
Arisen (On Hold)

Nyah Greene has a normal life just as any other 24 year old, filled with hard work and a bright future ahead. But what happens when her past, that she hasn't given much attention to, rears its head and comes back into her life with more, presenting more questions that answers. "Then the recognition hits me like a cold splash of water to the face, I've seen this before; this scene that has unfolded before me is what I have been having dreams about for the past couple of months and now it's right here in front of my very eyes. Some unknown force and pure curiosity itself push me to put on shoes and move out into the garden to investigate."

Ashleigh_McDowell_7254 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


After my shift at work, I noticed that there were more stray animals nearby than usual, surrounding the rear of the property and a few scattered throughout my route home. As I arrive home and made it up into my apartment, I noticed that someone had been here. The place hadn't been destroyed but there are many things out of place, strewn around the rooms and not where I left them this morning. There was a strong breeze coming in through the open sash window at the far end of the living room, and I most definitely did not leave the window open when I went to work this morning. I do a quick check of the apartment to ensure nothing obvious is missing and then close the window cautiously. As I check around my apartment it doesn't appear that the person that did this is still here but the whole event makes me feel very unsafe and violated. I reach for my phone and call the one person I know that can help me with this, Detective Greene. After the first ring a manly voice answers, "Greene speaking."

"Hi Blake, it's me." I reply to my brother. Yes, that's right, me and my brother reconnected a couple of years ago and have grown very close again. He made the first move and tracked me down, he took me out for lunch one day and we both realised that any family in our life was more important than any fallouts that may have taken place in the past.

"Hey Ny, what's up?"

"Someone has broken into my apartment, I came home from work and my window was open and things were moved around the rooms."

"What?! Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm ok, just a little shaken up. No one was here when I came home, and I don't think anything was taken."

"Ok stay there, I'll be right over."

After about half an hour had passed, Blake and the police officers he brought with him had finished taking statements, searching the apartment and checking the previously opened window. Once they left, it was just me, Blake and a security professional, that my brother had organised to come and install better locks and a security system.

"Thank you so much Blake, I feel better already."

"Will you be ok? I don't want to leave you on your own, but I have to head into the office, my shift starts soon."

"It's ok don't worry, I'll call Reade." I see my brother out and wave him off, then watch him drive away moments later from my window. Now it is just too quiet, usually I enjoy the calm that silence brings, but now I feel on edge and lonely. So, I decide to invite a close friend over to keep me company, he spends most nights here anyway to be honest.

Forty minutes later there is a dull thumping at the door, so I get up and answer it. As I open the door I am greeted with a tall well-built hunk of a man with his foot out towards the door whilst balancing drinks and pizzas.

"Hi Chica!" He calls from behind his tall pile of goodies.

"Haha! Hi Reade! Let me help you with that." I take the drinks from him so he can carry the pizzas easier. As soon as we put everything down on the central breakfast bar, he pulls me into one of his warm bear hugs. I just stand there a few minutes soaking up the comfort and security his hugs always provide me with.

"Are you ok? Something seems off with you." He asks with worry and concern lacing his voice and using his eyes to plead with me to tell him. So, I lead him over to the lounge area with our feast and settle down to explain the unusual events that had occurred and that I had to involve Blake.

He became almost a different person as I finished relaying my story to him; his eyes seemed to darken as they flared with anger, his eyes kept darting around the room as though to catch the perpetrator in the act and even sounded like he made a growling noise as he grunted in frustration. He wrapped me in his arms and promised to protect me and always be there for me, I have always known this of him, but he seemed uncharacteristically intense and protective at this very moment.

"I'm sorry Nyah. I didn't mean to come across so strong. I just don't want anything to happen to you, you mean too much to me. Do you mind if I stay the night on the sofa, I'd feel better if I was close to keep an eye out?"

"No not at all, that would actually make me feel safer, if you wouldn't mind Reade."

"Of course, not little blue." He replied using my old pet name, referring to my bright blue eyes, he smiles fondly at me as he settles himself on my sofa.