn't losing his mind. He starts to think, according to his memory his in the land of white orchard as the army had a skirmish in the land.

"Wait, that white orchard, is from Witcher 3, Wild hunt."

As he being to sigh " from all the places I could be, I'm reborn in the Witcher"

"Just great, in a world full of monsters, I'm guessing the creature I killed was a ghoul, luckily I didn't fight a Alghoul." As Sebastian begins to pick himself up, there he hears the scream of horrendous shrike of an old dusty wrinkly hag. There he sees the most disgusting of abomination creature, a grave hag along with some ghoul and Alghoul.

"So, this how I'm going to die? to being eaten and rip apart like some god damn Piñata." As he begins to scratch at his gem like thing in his arm, begin to glow as if it wants to attract those creatures. As Sebastian begins to curse that would put a sailor to shame, as it attracts the hag along with is abomination mascots.

As he begins to run so does those necrophages' giving chase to such delicious creature. As the gem begun to shine brighter and brighter, his form starts take shapeshift closer and closer, has he begun to resemble a beast, not just any beast but a raptor.

dumbfounded of his arm and legs, he stops at stares of what he became. so does the necrophages has much they could think, they stop analyzing this newly creature that took place of that hairless prey.

regardless prey is prey as they ghoul and Alghoul launch onto him, As the grave hag stand behind, watching and prowling.

With his newly form and energetic strength, claws, and bite at the ghoul and Alghoul, as he savagely rips them apart, although all he could taste is that disgusting decomposing flesh and rotten taste.

As it takes matter of minutes has, he able to take down the ghoul and Alghoul but without a cost, of Scratches and bite marks all over his scaly reddish body. He begins to stare at the standing Hag, as if he was an easy prey due to being worn out which he was.

As the hag begins to lick her long disgusting tongue as salivating a delicious prey to eat and consume. All sudden she whips her long tongue that would even catch veteran Witcher off guard. As it hit his eyes as he felt the long slimy tongue go across his face, as the hag pounce on him and start savagely mutilating him, with her claws. he begins to insert his long sharp talons into the hags' neck with his foot, as he pushes her off, he beings to tear and rip apart of the damn b****. As he makes a run for it, all he hears are the roars of an angry and madding raging hag.

Limping and exhausted, he lays near cave, as he drifts to sleep to heal his wounded body of what took place

Author here I have checked spelling and grammer, therefore updating it. Also it will be done for the rest of the chapters

Emmanuel_Reyescreators' thoughts