
Aristocrat with System in Another World

Bronze prize winner WPC 286. Rudra, a 26-year-old orphan, and a history teacher walking to the school suddenly find himself in the forest in another world but fortunately, there was a system. But just after transmigration he got a big task and responsibility to protect this planet. Pls comment and give a review if you like this novel. If you find any mistakes or any suggestions, pls write in comments or reviews 2chapters per week.

Mysterious_nature · History
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7 Chs

5. Royal Capital City

But soon his face convulsed when they entered the city.

'Is this a city? Is this really a city? Then what the Fuck is Village?' Rudra scolded in his mind.

On Earth, Rudra read about the Indus Valley civilization. The Indus Valley Civilisation, also known as the Harappan civilisation or Indus civilisation, was a Bronze Age civilisation lasting from 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE, all the ruins found related to the Indus Valley civilization were big cities with proper planning.

There was proper drainage, stone and brick houses, a big bathhouse and most importantly there were toilet seats that were connected with drain clay pipes.

Rudra looked at the 4 meter tall wall on the outskirts of the city. 'Hmm, This wall can be easily climbed if someone wants to capture this village oh sorry city. But if this is the situation of the Royal capital then what is the situation of other towns or villages. But this situation is true as it is just a primitive world.'

Rudra was thinking about it in his mind, he didn't dare to speak these words in the open, as even if he is stronger now, he can't survive the 20 or 30 people's continuous siege with just one sword.

He looked at the top of the wall, many soldiers were standing on the wall having swords on their waists and a short bow on their backs. They had some leather protecting the vital parts of the body. As this is primitive world Iron armour is a luxury for soldiers, only some nobles and a few top knights can have them.

There was a huge queue of people at the gate but Merchant Ram didn't have to line up and directly brought his carriage to the gate. He came out of the carriage, but Rudra didn't get out of the carriage. Ram talked with the guards for a few seconds and then put a silver coin in their hands. He returned to his carriage and spoke to Rudra.

"There is no problem, let's go."

Then they entered the gate, Rudra was curious, but he was again disappointed. Most of the outskirt's houses were made of wood and haystacks. Some of the houses in the middle were made of a mixture of stone, wood and haystack. and the inner city was mostly made of stone and in the exact center of the city was a big castle made of stone.

The people were wearing dirty linen clothes and were walking here and there to their work. There was all type of people white, black, yellow and neutral just like in India, you can't tell the particular region of the people.

After some time of riding the carriage stopped in front of a stone house. This stone house is bigger than other houses. There was a sign of Bear Inn written that was pasted in front of the house.

Merchant Ram first got out of the carriage, afterwards, Rudra stepped out of the carriage. When he stepped on the ground Rudra found that he stepped on something. When he looked down, his face become black.

"What the fuck! Who threw his shit in the street?" Rudra said unconsciously watching the mixture of poop and pee in the street. He slightly pinched his nose. The smell was unbearable, he hadn't smelled such a shity smell in his lifetime.

"Hmm, well what can we do? Even Royal Capital City isn't spared from the dirtying the streets." Merchant Ram said while nodding to Rudra in agreement.

"Well, it's a good thing that I wore wooden high heeled sandals, otherwise all the poop will be on my feet," Rudra said while praising the system to consider this much for him.

A man came near Merchant Ram and brought the carriage and Bertol's horse to a stable. The three of them cleaned their feet at the entrance and then entered the inn, there was a male clerk at the counter beside the entrance. Merchant Ram, Rudra and Bertol went towards the counter.

"We need three rooms." Merchant Ram said to the clerk.

"For how many days, sir?" The clerk asked in return.

"2 nights for now."

"Yes sir, that'll be 6 silver for 2 nights and 4 silvers for the carriage and horse's maintenance. The food will be provided two times in the morning and evening." Merchant Ram started to search for coins in his pouch.


"Is the amount right?" Rudra said while placing coins on the counter.

"Hey, I will give the money, at least let me show some sincerity to you for saving us from wolves." Merchant Ram quickly said after seeing the coins.

"Brother Ram, It is no problem, didn't you give me a lift to the City? and won't you bring me to King's palace together with you?" Rudra asked in return.

"Yes." Merchant Ram nodded hesitantly not sure of what to say.

"Then, that's enough sincerity for me." Rudra said in agreement.

Merchant Ram reluctantly agreed and then Clerk brought them to their rooms while explaining some things.

"Sir, if you want to bathe, there is a well in the backyard of the inn and if you want to shit, there is a bucket over there in that room, you can use it." The clerk explained to them while walking.

Rudra's face was becoming black as he was hearing the clerk.

'Time and time I again forget that this is Primitive world.' Rudra thought in his mind.

In ancient times, when the toilet was not that popular, most people either went into forests or bushes to relieve themselves or do it in a bucket and throw it someplace.

The nobles were not much better than them. The only better thing was that there was someone who will throw the poop out for them.

As for bathing, They had to lift the water from the well with buckets, whether it is summer or winter so most people don't bathe for a long period of time in winter, but in this situation, nobles are better, they had a particular place to bathe, they let someone boil water for them to bathe in winters.

Rudra opened the door, he looked around the room. It was very simple, there was a wooden bed in the centre with a haystack in place of a mattress over which a coarse linen bedsheet was laid.

There was a crude wooden table beside the bed and a chair in front of the table and then there was nothing else in the room. The room was clean and there was a small wooden window.

Rudra closed the window and then picked up the chair and put it in front of the open space.

"Status," Rudra said very slowly.

A screen appeared in front of him that no one else could see in this world. A few options came in front of him.

"Select Inventory." Rudra again said slowly.

Then a few boxes came on the screen, he selected mission reward. Then an option came on the screen.

<Do you want to open the mission reward?>

Yes No

"Yes." Rudra selected with his voice.

[You opened mission reward, you obtained,

Knight full plate composite steel armour {30 Kg}

Composite steel gauntlet {0.5 Kg each}

Composite steel Longsword {3 Kg}

Composite rectangular shield {7Kg} ]

All the equipment was spread on the floor, and Rudra equipped all the equipment.

"Hmm, it is lighter than I expected, maybe Primary genetic potion's effect." Rudra removed the longsword from the scabbard, The armour was giving a silver hue from head to toe. Light flashed on the armour and sword. Rudra was looking heroic in the armour. After looking at his equipment for a few minutes, he put the equipment in the inventory.

After some time, he along with Merchant Ram and Bertol went to eat dinner downstairs at the dining table. A female servant served a steak on the table, along with water.

"Bring three glasses of ale." Merchant Ram ordered the alcohol.

Afterwards, a female servant served three big copper mugs of ale to the table. Rudra didn't drink beer or alcohol before, he just tasted it a few times.

Rudra picked a knife and spoon from the table as there was no fork on the table.

"Brother Ram, Isn't there any fork here?" Rudra asked Ram.

"What? What is a fork?" Merchant Ram became confused, he didn't hear of this thing named fork before.

"Nothing, just a type of knife to eat, don't worry, I just asked casually."

Afterwards, Rudra cut a piece of steak and then with a slight difficulty he put the piece on the spoon and put it in his mouth, when he chewed, his brows slightly furrowed. 'Only salt is lightly sprinkled on the steak. It looks a bit bland.' Rudra thought in his mind but didn't say it.

At this time, besides salt other seasonings were extremely expensive. Even salt was very expensive at this time. Rudra then took a sip of the ale. 'The alcoholic content is pitiful in the ale. It is like I am drinking water not alcohol.'

Rudra didn't drink much on Earth, but he still tasted Old Monk. So how could Rudra be satisfied with this diluted alcohol? Rudra quickly finished his dinner and drank the alcohol in one gulp.

"Whoa, wow, Brother Rudra slow down, slow down, at this rate you will be drunk." Merchant Ram said quickly from his side after watching Rudra drink the whole mug in one gulp.

"Don't worry Brother Ram, I won't get drunk in just one serving."

After eating dinner, the three of them stood up from their seat and started to walk toward their room.

"Brother Rudra, Want to go shopping?" Merchant Ram asked Rudra.

Rudra quickly declined Ram's offer after remembering the situation on the street. He shuddered at the thought of stepping on the landmine so he quickly refused.

"No, Brother Ram, I am slightly tired after the journey, so I will go and sleep."

"OK, then we will meet tomorrow, remember wake up tomorrow early, we have to leave early to the King's palace." Ram reminded Rudra about tomorrow's meeting.

"Don't worry, I will meet you on time. OK, Bye." Rudra replied.

"What Bye, what is that?"

"Nothing, it's just a word to say farewell, in my hometown."

"OK, then Bye."

Then the two, merchant Ram and his bodyguard went towards the market and Rudra came to his room and slept.