
Arius vs Darkseid Round 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works. All other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. If you recognize something it isn't mine.

Arius' Adventures in DC

Chapter 05: Arius vs Darkseid Round 2

-Random NPC (John Doe)-

John Doe had grown accustomed to the extraordinary. When he first started as an IT guy at the Daily Planet, Metropolis was simply a city. Big, busy, and full of rumors. Three years ago, John started out by setting up workstations and fixing network issues, listening to reporters speculate about strange sightings in the sky.

At first, it was all whispers and blurry pictures, until that fateful day when the Metropolis Sky-Train tracks crumpled under the weight of a terrorist bombing. A figure appeared, strong and fast, emblazoned with an unmistakable 'S' on his chest. In seconds, he lifted the train to safety, his image captured in crystal-clear footage that flashed across every news outlet world-wide. 

Superman had arrived, and the world changed.

However this was just the beginning as not even a month later, in Central City, a bank robbery turned hostage situation unraveled in seconds when a red blur darted in, disarmed every robber, and disappeared before anyone could react.

 Soon, Lois Lane was sent to Central City to investigate with John tagging along to haul equipment, fix up the broadcasting feeds, and while doing so overheard snippets of stories that didn't seem possible. The press speculated for days until more sightings came in and the speedster was dubbed The Flash.

One by one, heroes appeared across the country. Rumors of a caped crusader, the so-called "Batman," emerged from Gotham, his name whispered in the underworld as a force of terror and justice.

Wonder Woman was seen in Washington, D.C., a warrior of legend from the fabled Themyscira. Each sighting, each story, confirmed it: the world had entered a new era, the Age of Heroes.

But there was a famous quote that the brighter the light the darker the shadow and with superheroes popping up villains soon followed rising to challenge them with frightening tenacity. 

John read about the battles, watched clips of Superman taking on monstrous enemies and Flash saving entire neighborhoods in seconds. Yet even with villains growing bolder, the heroes won time and again. It felt as if hope had a permanent seat at the table.

All of this simply happened within John's first year working for the Daily planet and the second year was just as shocking when a broadcast crackled through every news network, showing ships descending from the stars. 

Alien invaders, Martians, the world soon learned, had arrived, infiltrating governments, posing as humans, and plotting to take control of Earth. As the sky darkened, people turned to their countries leaders for guidance, but reassurance was scarce with modern military trying and failing against the invaders.

Then, unexpectedly a team of heroes rose to fight together. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, and Green Lantern and against all odds they stopped the invasion, exposing and defeating the Martians. Their unified victory became a rallying cry: the Justice League had arrived, and hope shone brighter than any individual hero.

And for an average like John, the pattern was comforting. Each time a new threat emerged, so did a new hero or a new team. As threats grew, metahumans, supervillains, apocalyptic cults, the Justice League stepped in. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and others were more than just heroes; they were symbols, and the world began to trust that they would always come out victorious in the end.

Then, one morning, an alien Invasion happened once again. This time, another alien race appeared, more powerful and more prepared. Dark clouds blanketed the skies as the alien ships descended, deploying an army of identical aliens that had enough strength to lift cars tore through city defenses.

People panicked, but as they'd come to expect over the past couple years the Justice League answered. On screens around the world, their battle against the invaders was broadcast with the heroes each individually traveling from city to city clearing out the seemingly endless army of aliens and were doing so with such ease that news outlets were already writing headlines about their inevitable victory.

Until the leader appeared, Darkseid, a towering figure of unimaginable power was broadcasted the heroes banding together to face the threat. John watched as Superman fought valiantly, throwing punch after punch, only to be countered and thrown back by Darkseid with alarming ease. Wonder Woman and Batman fought beside the Man of Steel, with Flash darting between what was now known as Parademons clearing them out to take away any distractions from the heavy hitters, however even with the team united the situation looked bleak.

Another new hero joined, seemingly part man and part machine, a Cyborg firing blasts of energy into Darkseid along with the surrounding Parademons. Yet, for all their strength, Darkseid's forces were relentless.

With each moment, the League seemed to lose ground, and it became clear that Darkseid's plan was more sinister than any they'd faced before. Now with the Justice League occupied his forces began abducting humans en masse, transporting them to unknown places. The Justice League's strength was waning, and desperation showed on their faces. John's heart sank as he watched the heroes struggle more and more, his hope fading.

-Wonder Woman-

In the midst of battle taking a window shattering punch as she was flung into a building, Wonder Woman's thoughts shifted, reflecting on the path that had brought her here, to Man's World, as she had once called it. Her mother, Queen Hippolyta, had warned her of its dangers, the cruelty and chaos that lurked within humanity.

But now, after years spent protecting and experiencing Earth alongside her friends, Diana knew her mother had only told half the truth. Yes, humanity was capable of destruction and hatred, but they also held boundless courage, resilience, and hope. Standing among them, Wonder Woman felt that her presence, her actions, truly made a difference and so did the other members of the League. They were more than warriors, they were symbols of the strength people could find within themselves.

So, when word of another alien invasion broke, Diana's spirit held firm. This was not their first battle with forces from beyond the stars. She and her comrades had faced down unimaginable enemies and always emerged victorious. But as the enemy fleet approached, a foreboding feeling gnawed at her instincts honed over countless years.

The battle erupted across Metropolis the world, a swarming mass of metallic soldiers, their weapons charged with alien energy. The Justice League pushed back wave after wave, their unity and strength a beacon in the chaos.

Blasting out of the rubble of the building Diana's lasso flashed through the air, binding one alien after another as she swung them around using them as a wrecking ball to kill other parademons. Her sword sliced through steel and flesh with practiced precision. Yet with every fallen enemy, another seemed to rise in its place, just as mindless, uncaring for its life.

Then, the sky itself darkened even more as the shadow of an absolute gargantuan ship came into view above Metropolis, and with it came an overwhelming presence.

Diana's grip tightened on her sword as the true threat made himself known. Darkseid, a hulking figure whose power radiated like a black sun, descended, flanked by his fearsome lieutenants—Big Barda, Gilotina, and Steppenwolf. Each of them carried a ruthless, almost bloodthirsty resolve that eclipsed any alien threat they had faced before. The Ring of Green Lantern having informed them of the identities of the New Gods with Cyborg the new hero confirming.

As Darkseid and Steppenwof disembarked in the heart of the city Big Barda and Gilotina stayed on the ship as it flew away and she guessed it was to command the army attacking the rest of the world.

Wonder Woman squared her stance, knowing what was coming. As she looked around, her teammates held their own, rallying to protect the city and its people. Superman's unbreakable spirit, Batman's unyielding strategy, Flash's boundless energy, and every other hero giving their all—it was a sight to behold, and yet when they clashed with the Evil God and his General, Diana could feel the tide shifting and it wasn't in their favor.

The leader of Apokolips was unlike anything they had faced. Darkseid fired his Omega Beams with cold calculating fury. Each blast carved destruction wherever it struck, having already nearly incapacitated Aquaman.

Steppenwolf moved like a seasoned predator, trying to tear through the League's defenses. A warrior as powerful and skilled as Diana herself, took her on directly, each strike of his weapon met by Diana's blade.

The battle felt like it stretched for hours, with no end in sight. Diana's muscles burned with the strain, her breaths coming harder, but she refused to relent. Even as the city around them began to crumble even further, she could not stop fighting. Hope wasn't just a word to her; it was the foundation of everything the Justice League stood for and she took it to heart knowing that she was a symbol especially for women young and old worldwide who looked up to the Amazon Princess, Wonder Woman.

But slowly, almost imperceptibly, they were losing ground. Each blow she struck seemed to leave a smaller impact as Parademons continued to interfere in her fight with Steppenwolf preventing her from gaining the upper hand even with Cyborg backing her as the main focus of the other league member was Darkseid himself.

It seemed as if Darkseid's forces had limitless numbers to draw from. Even Superman was struggling, his cape torn, his breaths labored. Batman in the rear trying to support while mainly coordinating the member as he lacked the powers to interfere after his gadgets and tool slowly ran out, his mind racing, fired off every contingency plan he could devise, but none of it seemed to change the balance.

In the brief moments between strikes, Wonder Woman's mind raced, desperate for a solution. A way to turn the tide, to end this before Darkseid razed the city and enslaved its people. But there was nothing, no glimmer of a plan or tactic that would bring them closer to victory. For the first time in a long while, she felt the cold edge of doubt. Was this the battle they wouldn't win?

No, she thought, squaring her shoulders as she caught her second wind. She would keep fighting. As long as she stood, she would resist Darkseid with every fiber of her being. For her fellow sisters, for the people of Earth and the hope they carried.

-Batman Pov-

Watching Superman get batted away once again as if he was a nuisance was concerning for all, but that was the case especially for the man known at the Dark Knight he has seen the specs on what Superman should be capable of and even now he didn't know the Man of Steels upper limits as they fluctuate constantly as if the Superman was constantly holding back.

Thinking of the situation at hand it seemed their current strength was insufficient as the Justice League was losing the battle and retreat seemd like the best option, but wasn't available as it would simply doom the world, so the only other options was to send the invaders retreating and prepare a contingency. Bruce was considering an orbital particle collider cannon to break through the durability of Darkseid, but he could worry for later as he needed to ensure his current plan worked.

"Cyborg?!" He yelled out jumping up with all his strength at the last moment as two parademons collided with each other. Batman adjusted his posture mid air and pulled two of the few remaining Batarangs out of his belt and stabbed them into the neck of the two dazed Parademons.

"Give me a sec… I found something!" The previous college football star known as Victor Stone and now known as Cyborg shouted as he finally gained access to the files of Apokolips with the help of the Mother Box he merged with.

"And?" The Dark knight simply asked while throwing one of the Batarangs in his hands at the eye of Steppenwolf hoping to distract him.

"Two things I can probably override the system and reverse the boomtubes sending all the aliens back to Apokolips and the scars you pointed out were dated back to just after a file named 'Vyragos' was created with Darkseid spending four months recovering. I can't get access to the file though, even the location isn't coming up." Cyborg announced on the communicators the League members were using.

All the heroes froze for a moment whether in shock or awe at something out there making Darkseid in such a state that he needed to recover for four months.

"Lantern, do you have the coordinates of a planet called Vyragos?" The Caped Crusader asked.

"Uhh, yeah. It's a planet in the Gorelax sector on the other side of the universe. Do you want me to send them to Cyborg?" Hal Jordan asks as he swooped in and blind sided Darkseid who was in a grapple lock with Superman launching him into a building with a giant boxing glove.

"Don't tell me you want to bring whatever is there here to Earth?" Cyborg asked, turning to Batman in shock who was currently in thought.

The chance that the Justice League could send all the Parademons back was unlikely and even Darkseid himself proved to have command over the Mother Boxes to a high degree making his plan of sending them back to Apokolips unlikely.

That wasn't including his other advanced technology that would allow the Evil God to come back to Earth on ships after they send them back and considering the chance of Darkseid coming back to Earth was so high Batman could practically guarantee that it would happen even if they could get him through a boom tube and block him out from teleporting back. After deliberating Batman calls out to Green Lantern.

"No, we send Darksied to Vyragos and lock him there. Cyborg open a boom tube, we'll send him through and hope wherever is on the other side finishes the job." Batman ordered with a more grim look than usual on his half covered face looking at the real-time reports that flashed on his HUD within his mask of the tallying casualties world wide already in the millions and still climbing.

"Are you sure you can't think of anything else? What if we just send him and his motley crew of Parademons back to Apokolips?" Cyborg suggested being a new hero with his first experience being the invasion at hand led him to an aversion to anything alien coming to Earth. 

"There's no guarantee that he won't come back immediately and this might be a more permanent solution." Batman stated even as the feeling in his gut gnawed at him.

"What happened to your no-kill rule Bats?" Hal Jordan asked while laughing slightly being slightly numb to such a rule as he had been Green Lantern for years and experienced deaths while patrolling the universe at wide only, his morals for anything not human really only stopping at genocides and innocent people.

"I'm not killing him, I'm setting him up to finish up a grudge he must have." Batman explained in a voice that he lacked emotion.

"..." Superman.

"..." Wonder Woman.

"..." Green Lantern.

"..." Aquaman.

"..." Flash.

"... Alright." Cyborg said after a moment of silence.


Receiving the location from Green Lantern, Cyborg's sensors flashed with data as he struggled to keep the boom tube open, beads of sweat forming on his forehead despite his cybernetic enhancements. The pressure from Darkseid's own Mother Boxes working against him was immense, pushing back with a force that was nearly unbearable.

Opening the Boom tube he could feel and ominous energy from the depths within his gut that no machine could replicate, but the thought of Darkseid pushed him to continue as he stabilized the portal. The space around Vyragos straining against the portal, the data stream flickering with encrypted files that resisted every attempt to unlock them.

Batman's deduction rang through Cyborg's circuits, Darkseid feared this world, and that alone was reason enough to go through with the plan.

Beside him, Batman's eyes were alight with cold calculation, his every instinct honed on the chaos unfolding before them. The Dark Knight didn't need to spell it out even to a person who just gained superhuman abilities hours ago. 

If they could harness Darkseid's fear, if they could bring forth whatever monstrous being lurked on Vyragos, they might just have a chance to push Darkseid back. Cyborg knew it was a gamble, but it was the only plan they had.

As the portal held open behind Darkseid, Cyborg could see flickers of Vyragos on the other side was a desolate landscape, crackling with ominous energy. Suddenly, he felt the portal's resistance redouble.

Darkseid turned quickly to Cyborg himself after he took in the sight of Vyragos, his face twisting into a rare mask of shock and anger. "You fools," he spat, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "You think inviting that... that beast to your world will save you? It will be your doom!"

Darkseid's unseen Mother Boxes pulsed, feeding their power directly into the portal. Cyborg's interface began blaring warning after warning as the boom tube wavered, the connection to Vyragos faltering under the immense strain.

But even as Darkseid smirked, assured of his control, Batman's eyes continued to stay locked on the portal, his smirk betraying a hidden confidence at the reaction Darkseid had. Then, as if on cue, an object in the distance appeared growing larger and more visible with every passing moment.

With Darkseid turning to Cyborg, Superman launched himself forward, delivering a punch that rocked Darkseid straight toward the boom tube. The god staggered, his eyes blazing with Omega energy as he stumbled backward. Visible in the boom tube a behemoth of a being that looked shockingly human was shooting to the portal seemingly in desperation and anger.

However he was too slow as the portal was too big for such a large being to fit though and Cyborgs efforts faltered even further as he turned his attention back to Darkseid who was smirking as the Evil God turned his attention back to Superman hitting the Man of Steel in the chest with Omega beams that burned his already destroyed costume even further.

As the Darkseid went to open his mouth to taunt the heroes at their failed attempt a sound came from where the basketball sized portal remained two large hands reaching in and pulling in opposite directions seeming stretching the boom tube exposing Earth to the desolate ruins once more. And from within the depths of Vyragos, two emerald eyes glowed as a deep voice echoed through the portal, low and menacing: "Darkseid... I see you."

Darkseid's expression faltered, a rare look of fear flashing across his face. He muttered in disbelief, "Arius? No... it can't be." But it was. The now named Arius was there, grasping the edges of space itself, pulling them apart as if they were fabric. The green aura around him flickered with raw, violent energy, his muscles tensing with the effort. "You won't get away this time."

Batman took the opportunity to throw a flash bang in the shape of a Batarang at Steppenwolf and Wonder Woman the ever experienced warrior quickly took the opportunity to kick the General of Darkseid towards the portal and quickly flew towards her real target.

Wonder Woman charging in with her sword aimed straight at Darkseid's back, her face fierce and unyielding, but Darkseid twisted around at the last moment, dodging to the side, punching the outstretched hand of Wonder Woman, making her release her sword and grabbing her by the throat. Which was quickly followed by a thundering punch to her gut knocking the air out of the Amazon.

Everyone's attention pulled to their comrades' capture as Wonder Woman was held by the neck and before they could react a bursting sound echoed throughout the battlefield followed by a thud.


At first the sound made them assume that it was due to Darkseid having finished off Wonder Woman, but they could still see her struggling in the grip of the Evil God who turned to look behind at the boom tube once more and there everyone witnessed a vomit inducing sight.

Steppenwolfs still warm body now missing its head gushing blood as an openpalmed hand hovered above soaked in the red life giving liquid and gore as it lightly shook off brain matter. Following the arm of the person it was Arius who took advantage of Steppenwolfs being launched towards him and crushed his head with one arm having reached through and popped his head like a grape, before it went back to edges of the boom tube stretching it once more as it tired to close on Arius who was looking at Darkseid with a blood thirsty smile.

A slight pause was all the Evil God deemed worthy at the death of his subordinate as with a cruel smile, he hurled Wonder Woman toward the portal, a surge of Omega Beams amplifying her momentum.

Wonder Woman, propelled by Darkseid's throw, crashed into Arius, her gauntlets crossed to block the impact of the Omega Beams still trailing her as the God of Apokolips sent a continuous beam. The shockwave sent them both spiraling back into the depths of Vyragos.

Cyborg fought to keep the portal open, gritting his teeth, but the sheer force of Darkseid's counter surged once more. With a final, powerful pulse, Darkseid's Mother Boxes seized control, snapping the boom tube shut before anyone could react.

The Justice League froze, their collective breath held as they stared at the empty space where the portal had been. The silence was deafening. Superman, fists clenched, took a step forward as if he could somehow will the portal back open. But it was gone. Wonder Woman was gone. And she was with him.

Darkseid stood there, dusting himself off, a cruel smile spreading across his face. "Now you see, Justice League," he said with a sneer, "that there are forces in this universe far beyond your comprehension. Honestly you were fools to even try and bring Arius here as that beast would simply wreak havoc and destroy your world. I simply want to conquer it. I swear you mortals are foolish beyond belief even the monkeys I faced on Vyragos seem more intelligent than you."

The League stared, unable to respond. Batman's jaw was clenched tight, his mind racing, calculating the next steps, but even he looked momentarily shaken. They had tried to outsmart Darkseid, and in the process had lost one of their greatest allies.


You know after years of self imposed life with only a turtle who eats, sleeps and shits as a companion he had a lot of time to think and self reflect. Especially when it came to his mindset and how he tried to use his power.

Because after his brief interaction with god who mentioned losing himself to power like the original Broly, Arius was afraid of falling into an abyss where he couldn't return. But the single time he truly let go after losing Kara, his mother, he initially vowed to control his power consciously in order to kill Darkseid without giving him a chance to escape.

Now three years later his mindset changed although he was solely focusing on training in order to not lose his mind, the goal in his mind shifted and killing Darkseid took priority, so if he had to lose control in order to kill the bastard Arius would gladly do it even if it meant dooming another planet.

In the end free will was a bitch and the thought of his mothers killer breathing in the same universe as him pissed Arius off more to him than his remaining human decency for the lives of people and beings he doesn't even know.

In the end this was his decision and he was going to stick with it though he was making steady progress as he continued to train and ruin the already barren continent that was ground zero for his fight with the Ruler of Apokolips. If he had to guesstimate Arius was now capable of simple thoughts beyond punch, scream and launching Ki blasts which was a massive improvement.

Even memories from his enraged state now stuck with him as he didn't just blank out anymore, so he was making some considerable progress considering there was no one here to teach him. The only concern he had was to not destroy the planet because that would be bad and thankfully he hadn't.

Back to focusing on the positives from the past few years of isolation was that he realized how peaceful it can be to live in such solitude. Sure before hand it was calm and relaxed living with the tribe of monkeys, but they still held little events and it got rowdy almost everyday when some of the younger ones used to try and wrestle with him.

While he had a relatively peaceful life style excluding him going absolutely ape shit and try to keep a modicum of sentience for training, Arius would admit he was going slightly stir crazy, proof of this happened when he started beef with a rock that nearly tripped him so he threw it into orbit in the direction of the star that provided his planet with heat. He wasn't sure whether or not to call it a sun or not.

However that was a minor episode and so while nothing is perfect even the Great and Might Arius himself he tried to keep it positive. Enjoying the little things in life like fishing and making arenas and throwing in two beasts and forcing them to fight for his entertainment.

Truly peace and tranquility that helped him balance out the never ending rage that would engulf his mind when training it would get tedious and mind numbing at times to do nothing.

Yet Arius still worried for his mental health as he could see it gradually deteriorating and diving into dark episodes even beyond his training, so he learned to turn off his brain when he wasn't training to help pass by the time quicker as he relied solely on instinct sometimes and acted very similar to the monkeys that used to exist before he vaporized them as well, but that's a matter for another time.

He found himself doing it once again as he was currently cleaning Shelly's shell with a crude brush he made from a stick and some thick fur from a random animal when suddenly he felt a slight disturbance fro his passive Ki Sense that snapped his conscious mind back to the forefront though it had been dulled after years of mental stimulation beyond training and emotional trauma.

Arius ignored that though as he sensed energy signatures that seemed to be close yet far at the same time, an anomaly, the only other time he sensed something similar was when he fought Darkseid and the New God himself opened a boom tube to come through.

Gently setting down Shelly he turned to the turtle that had grown rapidly now reaching his waist. "You're in charge of the house, keep it clean and stay safe. If you go out make sure to carry around something with my scent so the other animals don't mess with you. I'll be back." 

The only respone he got from the simple minded creature was a slow blink which he took as acknowledgement imagining the voice of his turtle companion in his head saying 'Yeah, sounds good go ahead and check to see if that fucker Darkseid is back for Round Two.', but the voice in his head sounded oddly similar to that one Orange Ninja Turtle.

He didn't give it a second thought though as he powered up to the full capacity that he could without losing brain cells and it massively boosted his speed as he launched himself towards the direction of the disturbance. 

The world itself blurred by as Arius didn't focus on his surroundings his Ki sense locked on what he assumed might be a boom tube and as he drew closer the land went from a lush green forest to a vast blue sea before he passed that as well ending up on the continent he ruined and trained on daily within seconds.

As he continued to fly pushing himself even faster and sending shockwaves throughout the air he closed in on the Ki signature that started to slowly fade which he found strange before he caught sight of it in the distance.

A boom tube, a sight that would forever remain etched into his mind, however this one was closing with the back of a familiar figure turned towards it and that was all the reason Arius needed to throw all caution to the wind. It was 'Ooga Booga' time as he let his mind sync with his body even further.

He never knew the next chance he would get so he immersed himself in his power, going even further beyond and losing most complex thoughts, speeding up further as he arrived before the boom tube right when it was the size of a basketball.

Reality and physics would say that even if his gigantic head or hands could fit through such a small hole the rest of his body couldn't. In spite of that though Arius decided differently and instead of over-thinking it and wasting precious time the now simple minded Arius came up with the simplest solution. 

'Stretch the fucker', so he jammed both his hands into the opening as it shrunk even further and a majority of the time it's often shown that when someone sticks their limbs into a closing portal the offending limb or limbs get cut off by space itself snapping shut and as the edges cut into the flesh of Arius it was proven correct.

Anyhow Arius simply didn't care about the fact that space itself was cutting into his hands in his current state as even space itself would submit before him and while the portal edges dug into fingers briefly as if starting to cut off the appendages it quickly stopped as he channeled more Ki through his hands his physical strength and durability getting even stronger and after a brief struggle of pulling the portal began to open once more with a terrifying ripping sound.

Arius' raw physical strength ripped space apart and the amount of energy he was exuding stabilized it for a brief moment as long as it was still absorbing Arius Ki to balance itself. Slowly inch by inch the portal opened and after a few seconds it was wide enough for both of Arius' hands to fit and for his head to peek into briefly as he once again saw the back of the man who took his mother from him.

"Darkseid… I. See. You." The voice of the irate Saiyan echoed, making everything on the other side of the boom tube freeze in fear at the sheer malice in Arius' voice.

"Arius? No... it can't be." was all the New God could mutter as he turned around and glanced at the very portal that he ordered closed by the mother box now being forced open.

"You won't get away this time." The malice infested voice said as the Saiyan had a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. A flash of white caught the enraged Saiyan's attention as soon a body was sent crashing right in front of Arius the scent and appearance of the man being tale tell signs of being related to Darkseid, so Arius smiled at the present reaching out and grasping the head of the man who was getting up.

The man whos named Arius didn't know could only blink before an overwhelming force that was previously ripping apart space was applied to his head popping it like a grape. The feeling sent an intoxicating feeling through him even as he shook off the brain matter smeared on his palms. 

Smiling his free arm once more went to stretching the boom Tube as Arius was ecstatic at the feeling of having killed Darkseid's goon and soon he hoped to pop the Evil Gods head in a similar fashion, however as if the Universe itself was mocking him a body came flying toward Arius while he was stretching the portal with enough force to launch him back.

A thick Omega Beam followed propelling both him and whatever hit him further from the boom tube. The sight of Darkseid's smug grin etched into Arius' mind.

"Darkseid!!!!!!!" The voice of the demon repeated as Arius saw his chance for revenge on Darkseid slipping from his grasp once more, the portal closing completely.

AN: I was debating on making an in between chapter on Arius training or introducing the Justice League more and making Darkseid's invasion the reason they came together, but I felt like it would be better to have them more teamlike when I introduced Arius to Earth and to get it over without much explaining. I'll be adding some other heros soon.

Rather shameless plug, but if you like the story and want to read advance chapter consider joining my patreo n to support me. There's other stories there that I haven't uploaded yet. And with some news of The big P site being wonky at times I also made a subsribestar where the same thing will be posted moreover as a backup.


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